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# Filter file for opapacketcapture

# Filter is keyword followed by whitespace then filter value

# Available filters and values:

#DLID		<destination lid number - decimal>
#SLID		<source lid number - decimal>
#MCLASS		<management class number - decimal>
#PKEY		<partition key - hex format with leading "0x">
#PTYPE		<packet type mnemonic - one of RC/UC/RD/UD>
#SVCLEV		<service level - decimal>
#ATTRID		<MAD attribute ID - decimal or hex-with-leading-0x>
#QP			<Destination queue pair number - decimal>
#TRANSIDH   <MAD transaction ID (upper 32 bits) decimal or hex-with-leading-0x>
#TRANSIDL   <MAD transaction ID (lower 32 bits) decimal or hex-with-leading-0x>

# Additionally, condition may be given to handle relationship between multiple
# filters - AND or OR. Default is AND

# Any filter may be negated with first character '!' or '~'


# Examples: (edit as appropriate)
SLID		2			# filter on source lid of 2

PKEY		0xffff		# filter on pkey of 0xffff

PTYPE		UD			# filter on packet type of UD

!DLID		4			# filter on all dest lids except 4

~SVCLEV		1			# filter on all service levels except 1

#!ATTRID	18			# filter on all MAD attribute IDs except 18
!ATTRID		0x12		# filter on all MAD attribute IDs except 0x12

QP			1			# filter on dest QP of 1

COND		AND			# AND all these conditions together - all must be true