# Filter file for opapacketcapture # [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] # Filter is keyword followed by whitespace then filter value # Available filters and values: #DLID #SLID #MCLASS #PKEY #PTYPE #SVCLEV #ATTRID #QP #TRANSIDH #TRANSIDL # Additionally, condition may be given to handle relationship between multiple # filters - AND or OR. Default is AND # Any filter may be negated with first character '!' or '~' #COND # Examples: (edit as appropriate) SLID 2 # filter on source lid of 2 PKEY 0xffff # filter on pkey of 0xffff PTYPE UD # filter on packet type of UD !DLID 4 # filter on all dest lids except 4 ~SVCLEV 1 # filter on all service levels except 1 #!ATTRID 18 # filter on all MAD attribute IDs except 18 !ATTRID 0x12 # filter on all MAD attribute IDs except 0x12 QP 1 # filter on dest QP of 1 COND AND # AND all these conditions together - all must be true