Blob Blame History Raw
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 * Motif Release 1.2.1
#include <config.h>

#ifdef REV_INFO
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: WmIPlace.c /main/4 1995/11/01 11:41:20 rswiston $"
 * (c) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY */

 * Included Files:

#include "WmGlobal.h"

 * include extern functions

#include "WmError.h"
#include "WmIDecor.h"
#include "WmIconBox.h"
#include "WmWinConf.h"
#ifdef WSM
#include "WmWrkspace.h"
#endif /* WSM */

 * Function Declarations:
#include "WmIPlace.h"

 * Global Variables:
extern Dimension clipWidth;
extern Dimension clipHeight;
extern Position clipX;
extern Position clipY;
 *  InitIconPlacement ()
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function intializes icon placement information.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pWS = pointer to workspace data
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  IconPlacmementData

void InitIconPlacement (WmWorkspaceData *pWS)
    Boolean useMargin;
    int sW;
    int sH;
    int iSpaceX;
    int iSpaceY;
    int placementW;
    int placementH;
    int extraXSpace;
    int extraYSpace;
    int xMargin;
    int yMargin;
    int extraPX;
    int extraPY;
    int i;

    xMargin = yMargin = extraPX = extraPY = 0;

    sW = DisplayWidth (DISPLAY, pWS->pSD->screen);
    sH = DisplayHeight (DISPLAY, pWS->pSD->screen);
    useMargin = (pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin >= 0);
    pWS->IPData.iconPlacement = pWS->pSD->iconPlacement;

    if (useMargin)
	pWS->IPData.placementCols =
	    (sW - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin)) / pWS->pSD->iconWidth;
	pWS->IPData.placementRows =
	    (sH - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin)) / pWS->pSD->iconHeight;
	pWS->IPData.placementCols = sW / pWS->pSD->iconWidth;
	pWS->IPData.placementRows = sH / pWS->pSD->iconHeight;

    if (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TIGHT)
	iSpaceX = 0;
	iSpaceY = 0;
	xMargin = 2;
	yMargin = 2;
	    if (useMargin)
	        iSpaceX = 
		    (sW - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin) -
			  (pWS->IPData.placementCols * pWS->pSD->iconWidth)) /
			      (pWS->IPData.placementCols - 1);
	        iSpaceX = 
		    (sW - (pWS->IPData.placementCols * pWS->pSD->iconWidth)) /
	    if (iSpaceX < MINIMUM_ICON_SPACING)
	while (iSpaceX < MINIMUM_ICON_SPACING);

	    if (useMargin)
	        iSpaceY = (sH - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin) -
		       (pWS->IPData.placementRows * pWS->pSD->iconHeight)) /
				  (pWS->IPData.placementRows - 1);
	        iSpaceY = 
		    (sH - (pWS->IPData.placementRows * pWS->pSD->iconHeight)) /
	    if (iSpaceY < MINIMUM_ICON_SPACING)
	while (iSpaceY < MINIMUM_ICON_SPACING);

    pWS->IPData.iPlaceW = pWS->pSD->iconWidth + iSpaceX;
    pWS->IPData.iPlaceH = pWS->pSD->iconHeight + iSpaceY;

    placementW = pWS->IPData.placementCols * pWS->IPData.iPlaceW;
    placementH = pWS->IPData.placementRows * pWS->IPData.iPlaceH;

    pWS->IPData.placeIconX = 
	((pWS->IPData.iPlaceW - pWS->pSD->iconWidth) + 1) / 2;
    pWS->IPData.placeIconY = 
        ((pWS->IPData.iPlaceH - pWS->pSD->iconHeight) + 1) / 2;

     * Special case margin handling for TIGHT icon placement
    if (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TIGHT)
	if (useMargin)
	    xMargin = pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin;
	    yMargin = pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin;

	extraXSpace = 0;
	extraYSpace = 0;

	if ((pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_PRIMARY) ||
	   (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_SECONDARY))
	    xMargin = sW - placementW - xMargin;

	if ((pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_BOTTOM_PRIMARY) ||
	   (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_BOTTOM_SECONDARY))
	    yMargin = sH - placementH - yMargin;
	if (useMargin)
	    xMargin = pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin - pWS->IPData.placeIconX;
	    extraXSpace = sW - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin) -
			  (placementW - iSpaceX);
	    extraPX = (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_PRIMARY) ?
				1 : (pWS->IPData.placementCols - extraXSpace);

	    yMargin = pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin - pWS->IPData.placeIconY;
	    extraYSpace = sH - (2 * pWS->pSD->iconPlacementMargin) -
			  (placementH - iSpaceY);
	    extraPY = (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_BOTTOM_PRIMARY) ?
				1 : (pWS->IPData.placementRows - extraYSpace);
	    xMargin = (sW - placementW + 
		((pWS->IPData.iPlaceW - pWS->pSD->iconWidth) & 1)) / 2;
	    extraXSpace = 0;
	    yMargin = (sH - placementH + 
		((pWS->IPData.iPlaceH - pWS->pSD->iconHeight) & 1))/ 2;
	    extraYSpace = 0;

	    if (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_PRIMARY)
		xMargin = sW - placementW - xMargin;
		pWS->IPData.placeIconX = pWS->IPData.iPlaceW - 
					 pWS->pSD->iconWidth - 
	    if (pWS->IPData.iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_BOTTOM_PRIMARY)
		yMargin = sH - placementH - yMargin;
		pWS->IPData.placeIconY = pWS->IPData.iPlaceH - 
					 pWS->pSD->iconHeight - 

     * Setup array of grid row positions and grid column positions:

    if ((pWS->IPData.placementRowY =
	    (int *)XtMalloc ((pWS->IPData.placementRows+2) * sizeof (int)))
	== NULL)
	Warning (((char *)GETMESSAGE(34, 1, "Insufficient memory for icon placement")));
	wmGD.iconAutoPlace = False;
    else if ((pWS->IPData.placementColX =
		(int *)XtMalloc ((pWS->IPData.placementCols+2) * sizeof (int)))
	     == NULL)
	XtFree ((char *)pWS->IPData.placementRowY);
	Warning (((char *)GETMESSAGE(34, 2, "Insufficient memory for icon placement")));
	wmGD.iconAutoPlace = False;

    pWS->IPData.placementRowY[0] = yMargin;
    for (i = 1; i <= pWS->IPData.placementRows; i++)
	pWS->IPData.placementRowY[i] = pWS->IPData.placementRowY[i - 1] + 
	if ((extraYSpace > 0) && (i >= extraPY))

    pWS->IPData.placementColX[0] = xMargin;
    for (i = 1; i <= pWS->IPData.placementCols; i++)
	pWS->IPData.placementColX[i] = pWS->IPData.placementColX[i - 1] + 
	if ((extraXSpace > 0) && (i >= extraPX))

     * Setup an array of icon places.

    pWS->IPData.totalPlaces = 
	pWS->IPData.placementRows * pWS->IPData.placementCols;

    if ((pWS->IPData.placeList =
	  (IconInfo *)XtMalloc (pWS->IPData.totalPlaces * sizeof (IconInfo)))
	== NULL)
	Warning (((char *)GETMESSAGE(34, 3, "Insufficient memory for icon placement")));
	XtFree ((char *)pWS->IPData.placementRowY);
	XtFree ((char *)pWS->IPData.placementColX);
	wmGD.iconAutoPlace = False;

    memset ((char *)pWS->IPData.placeList, 0, 
	pWS->IPData.totalPlaces * sizeof (IconInfo));

    pWS->IPData.onRootWindow = True;

} /* END OF FUNCTION InitIconPlacement */

 *  GetNextIconPlace (pIPD)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function identifies and returns the next free icon grid place.
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Return = next free place (index)

int GetNextIconPlace (IconPlacementData *pIPD)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < pIPD->totalPlaces; i++)
	if (pIPD->placeList[i].pCD == (ClientData *)NULL)
	    return (i);

     * All places are filled!  Find an alternative place.

    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);

} /* END OF FUNCTION GetNextIconPlace */

 *  CvtIconPlaceToPosition (pIPD, place, pX, pY)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function converts an icon place (index) into an icon position.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pIPD = ptr to icon placement data
 *  place = place to be converted
 *  wmGD = (iconPlacement ...)
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  pX = pointer to icon place X location
 *  pY = pointer to icon place Y location

void CvtIconPlaceToPosition (IconPlacementData *pIPD, int place, int *pX, int *pY)
    int row;
    int col;

    if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	col = place % pIPD->placementCols;
	row = place / pIPD->placementCols;
	col = place / pIPD->placementRows;
	row = place % pIPD->placementRows;

    if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	col = pIPD->placementCols - col - 1;
    if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	row = pIPD->placementRows - row - 1;

    if (pIPD->onRootWindow)
	*pX = pIPD->placementColX[col] + pIPD->placeIconX;
	*pY = pIPD->placementRowY[row] + pIPD->placeIconY;
	*pX = col * pIPD->iPlaceW;
	*pY = row * pIPD->iPlaceH;

} /* END OF FUNCTION CvtIconPlaceToPosition */

 *  FindIconPlace (pCD, pIPD, x, y)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function is used to find a free icon place in the proximity of the
 *  specified position.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pIPD = ptr to icon placement data
 *  x = desired x location of icon place
 *  y = desired y location of icon place
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Return = icon place (index)
 *  Comments:
 *  --------
 *  Look first for a free icon place at the position passed in.  If that place
 *  is taken then look at positions that are +- one half the icon width/height
 *  from the postion passed in.  If those positions are taken look at
 *  positions that are +- one half icon placement width/height from the
 *  position passed in.

int FindIconPlace (ClientData *pCD, IconPlacementData *pIPD, int x, int y)
    int place;
    int i;
    int j;
    int diffX;
    int diffY;
    int altX;
    int altY;
    int amt;

    place = CvtIconPositionToPlace (pIPD, x, y);

    if (place < pIPD->totalPlaces)
	if (pIPD->placeList[place].pCD == (ClientData *)NULL)
	return (place);
        if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_LEFT_PRIMARY)
            amt = pIPD->placementCols;              /* add a new row */
            amt = pIPD->placementRows;              /* add a new column */

	if (!ExtendIconList (P_ICON_BOX(pCD), amt))
	    Warning (((char *)GETMESSAGE(34, 4, "Insufficient memory to create icon box data")));
	    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);            
     * The place for the passed in position is in use, look at places for
     * alternative positions.

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
	switch (i)
	    case 0:
		diffX = ICON_WIDTH(pCD) / 2;
		diffY = ICON_HEIGHT(pCD) / 2;

	    case 1:
		diffX = pIPD->iPlaceW / 2;
		diffY = pIPD->iPlaceH / 2;

	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
	    switch (j)
		case 0:
		    if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_LEFT_PRIMARY)
			altX = x - diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_PRIMARY)
			altX = x + diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TOP_PRIMARY)
			altX = x;
			altY = y - diffY;
			altX = x;
			altY = y + diffY;

		case 1:
		    if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_LEFT_PRIMARY)
			altX = x + diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_PRIMARY)
			altX = x - diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TOP_PRIMARY)
			altX = x;
			altY = y + diffY;
			altX = x;
			altY = y - diffY;

		case 2:
		    if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_LEFT_SECONDARY)
			altX = x - diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_SECONDARY)
			altX = x + diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TOP_SECONDARY)
			altX = x;
			altY = y + diffY;
			altX = x;
			altY = y - diffY;

		case 3:
		    if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_LEFT_SECONDARY)
			altX = x + diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_RIGHT_SECONDARY)
			altX = x - diffX;
			altY = y;
		    else if (pIPD->iconPlacement & ICON_PLACE_TOP_SECONDARY)
			altX = x;
			altY = y - diffY;
			altX = x;
			altY = y + diffY;

	    if (P_ICON_BOX(pCD))
		GetClipDimensions(pCD, False);
		if (altX < clipX) 
		    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);
		if (altY < clipY) 
		    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);
		if (((int)altX) > ((int)clipX + 
			(int)clipWidth - ((int)ICON_WIDTH(pCD)))) 
		    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);
		if (((int)altY) > ((int)clipY + 
			(int)clipHeight - ((int)ICON_HEIGHT(pCD))))
		    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);

	    place = CvtIconPositionToPlace (pIPD, altX, altY);
	    if ((pIPD->placeList[place].pCD) == NULL)
		return (place);


     * Couldn't find an unoccupied place in the proximity of the passed-in
     * position.

    return (NO_ICON_PLACE);

} /* END OF FUNCTION FindIconPlace */

 *  CvtIconPostionToPlace (pIPD, x, y)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function converts an icon position to an icon place.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pIPD = ptr to icon placement data
 *  x,y = location to be converted into an icon place
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Return = icon place (index)

int CvtIconPositionToPlace (IconPlacementData *pIPD, int x, int y)
    int row;
    int col;

    if (pIPD->onRootWindow)
	 * Scan through the root window row/column arrays and find the 
	 * placement position.

	for (row = 1; row < pIPD->placementRows; row++)
	    if (y < pIPD->placementRowY[row])

	for (col = 1; col < pIPD->placementCols; col++)
	    if (x < pIPD->placementColX[col])

	if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	    col = pIPD->placementCols - col - 1;
	if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	    row = pIPD->placementRows - row - 1;
	 * convert icon box coords
	col = x / pIPD->iPlaceW;
	row = y / pIPD->iPlaceH;

    if (pIPD->iconPlacement &
	return ((row * pIPD->placementCols) + col);
	return ((col * pIPD->placementRows) + row);

} /* END OF FUNCTION CvtIconPositionToPlace */

 *  PackRootIcons ()
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  This function packs the icons on the root window
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Comments:
 *  ---------

void PackRootIcons (void)
    int iOld, iNew;
    ClientData *pCD;
    ClientData *pCD_active;
    int hasActiveText = 1;
#ifdef WSM
    WsClientData *pWsc;
#endif /* WSM */

     * find context of the activeIconTextWin to get pCD and then 
     * if it is the same as this client, hide it.

    if (XFindContext (DISPLAY, ACTIVE_PSD->activeIconTextWin,
			wmGD.windowContextType, (caddr_t *)&pCD_active))
	hasActiveText = 0;

     *  Traverse the list and pack them together

    if (wmGD.iconAutoPlace)
	for (iOld = iNew = 0; iOld < ACTIVE_WS->IPData.totalPlaces; 
	    iOld++, iNew++)
	    if (ACTIVE_WS->IPData.placeList[iOld].pCD == NULL)
		/* advance to next non-null entry */
		while (++iOld < ACTIVE_WS->IPData.totalPlaces && 

	    if (iOld < ACTIVE_WS->IPData.totalPlaces && iOld != iNew)
		/* move the icon from its old place to the new place */

		MoveIconInfo (&ACTIVE_WS->IPData, iOld, iNew);

		pCD = ACTIVE_WS->IPData.placeList[iNew].pCD;
#ifdef WSM
		pWsc = GetWsClientData (ACTIVE_WS, pCD);
		pWsc->iconPlace = iNew;
		CvtIconPlaceToPosition (&ACTIVE_WS->IPData, 
		    pWsc->iconPlace, &pWsc->iconX, &pWsc->iconY);
#else /* WSM */
		pCD->iconPlace = iNew;
		CvtIconPlaceToPosition (&ACTIVE_WS->IPData, 
		    pCD->iconPlace, &pCD->iconX, &pCD->iconY);
#endif /* WSM */

		if (hasActiveText && (pCD == pCD_active))
		    /* hide activeIconTextWin first */
		    HideActiveIconText ((WmScreenData *)NULL);
#ifdef WSM
		    XMoveWindow (DISPLAY, pWsc->iconFrameWin, pWsc->iconX, 
#else /* WSM */
		    XMoveWindow (DISPLAY, ICON_FRAME_WIN(pCD), pCD->iconX, 
#endif /* WSM */
		    ShowActiveIconText (pCD);
#ifdef WSM
		    XMoveWindow (DISPLAY, pWsc->iconFrameWin, pWsc->iconX, 
#else /* WSM */
		    XMoveWindow (DISPLAY, ICON_FRAME_WIN(pCD), pCD->iconX, 
#endif /* WSM */
} /* END OF FUNCTION PackRootIcons */

 *  MoveIconInfo (pIPD, p1, p2)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  Move icon info from place 1 to place 2 in the placement list.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pIPD	- ptr to icon placement data
 *  p1		- placement index 1 (source)
 *  p2		- placement index 2 (destination)
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Comments:
 *  --------

void MoveIconInfo (IconPlacementData *pIPD, int p1, int p2)
#ifdef WSM
    WsClientData *pWsc;
#endif /* WSM */

    /* only move if destination is empty */
    if (pIPD->placeList[p2].pCD == NULL)
	pIPD->placeList[p2].pCD = pIPD->placeList[p1].pCD;
	pIPD->placeList[p2].theWidget = pIPD->placeList[p1].theWidget;
#ifdef WSM

	pWsc = GetWsClientData (pIPD->placeList[p2].pCD->pSD->pActiveWS,
	pWsc->iconPlace = p2;
#else /* WSM */
	pIPD->placeList[p2].pCD->iconPlace = p2;
#endif /* WSM */

	pIPD->placeList[p1].pCD =  NULL;
	pIPD->placeList[p1].theWidget = NULL;
#ifdef WSM
/****************************   eof    ***************************/
#endif /* WSM */