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  Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
  Template version: 2.0 beta
  Template last modified Apr 11, 2002
<article id="index" lang="gl">

    <title>Manual do deseñado de interfaces Glade</title> 
    <abstract role="description"><para>Glade é un deseñador de interface de usuario para aplicativos GTK+</para>

    <copyright lang="en"> 
      <holder>Vincent Geddes</holder> 
    <copyright lang="en"> 
      <holder>Sun Microsystems</holder> 
    <copyright lang="en"> 
      <holder>Michael Vance</holder> 

      <publishername>Proxecto de Documentación de GNOME</publishername> 

   <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

      <author role="maintainer" lang="en"> 
	  <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
      <author lang="en"> 
        <surname>GNOME Documentation Team</surname> 
          <orgname>Sun Microsystems</orgname> 
       <author lang="en"> 
           <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname> 

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        <revision lang="en"> 
		<revnumber>Glade Manual 3.0</revnumber> 
		<date>5 December 2006</date>
	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Vincent Geddes</para>
	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
        <revision lang="en"> 
                <revnumber>Glade Manual 2.1;</revnumber> 
                <date>17 June 2004</date> 
                        <para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
                        <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
        <revision lang="en"> 
                <revnumber>Glade User Manual 2.0</revnumber> 
                <date>25 February 2004</date> 
                        <para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
                        <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
        <revision lang="en"> 
                <revnumber>Glade User Manual 1.2</revnumber> 
                <date>10 Feb 2004</date> 
                        <para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
                        <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
        <revision lang="en"> 
                <revnumber>Glade User Manual 1.1</revnumber> 
                <date>30 Mar 2002</date> 
                        <para role="author" lang="en"> Michael Vance</para>
                        <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
        <revision lang="en"> 
                <revnumber>Glade User Manual 1.0</revnumber> 
                <date>11 May 2000</date> 
                        <para role="author" lang="en">Michael Vance</para>
                        <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>

    <releaseinfo>Este manual describe a versión 3.1.0 de Glade.</releaseinfo> 
      <para lang="en">To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the Glade application or
      this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url="help:gnome-feedback" type="help">GNOME Feedback Page</ulink>.
<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->

    <indexterm lang="en"><primary>glade</primary></indexterm>
    <indexterm lang="en"><primary>user interface designer</primary></indexterm>

<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
<!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
<!-- Use the Introduction section to give a brief overview of what
     the application is and what it does. -->
  <sect1 id="introduction"> 

    <para>O deseñador de interfaces <application>Glade</application> permítelle crear e editar deseños de interfaces de usuario para aplicativos <application>GTK+</application>.</para>

    <para>As bibliotecas GTK+ fornecen unha extensa colección de bloques de construción de interfaces de usuario tales como caixas, etiquetas de diálogo, entradas numéricas, casillas de selección e menús. Estes bloques de construción chámanse <emphasis>widgets</emphasis>. Pode usar Glade para emprazar widgets nun GUI. Glade permítelle modificar o esquema e propiedades deses widgets. Tamén pode usar Glade para engadir conexións entre widgets e o código fonte dun aplicativo.</para>

    <para>As interfaces de usuario deseñados en Glade almacénanse nun formato XML, permitindo unha integración doada con ferramentas externas. Pode usar a biblioteca <application>libglade</application> para crear dinamicamente GUIs desde a descrición XML.</para>


  <sect1 id="getting-started"> 

    <sect2 id="glade-start">
    <title>Para iniciar <application>Glade</application></title>
    <para>Pode iniciar <application>Glade</application> das seguintes formas:</para> 
    		<term>Menú <guimenu>Aplicativos</guimenu></term>
    		<para lang="en">Choose 
    		<guimenuitem>Glade Interface Designer</guimenuitem>
    		</menuchoice>. </para>
    		<term>Liña de ordes</term>
			<para lang="en">To start <application>Glade</application> from a command line, type <command>glade</command>
			and then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.</para>

    <sect2 id="glade-when-start">
    <title>Cando inicie <application>Glade</application></title>
    <para>Mostrarase a seguinte xanela cando inicie <application>Glade</application>.</para>

        <figure id="main-window-fig"> 
          <title>Xanela de <application>Glade</application></title> 
              <mediaobject lang="en">
                <imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/main-window.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
                <textobject><phrase>Shows the<application>Glade</application> window.</phrase></textobject> 
        <para>A xanela do <application>Glade</application> contén os seguintes elementos:</para>

          <varlistentry> <term>Barra de menú</term>
            <para>Os menús da barra de menú contén tódolas ordes que poida precisar para traballar con ficheiros en <application>Glade</application>.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Barra de ferramentas</term>
            <para>A barra de ferramentas contén un xogo de ordes ás que pode acceder desde a barra de menú.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Área de deseño</term>
            <para>O área de deseño é onde se pode editar visualmente unha interface de usuario.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Paleta</term>
            <para>A paleta contén os widtets que se poden usar para construír unha interface de usuario.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Inspector</term>
            <para>O inspector mostra información sobre os widgets dun proxecto.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Editor de propiedades</term>
            <para>O editor de propiedades úsase para manipular as propiedades dos widgets, así como para engadir conexións ao código fonte.</para>
          <varlistentry> <term>Barra de estado</term>
            <para>A barra de estado mostra información sobre a actividade actual de <application>Glade</application> e tamén información contextual sobre os elementos de menú.</para>


  <sect1 id="working-with-projects"> 
         <title>Traballar con proxectos</title> 
<!-- To Create a New Project  -->
	 <sect2 id="glade-create-new-project"> 
		<title>Crear un novo proxecto</title>
		<para>Para crear un novo proxecto, seleccoine <menuchoice><guimenu>Ficheiro</guimenu><guimenuitem>Novo</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. O aplicativo mostrará un proxecto baleiro nunha xanela de <application>Glade</application>.</para>

	 <sect2 id="glade-open-project"> 
		<title>Abrir un proxecto</title>
		<para>Para abrir un proxecto existente, seleccione <menuchoice><guimenu>Ficheiro</guimenu><guimenuitem>Abrir</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. O aplicativo mostrará o proxecto na xanela de <application>Glade</application>.</para>

<!-- To Save a Project -->
	 <sect2 id="glade-save-project"> 
		<title>Gardar un proxecto</title>
		<para>Para gardar proxectos das seguintes formas:</para>
		  <listitem><para>Para gardar cambios sobre un ficheiro de proxecto existente, seleccione <menuchoice><guimenu>Ficheiro</guimenu><guimenuitem>Gardar</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
		  <listitem><para lang="en">To save a new project file or to save an existing project file under a new filename, choose <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Save As</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. Enter a name for the project file in the <guilabel>Save As</guilabel> dialog, then click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. </para>

  <sect1 id="working-with-widgets"> 
         <title>Traballar con widgets</title>
         <sect2 id="select-widgets-palette">
                <title>Para seleccionar widgets da xanela de paleta</title>
                <para>Pode traballar con widgets da xanela <guilabel>Paleta</guilabel> das seguintes formas:</para>
                         <term>Modo de selección</term> 
                                <para>Para usar o modo de selección, prema na frecha do <guilabel>Selector</guilabel>. O punteiro do rato cambiará a unha frecha para indicar que o modo de selección está activado. Neste modo, pode usar o rato para seleccionar widgets no seu proxecto. Entón poderá usar a xanela de <guilabel>Propiedades</guilabel> para editar as propiedades dos widgets.</para>
<para>Tamén pode usar o menú contextual para seleccionar un widget. Prema co botón dereito do rato sobre un widget para abrir un menú contextual do widget.</para><para>Desde a <guilabel>Paleta</guilabel> pode engadir múltiples widgets dun tipo específico ao seu proxecto mantendo premida a tecla <keycap>Control</keycap> cando seleccione un widget. Debe premer sobre a tecla do <guilabel>Selector</guilabel> ou sobre outro widget na <guilabel>Paleta</guilabel> para volver ao modo normal.</para>
                         <term>Modo de emprazamento de widgets</term> 
                                <para lang="en">
                                  To use widget placement mode, select a
widget in the 
                                  <guilabel>Palette</guilabel> window. When
you select most widgets, the
                                  pointer changes to a pointer-plus-cross.
You can then place the widget inside containers,
                                  top-level  widgets, and so on. After you
place a widget, the mode returns to
                                  selection mode.</para>
                         <term>Modo de emprazamento de nivel superior</term> 
                                <para lang="en">
                                  To use top level placement mode, select a
defined top-level
                                  widget in the
<guilabel>Palette</guilabel> window. When you select a top-level
                                  widget in the 
                                  <guilabel>Palette</guilabel> window, the
widget appears
                                  immediately on your desktop. You can then
edit the widget. After you select a top-level widget,
                                  the mode returns to selection mode.
<sect2 id="organize-widgets">
<title>Para organizar os widgets no seu proxecto</title>
<para lang="en">You use widget containers, or boxes, to layout and organize widgets
in your project window. You can choose the following widget containers from
the <guilabel>Palette</guilabel> window:
<listitem><para>Caixa horizontal</para>
</listitem><listitem><para>Caixa vertical</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Posicións fixas</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Botonera horizontal</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Botonera vertical</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Paneis horizontais</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Paneis verticais</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Xanela con barras de desprazamento</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Área de visualización</para></listitem>
<para lang="en">
You can  nest boxes  to create complex layout structures. When you create
horizontal and vertical boxes, <application>Glade</application> asks you
how many rows or columns to create initially, though rows and columns can
easily be added or deleted later. 
<para lang="en">
When you have created all the boxes you require, you can add specific
widgets like labels, buttons, and more complicated widgets into the boxes.
Notice that <application>Glade</application> packs widgets into the layout
which eliminates a lot of tedious work. The use of boxes enables windows to
change size to accommodate different size labels in different languages
when the application is localized.</para></sect2>
         <sect2 id="place-widgets-clipboard"> 
                <title>Para emprazar un widget no portapapeis</title> 
                <para lang="en">
                  To remove a widget from a parent and place the widget on
the clipboard,
                  select the widget then choose 
         <sect2 id="copy-widget-clipboard"> 
                <title lang="en">To Copy a Widget to the Clipboard</title> 
                <para lang="en">
                  To copy a widget to the clipboard, select the widget then
                  </menuchoice>. The original widget remains attached to
the parent. 
         <sect2 id="paste-widget-clipboard"> 
                <title lang="en">To Paste a Widget From the Clipboard Into Your
                <para lang="en">
                  To paste a widget that exists on the clipboard into your
                  </menuchoice>.</para><para lang="en">All widgets must have a unique
name within <application>Glade</application>. If you cut a widget, and then
paste the widget into your project, then the widget and all of the children
of the widget keep their original names. If you copy a widget, or paste the
widget multiple times into your project, then
<application>Glade</application> generates new names for the widget
         <sect2 id="delete-widget"> 
                <title>Para eliminar un widget</title> 
                <para lang="en">To delete a widget from the parent without
                  moving the widget to the clipboard, 
                                select the widget then 
         <sect2 id="edit-widget"> 
                <title>Para cambiar unha propiedade dun widget</title> 
                <para lang="en">The property editor is used to edit the properties of a selected widget.
                      To change a property of a widget, select the widget and then enter an appropriate value
                      in one of the Property window's property fields.
<sect1 id="about"> 
    <title>Sobre Glade</title> 
    <para lang="en"> Glade is maintained by the Glade developers and GNOME community volunteers.
      To find more information about Glade, please visit the 
      <ulink url="" type="http">Glade 
      Web site</ulink>.</para>
    <para lang="en">
      To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or
      this manual, you can submit them using 
      <ulink url="" type="http">bugzilla</ulink>.

    <para lang="en">
      Another excellent source of information are the Glade 
      <ulink url="" type="http">user</ulink> and 
      <ulink url="" type="http">developer</ulink> mailing lists.  In addition to 
      subscribing, you might also want to browse the list archives, available
      via these same links.

    <para lang="en"> This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
      General Public license as published by the Free Software
      Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
      any later version. A copy of this license can be found at this
      <ulink url="help:gpl" type="help">link</ulink>, or in the file
      COPYING included with the source code of this program. </para>
