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MinGW/msys2 Exiv2 v0.27.2 Bundle

Structure of the bundle:

bin/exiv2.exe                                 exiv2 and sample applications
bin/msys-exiv2-27.dll                         exiv2 dll
lib/libexiv2.dll.a & libexiv2-xmp.a           link libraries
lib/pkgconfig/exiv2.pc                        pkg-config file
lib/cmake/exiv2                               CMake support/consume files
include/exiv2/                                include files
share/man/                                    man pages
share/locale/                                 localisation files
samples/exifprint.cpp                         sample code
logs                                          build and test logs

ReadMe.txt                                    This file
exiv2.png                                     Exiv2 Logo
license.txt                                   GPLv2.0 Software License                                     Developer Manual                               Developer Manual Appendix                             Developer Sample Code Manual
releasenotes.txt                              Late breaking news

To run exiv2 from the bundle
$ cd <bundle>
$ env PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" bin/exiv2

To build samples/exiftool.cpp from the bundle
$ cd <bundle>
$ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -Llib -Iinclude -lexiv2 -o exifprint
$ env PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" ./exifprint

To install for use by all users
$ cd <bundle>
$ for i in bin include lib share ; do mkdir -p /usr/local/$i ; cp -R $i/* /usr/local/$i ; done

To compile and link your own code using installed library and include files
Method 1: Explicitly set include and linking options
$ cd <bundle>
$ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lexiv2 -o exifprint
$ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
$ ./exifprint --version

Method 2: Use pkg-config to set include and linking options
$ cd <bundle>
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
$ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
$ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -o exifprint $(pkg-config exiv2 --libs --cflags)
$ ./exifprint --version