MinGW/msys2 Exiv2 v0.27.2 Bundle ------------------------------------ Structure of the bundle: ------------------------ bin/exiv2.exe exiv2 and sample applications bin/msys-exiv2-27.dll exiv2 dll lib/libexiv2.dll.a & libexiv2-xmp.a link libraries lib/pkgconfig/exiv2.pc pkg-config file lib/cmake/exiv2 CMake support/consume files include/exiv2/ include files share/man/ man pages share/locale/ localisation files samples/exifprint.cpp sample code logs build and test logs ReadMe.txt This file exiv2.png Exiv2 Logo license.txt GPLv2.0 Software License README.md Developer Manual README-CONAN.md Developer Manual Appendix README-SAMPLES.md Developer Sample Code Manual releasenotes.txt Late breaking news To run exiv2 from the bundle ---------------------------- $ cd $ env PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" bin/exiv2 To build samples/exiftool.cpp from the bundle --------------------------------------------- $ cd $ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -Llib -Iinclude -lexiv2 -o exifprint $ env PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" ./exifprint To install for use by all users ------------------------------- $ cd $ for i in bin include lib share ; do mkdir -p /usr/local/$i ; cp -R $i/* /usr/local/$i ; done To compile and link your own code using installed library and include files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method 1: Explicitly set include and linking options $ cd $ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lexiv2 -o exifprint $ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" $ ./exifprint --version Method 2: Use pkg-config to set include and linking options $ cd $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" $ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" $ g++ -std=c++98 samples/exifprint.cpp -o exifprint $(pkg-config exiv2 --libs --cflags) $ ./exifprint --version