Blob Blame History Raw
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap

import pytest

import rust2rpm

pub fn say_hello() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
DEPGEN = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")

@pytest.mark.parametrize("req, features, rpmdep", [
    ("=1.0.0", [],
     "crate(test) = 1.0.0"),
    ("=1.0.0", ["feature"],
     "(crate(test) = 1.0.0 with crate(test/feature))"),
    (">=1.0.0,<2.0.0", [],
     "(crate(test) >= 1.0.0 with crate(test) < 2.0.0)"),
    (">=1.0.0,<2.0.0", ["feature"],
     "((crate(test) >= 1.0.0 with crate(test) < 2.0.0) with crate(test/feature))"),
def test_dependency(req, features, rpmdep):
    dep = rust2rpm.Dependency("test", req, features)
    assert str(dep) == rpmdep

def cargo_toml(request):
    def make_cargo_toml(contents):
        toml = os.path.join(tmpdir, "Cargo.toml")
        with open(toml, "w") as fobj:
        return toml

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="cargo-deps-")
    srcdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "src")
    with open(os.path.join(srcdir, ""), "w") as fobj:

    def finalize():

    return make_cargo_toml

@pytest.mark.parametrize("toml, provides, requires", [

    # Basic provides
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],

    # Basic provides for feature
     name = "hello"
     version = "1.2.3"

     color = []
     ["crate(hello) = 1.2.3",
      "crate(hello/color) = 1.2.3"],

    # Provides for optional dependencies
     name = "hello"
     version = "1.2.3"

     non_optional = "1"
     serde = { version = "1", optional = true }
     rand = { version = "0.4", optional = true }

     std = []
     v1 = ["rand"]
     ["crate(hello) = 1.2.3",
      "crate(hello/rand) = 1.2.3",
      "crate(hello/serde) = 1.2.3",
      "crate(hello/std) = 1.2.3",
      "crate(hello/v1) = 1.2.3"],
     ["(crate(non_optional) >= 1.0.0 with crate(non_optional) < 2.0.0)",
      "(crate(rand) >= 0.4.0 with crate(rand) < 0.5.0)",
      "(crate(serde) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde) < 2.0.0)"]),

    # Caret requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^0"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 0.0.0 with crate(libc) < 1.0.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^0.0"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 0.0.0 with crate(libc) < 0.1.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^0.0.3"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 0.0.3 with crate(libc) < 0.0.4)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^0.2.3"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 0.2.3 with crate(libc) < 0.3.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^1"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.0.0 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^1.2"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.0 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "^1.2.3"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.3 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),

    # Tilde requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "~1"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.0.0 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "~1.2"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.0 with crate(libc) < 1.3.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "~1.2.3"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.3 with crate(libc) < 1.3.0)"]),

    # Wildcard requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "*"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "1.*"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.0.0 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "1.2.*"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.0 with crate(libc) < 1.3.0)"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "1.*.*"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.0.0 with crate(libc) < 2.0.0)"]),

    # Inequality requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = ">= 1.2.0"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["crate(libc) >= 1.2.0"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "> 1"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["crate(libc) > 1.0.0"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "< 2"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["crate(libc) < 2.0.0"]),
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = "= 1.2.3"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["crate(libc) = 1.2.3"]),

    # Multiple requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0"

     libc = ">= 1.2, < 1.5"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0"],
     ["(crate(libc) >= 1.2.0 with crate(libc) < 1.5.0)"]),

    # Pre-release requirements
     name = "hello"
     version = "0.0.0-alpha"

     foo-bar = "1.2.3-beta"
     ["crate(hello) = 0.0.0~alpha"],
     ["(crate(foo-bar) >= 1.2.3~beta with crate(foo-bar) < 1.2.3)"]),

def test_depgen(toml, provides, requires, cargo_toml):
    md = rust2rpm.Metadata.from_file(cargo_toml(toml))
    assert [str(x) for x in md.provides] == provides
    assert [str(x) for x in md.requires] == requires