Blob Blame History Raw
from __future__ import absolute_import

from docstructure import SITE_STRUCTURE, HREF_MAP, BASENAME_MAP
from lxml.etree import (parse, fromstring, ElementTree,
                        Element, SubElement, XPath, XML)
import os
import re
import sys
import copy
import shutil
import textwrap
import subprocess

from io import open as open_file

RST2HTML_OPTIONS = " ".join([
    '--language en',

htmlnsmap = {"h": XHTML_NS}

find_head = XPath("/h:html/h:head[1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_body = XPath("/h:html/h:body[1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_title = XPath("/h:html/h:head/h:title/text()", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_title_tag = XPath("/h:html/h:head/h:title", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_headings = XPath("//h:h1[not(@class)]//text()", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_heading_tag = XPath("//h:h1[@class = 'title'][1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_menu = XPath("//h:ul[@id=$name]", namespaces=htmlnsmap)
find_page_end = XPath("/h:html/h:body/h:div[last()]", namespaces=htmlnsmap)

find_words = re.compile(r'(\w+)').findall
replace_invalid = re.compile(r'[-_/.\s\\]').sub

def make_menu_section_head(section, menuroot):
    section_id = section + '-section'
    section_head = menuroot.xpath("//ul[@id=$section]/li", section=section_id)
    if not section_head:
        ul = SubElement(menuroot, "ul", id=section_id)
        section_head = SubElement(ul, "li")
        title = SubElement(section_head, "span", {"class":"section title"})
        title.text = section
        section_head = section_head[0]
    return section_head

def build_menu(tree, basename, section_head):
    page_title = find_title(tree)
    if page_title:
        page_title = page_title[0]
        page_title = replace_invalid('', basename.capitalize())
    build_menu_entry(page_title, basename+".html", section_head,

def build_menu_entry(page_title, url, section_head, headings=None):
    page_id = replace_invalid(' ', os.path.splitext(url)[0]) + '-menu'
    ul = SubElement(section_head, "ul", {"class":"menu foreign", "id":page_id})

    title = SubElement(ul, "li", {"class":"menu title"})
    a = SubElement(title, "a", href=url)
    a.text = page_title

    if headings:
        subul = SubElement(title, "ul", {"class":"submenu"})
        for heading in headings:
            li = SubElement(subul, "li", {"class":"menu item"})
                ref = heading.getparent().getparent().get('id')
            except AttributeError:
                ref = None
            if ref is None:
                ref = '-'.join(find_words(replace_invalid(' ', heading.lower())))
            a = SubElement(li, "a", href=url+'#'+ref)
            a.text = heading

def merge_menu(tree, menu, name):
    menu_root = copy.deepcopy(menu)
    tree.getroot()[1][0].insert(0, menu_root)  # html->body->div[class=document]
    for el in menu_root.iter():
        tag = el.tag
        if tag[0] != '{':
            el.tag = "{}" + tag
    current_menu = find_menu(
        menu_root, name=replace_invalid(' ', name) + '-menu')
    if not current_menu:
        current_menu = find_menu(
            menu_root, name=replace_invalid('-', name) + '-menu')
    if current_menu:
        for submenu in current_menu:
            submenu.set("class", submenu.get("class", "").
                        replace("foreign", "current"))
    return tree

def inject_flatter_button(tree):
    head = tree.xpath('h:head[1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0]
    script = SubElement(head, '{%s}script' % XHTML_NS, type='text/javascript')
    script.text = """
    (function() {
        var s = document.createElement('script');
        var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        s.type = 'text/javascript';
        s.async = true;
        s.src = '';
        t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);
    script.tail = '\n'
    intro_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "introduction"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0]
    intro_div.insert(-1, XML(
        '<p style="text-align: center;">Like working with lxml? '
        'Happy about the time that it just saved you? <br />'
        'Show your appreciation with <a href="">Flattr</a>.<br />'
        '<a class="FlattrButton" style="display:none;" rev="flattr;button:compact;" href=""></a>'

def inject_donate_buttons(lxml_path, rst2html_script, tree):
    command = ([sys.executable, rst2html_script]
               + RST2HTML_OPTIONS.split() + [os.path.join(lxml_path, 'README.rst')])
    rst2html = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, _ = rst2html.communicate()
    readme = fromstring(stdout)

    intro_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "introduction"][1]',
    support_div = readme.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "support-the-project"][1]',

    legal = readme.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "legal-notice-for-donations"][1]',
    last_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div//h:div', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[-1]

def rest2html(script, source_path, dest_path, stylesheet_url):
    command = ('%s %s %s --stylesheet=%s --link-stylesheet %s > %s' %
               (sys.executable, script, RST2HTML_OPTIONS,
                stylesheet_url, source_path, dest_path)), shell=True)

def convert_changelog(lxml_path, changelog_file_path, rst2html_script, stylesheet_url):
    f = open_file(os.path.join(lxml_path, 'CHANGES.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8')
        content =

    links = dict(LP='`%s <>`_',
                 GH='`%s <>`_')
    replace_tracker_links = re.compile('((LP|GH)#([0-9]+))').sub
    def insert_link(match):
        text, ref_type, ref_id = match.groups()
        return links[ref_type] % (text, ref_id)
    content = replace_tracker_links(insert_link, content)

    command = [sys.executable, rst2html_script] + RST2HTML_OPTIONS.split() + [
        '--link-stylesheet', '--stylesheet', stylesheet_url ]
    out_file = open(changelog_file_path, 'wb')
        rst2html = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=out_file)

def publish(dirname, lxml_path, release):
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):

    doc_dir = os.path.join(lxml_path, 'doc')
    script = os.path.join(doc_dir, '')
    pubkey = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'pubkey.asc')
    stylesheet_url = 'style.css'

    shutil.copy(pubkey, dirname)

    href_map = HREF_MAP.copy()
    changelog_basename = 'changes-%s' % release
    href_map['Release Changelog'] = changelog_basename + '.html'

    menu_js = textwrap.dedent('''
    function trigger_menu(event) {
        var sidemenu = document.getElementById("sidemenu");
        var classes = sidemenu.getAttribute("class");
        classes = (classes.indexOf(" visible") === -1) ? classes + " visible" : classes.replace(" visible", "");
        sidemenu.setAttribute("class", classes);
    function hide_menu() {
        var sidemenu = document.getElementById("sidemenu");
        var classes = sidemenu.getAttribute("class");
        if (classes.indexOf(" visible") !== -1) {
            sidemenu.setAttribute("class", classes.replace(" visible", ""));

    trees = {}
    menu = Element("div", {'class': 'sidemenu', 'id': 'sidemenu'})
    SubElement(menu, 'div', {'class': 'menutrigger', 'onclick': 'trigger_menu(event)'}).text = "Menu"
    menu_div = SubElement(menu, 'div', {'class': 'menu'})
    # build HTML pages and parse them back
    for section, text_files in SITE_STRUCTURE:
        section_head = make_menu_section_head(section, menu_div)
        for filename in text_files:
            if filename.startswith('@'):
                # special menu entry
                page_title = filename[1:]
                url = href_map[page_title]
                build_menu_entry(page_title, url, section_head)
                path = os.path.join(doc_dir, filename)
                basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
                basename = BASENAME_MAP.get(basename, basename)
                outname = basename + '.html'
                outpath = os.path.join(dirname, outname)

                rest2html(script, path, outpath, stylesheet_url)
                tree = parse(outpath)

                if filename == 'main.txt':
                    # inject donation buttons
                    inject_donate_buttons(lxml_path, script, tree)

                trees[filename] = (tree, basename, outpath)
                build_menu(tree, basename, section_head)

    # also convert CHANGES.txt
    convert_changelog(lxml_path, os.path.join(dirname, 'changes-%s.html' % release),
                      script, stylesheet_url)

    # generate sitemap from menu
    sitemap = XML(textwrap.dedent('''\
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Sitemap of - Processing XML and HTML with Python</title>
        <meta content="lxml - the most feature-rich and easy-to-use library for processing XML and HTML in the Python language"
              name="description" />
        <meta content="Python XML, XML, XML processing, HTML, lxml, simple XML, ElementTree, etree, lxml.etree, objectify, XML parsing, XML validation, XPath, XSLT"
              name="keywords" />
        <h1>Sitemap of - Processing XML and HTML with Python</h1>
    sitemap_menu = copy.deepcopy(menu)
    SubElement(SubElement(sitemap_menu[-1], 'li'), 'a', href='').text = 'Download files'
    sitemap[-1].append(sitemap_menu)  # append to body
    ElementTree(sitemap).write(os.path.join(dirname, 'sitemap.html'))

    # integrate sitemap into the menu
    SubElement(SubElement(menu_div[-1], 'li'), 'a', href='/sitemap.html').text = 'Sitemap'

    # integrate menu into web pages
    for tree, basename, outpath in trees.itervalues():
        head = find_head(tree)[0]
        SubElement(head, 'script', type='text/javascript').text = menu_js
        SubElement(head, 'meta', name='viewport', content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
        find_body(tree)[0].set('onclick', 'hide_menu()')

        new_tree = merge_menu(tree, menu, basename)
        title = find_title_tag(new_tree)
        if title and title[0].text == 'lxml':
            title[0].text = "lxml - Processing XML and HTML with Python"
            heading = find_heading_tag(new_tree)
            if heading:
                heading[0].text = "lxml - XML and HTML with Python"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    publish(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])