Blob Blame History Raw
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use TempDir;
use Config;
use local::lib ();
use IPC::Open3 qw(open3);
use lib 't/lib';
use ENVDumper qw(undump);

my @ext = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? (split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATHEXT}) : ();
sub which {
  my $shell = shift;
  my ($full) =
    grep { -x }
    map { my $x = $_; $x, map { $x . $_ } @ext }
    map { File::Spec->catfile( $_, $shell) }
  return $full;

  *quote_literal =
    $^O ne 'MSWin32'
      ? sub { $_[0] }
      : sub {
        my ($text) = @_;
        $text =~ s{(\\*)(?="|\z)}{$1$1}g;
        $text =~ s{"}{\\"}g;
        $text = qq{"$text"};
        return $text;

my %shell_path;
  my @shell_paths;
  if (open my $fh, '<', '/etc/shells') {
    my @lines = <$fh>;
    s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for @lines;
    @shell_paths = grep { length && !/^#/ } @lines;
  %shell_path =
    map { m{[\\/]([^\\/]+)$} ? ($1 => $_) : () }
    grep { defined && -x }
    ( '/bin/sh', '/bin/csh', $ENV{'ComSpec'}, @shell_paths );

my @extra_lib = ('-I' . dirname(dirname($INC{'local/'})));
my $nul = File::Spec->devnull;
my $perl = local::lib::_perl();

my @shells;
for my $shell (
    name => 'sh',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'sh -u',
    exe => 'sh',
    opt => '-u',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'dash',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'bash',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'zsh',
    test => '-f -c "exit 0"',
    name => 'ksh',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'csh',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    opt => '-f',
    name => 'tcsh',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    opt => '-f',
    name => 'fish',
    test => '-c "exit 0"',
    name => 'cmd.exe',
    opt => '/Q /D /C',
    test => '/Q /D /C "exit 0"',
    ext => 'bat',
    perl => qq{@"$perl"},
    skip => $^O ne 'MSWin32',
    name => 'powershell.exe',
    shell => which('powershell.exe'),
    opt => '-Version 2 -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& { . $args[0]; Exit $LastExitCode }"',
    test => q{-Version 2 -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "If ((Get-ExecutionPolicy) -eq 'Unrestricted') { Exit 0 } Exit 1"},
    ext => 'ps1',
    perl => qq{& '$perl'},
    skip => $^O ne 'MSWin32',
    name => 'powershell1',
    exe => 'powershell.exe',
    shell => which('powershell.exe'),
    opt => '-NoProfile -Command "& { . $args[0]; Exit $LastExitCode }"',
    test => q{-NoProfile -Command "If (-Not (Test-Path variable:PSVersionTable)) { If ((Get-ExecutionPolicy) -eq 'Unrestricted') { exit 0 } } exit 1"},
    ext => 'ps1',
    perl => qq{& '$perl'},
    skip => $^O ne 'MSWin32',
) {
  my $name = $shell->{name};
  my $exe = $shell->{exe} || $name;
  $shell->{shell} ||= $shell_path{$exe};
  $shell->{ext}   ||= $exe;
  $shell->{perl}  ||= qq{"$perl"};
  if (@ARGV) {
      if !grep {$_ eq $name} @ARGV;
    my $exec = $shell->{shell} ||= which($exe);
    if (!$exec) {
      warn "unable to find executable for $name";
  elsif ($shell->{skip} || !$shell->{shell}) {
  elsif ($shell->{test}) {
    no warnings 'exec';
    if (system "$shell->{shell} $shell->{test} > $nul 2> $nul") {
      print "# $name is unusable, skipping\n";
  push @shells, $shell;

if (!@shells) {
  plan skip_all => 'no supported shells found';
my @strings = (
  'with space',

plan tests => @shells * (@vars * 2 + @strings * 2);

my $sep = $Config{path_sep};

my $root = File::Spec->rootdir;
my $home = mk_temp_dir;
$ENV{HOME} = $home;

for my $shell (@shells) {
  my $ll = local::lib->normalize_path(mk_temp_dir);
  local $ENV{$_}
    for @vars;
  delete $ENV{$_}
    for @vars;
  $ENV{PATH} = $root;
  my $orig = call_shell($shell, '');
  my $bin_path = local::lib->install_base_bin_path($ll);
  mkdir $bin_path;
  my $env = call_ll($shell, $ll);
  my %install_opts = local::lib->installer_options_for($ll);

  delete $orig->{$_} for qw(PERL_MM_OPT PERL_MB_OPT);
  my $want = {
    PATH                => $bin_path,
    PERL5LIB            => local::lib->install_base_perl_path($ll),
    (map {; $_ => $install_opts{$_}} qw(PERL_MM_OPT PERL_MB_OPT)),
  for my $var (keys %$want) {
    $want->{$var} = join($sep, $want->{$var}, $orig->{$var} || ()),

  for my $var (@vars) {
    is $env->{$var}, $want->{$var},
      "$shell->{name}: activate $var";

  $ENV{$_} = $env->{$_} for @vars;
  $env = call_ll($shell, '--deactivate', "$ll");

  for my $var (@vars) {
    is $env->{$var}, $orig->{$var},
      "$shell->{name}: deactivate $var";

  my $shelltype = do {
    local $ENV{SHELL} = $shell->{shell};
  for my $string (@strings) {
    local $TODO = "$shell->{name}: can't quote strings with percents"
      if $shell->{name} eq 'cmd.exe' && $string =~ /%/;

    local $ENV{LL_TEST};
    delete $ENV{LL_TEST};
    my $script = local::lib->_build_env_string($shelltype, [
      LL_TEST => $string,
    my $env = call_shell($shell, $script);
    is $env->{LL_TEST}, $string, "$shell->{name}: can quote [$string]";

    local $TODO = "$shell->{name}: can't test strings with double quotes"
      if $shell->{name} eq 'cmd.exe' && $string =~ /"/;

    $ENV{LL_TEST} = 'pre';
    $script = local::lib->_build_env_string($shelltype, [
      LL_TEST => [\"LL_TEST", $string],
    $env = call_shell($shell, $script);
    is $env->{LL_TEST}, "pre$sep$string",
      "$shell->{name}: can append [$string]";

sub call_ll {
  my ($info, @options) = @_;
  local $ENV{SHELL} = $info->{shell};

  open my $in, '<', File::Spec->devnull;
  open my $err, '>', File::Spec->devnull;
  open3 $in, my $out, $err,
    $perl, @extra_lib, '-Mlocal::lib', '-', '--no-create',
    map { quote_literal($_) } @options
    or die "blah";
  my $script = do { local $/; <$out> };
  close $out;
  call_shell($info, $script);

sub call_shell {
  my ($info, $script) = @_;
  $script .= "\n" . qq{$info->{perl} -It/lib -MENVDumper=--dump -e1\n};

  my ($fh, $file) = mk_temp_file({SUFFIX => '.'.$info->{ext}});
  binmode $fh;
  print { $fh } $script;
  close $fh;

  my $opt = $info->{opt} ? "$info->{opt} " : '';
  my $cmd = qq{"$info->{shell}" $opt"$file"};
  my $output = `$cmd`;
  if ($?) {
    diag "script:\n$script";
    diag "running:\n$cmd";
    diag "output:\n$output";
    diag "failed with code: $?";
    return {};
  undump $output;