Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;
use warnings;

# Test behaviour of hex and oct overrides in detail, and also how the three
# modules interact.

use Test::More tests => 35;

my $hex_called;
my $oct_called;

# For testing that existing CORE::GLOBAL overrides are not clobbered
    if ($] > 5.009004) {
        no warnings 'syntax';
        *CORE::GLOBAL::hex = sub(_) { ++$hex_called; CORE::hex(@_?$_[0]:$_) };
        *CORE::GLOBAL::oct = sub(_) { ++$oct_called; CORE::oct(@_?$_[0]:$_) };
    } else {
        *CORE::GLOBAL::hex = sub(;$) { ++$hex_called; CORE::hex(@_?$_[0]:$_) };
        *CORE::GLOBAL::oct = sub(;$) { ++$oct_called; CORE::oct(@_?$_[0]:$_) };

    use bigint;
    $_ = "20";
    is hex, "32", 'bigint hex override without arguments infers $_';
    is oct, "16", 'bigint oct override without arguments infers $_';
    @_ = 1..20;
    is hex(@_), "32", 'bigint hex override provides scalar context';
    is oct(@_), "16", 'bigint oct override provides scalar context';
        skip "no lexical hex/oct", 2 unless $] > do { no bigint; 5.009004 };
        is ref hex(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bigint hex() works when bignum and bigrat are loaded';
        is ref oct(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bigint oct() works when bignum and bigrat are loaded';
    use bignum;
    $_ = "20";
    is hex, "32", 'bignum hex override without arguments infers $_';
    is oct, "16", 'bignum oct override without arguments infers $_';
    @_ = 1..20;
    is hex(@_), "32", 'bignum hex override provides scalar context';
    is oct(@_), "16", 'bignum oct override provides scalar context';
        skip "no lexical hex/oct", 2 unless $] > 5.009004;
        is ref hex(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bignum hex() works when bigint and bigrat are loaded';
        is ref oct(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bignum oct() works when bigint and bigrat are loaded';
    use bigrat;
    $_ = "20";
    is hex, "32", 'bigrat hex override without arguments infers $_';
    is oct, "16", 'bigrat oct override without arguments infers $_';
    @_ = 1..20;
    is hex(@_), "32", 'bigrat hex override provides scalar context';
    is oct(@_), "16", 'bigrat oct override provides scalar context';
        skip "no lexical hex/oct", 2 unless $] > 5.009004;
        is ref hex(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bigrat hex() works when bignum and bigint are loaded';
        is ref oct(1), 'Math::BigInt',
          'bigrat oct() works when bignum and bigint are loaded';

$hex_called = 0;
() = hex 0;
is $hex_called, 1, 'existing hex overrides are called';
$oct_called = 0;
() = oct 0;
is $oct_called, 1, 'existing oct overrides are called';

    package _importer;
        use bigint 'hex', 'oct';
        ::is \&hex, \&bigint::hex, 'exported hex function';
        ::is \&oct, \&bigint::oct, 'exported oct function';
    ::ok ref hex(), 'exported hex function returns ref outside pragma scope';
    ::ok ref oct(), 'exported oct function returns ref outside pragma scope';
    ::is oct("20"), "16", 'exported oct function works with "decimal"';
    # (used to return 20 because it thought it was decimal)
    package _importer2;
    use bignum 'hex', 'oct';
    ::is \&hex, \&bignum::hex, 'bignum exports hex';
    ::is \&oct, \&bignum::oct, 'bignum exports oct';
    ::is \&hex, \&bigint::hex, 'bignum exports same hex as bigint';
    ::is \&oct, \&bigint::oct, 'bignum exports same oct as bigint';
    package _importer3;
    use bigrat 'hex', 'oct';
    ::is \&hex, \&bigrat::hex, 'bigrat exports hex';
    ::is \&oct, \&bigrat::oct, 'bigrat exports oct';
    ::is \&hex, \&bigint::hex, 'bigrat exports same hex as bigint';
    ::is \&oct, \&bigint::oct, 'bigrat exports same oct as bigint';
is ref(hex 0), "", 'hex export is not global';
is ref(oct 0), "", 'oct export is not global';