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# test for bug #18025: bignum/bigrat can lead to a number that is both 1 and 0

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 4;

use bignum;

my $ln_ev = -7 / (10 ** 17);
my $ev    = exp($ln_ev);
is(sprintf('%0.5f', $ev),       '1.00000', '($ev) is approx. 1');
is(sprintf('%0.5f', 1 - $ev),   '0.00000', '(1-$ev) is approx. 0');
is(sprintf('%0.5f', 1 - "$ev"), '0.00000', '(1-"$ev") is approx. 0');

cmp_ok($ev, '!=', 0, '$ev should not equal 0');