use strict; use warnings;
package Spiffy;
our $VERSION = '0.46';
use Carp;
require Exporter;
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_BASE = qw(field const stub super);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (XXX => [qw(WWW XXX YYY ZZZ)]);
my $stack_frame = 0;
my $dump = 'yaml';
my $bases_map = {};
sub WWW; sub XXX; sub YYY; sub ZZZ;
# This line is here to convince "autouse" into believing we are autousable.
sub can {
($_[1] eq 'import' and caller()->isa('autouse'))
? \&Exporter::import # pacify autouse's equality test
: $_[0]->SUPER::can($_[1]) # normal case
# Exported functions like field and super should be hidden so as not to
# be confused with methods that can be inherited.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
while (@_) {
my $method = shift;
return $self;
my $filtered_files = {};
my $filter_dump = 0;
my $filter_save = 0;
our $filter_result = '';
sub import {
no strict 'refs';
no warnings;
my $self_package = shift;
# XXX Using parse_arguments here might cause confusion, because the
# subclass's boolean_arguments and paired_arguments can conflict, causing
# difficult debugging. Consider using something truly local.
my ($args, @export_list) = do {
local *boolean_arguments = sub {
-base -Base -mixin -selfless
-XXX -dumper -yaml
-filter_dump -filter_save
local *paired_arguments = sub { qw(-package) };
return spiffy_mixin_import(scalar(caller(0)), $self_package, @export_list)
if $args->{-mixin};
$filter_dump = 1 if $args->{-filter_dump};
$filter_save = 1 if $args->{-filter_save};
$dump = 'yaml' if $args->{-yaml};
$dump = 'dumper' if $args->{-dumper};
if ($args->{-XXX}) {
unless grep /^XXX$/, @EXPORT_BASE;
if ($args->{-selfless} or $args->{-Base}) and
not $filtered_files->{(caller($stack_frame))[1]}++;
my $caller_package = $args->{-package} || caller($stack_frame);
push @{"$caller_package\::ISA"}, $self_package
if $args->{-Base} or $args->{-base};
for my $class (@{all_my_bases($self_package)}) {
next unless $class->isa('Spiffy');
my @export = grep {
not defined &{"$caller_package\::$_"};
} ( @{"$class\::EXPORT"},
($args->{-Base} or $args->{-base})
? @{"$class\::EXPORT_BASE"} : (),
my @export_ok = grep {
not defined &{"$caller_package\::$_"};
} @{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"};
# Avoid calling the expensive Exporter::export
# if there is nothing to do (optimization)
my %exportable = map { ($_, 1) } @export, @export_ok;
next unless keys %exportable;
my @export_save = @{"$class\::EXPORT"};
my @export_ok_save = @{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"};
@{"$class\::EXPORT"} = @export;
@{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"} = @export_ok;
my @list = grep {
(my $v = $_) =~ s/^[\!\:]//;
$exportable{$v} or ${"$class\::EXPORT_TAGS"}{$v};
} @export_list;
Exporter::export($class, $caller_package, @list);
@{"$class\::EXPORT"} = @export_save;
@{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"} = @export_ok_save;
sub spiffy_filter {
require Filter::Util::Call;
my $done = 0;
sub {
return 0 if $done;
my ($data, $end) = ('', '');
while (my $status = Filter::Util::Call::filter_read()) {
return $status if $status < 0;
if (/^__(?:END|DATA)__\r?$/) {
$end = $_;
$data .= $_;
$_ = '';
$_ = $data;
my @my_subs;
[${1}my \$self = shift;$2]gm;
[push @my_subs, $1; "\$$1 = sub$2my \$self = shift;$3$4\};\n"]gem;
my $preclare = '';
if (@my_subs) {
$preclare = join ',', map "\$$_", @my_subs;
$preclare = "my($preclare);";
$_ = "use strict;use warnings;$preclare${_};1;\n$end";
if ($filter_dump) { print; exit }
if ($filter_save) { $filter_result = $_; $_ = $filter_result; }
$done = 1;
sub base {
push @_, -base;
goto &import;
sub all_my_bases {
my $class = shift;
return $bases_map->{$class}
if defined $bases_map->{$class};
my @bases = ($class);
no strict 'refs';
for my $base_class (@{"${class}::ISA"}) {
push @bases, @{all_my_bases($base_class)};
my $used = {};
$bases_map->{$class} = [grep {not $used->{$_}++} @bases];
my %code = (
sub_start =>
"sub {\n",
set_default =>
" \$_[0]->{%s} = %s\n unless exists \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
init =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s} = do { my \$self = \$_[0]; %s }\n" .
" unless \$#_ > 0 or defined \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
weak_init =>
" return do {\n" .
" \$_[0]->{%s} = do { my \$self = \$_[0]; %s };\n" .
" Scalar::Util::weaken(\$_[0]->{%s}) if ref \$_[0]->{%s};\n" .
" \$_[0]->{%s};\n" .
" } unless \$#_ > 0 or defined \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
return_if_get =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s} unless \$#_ > 0;\n",
set =>
" \$_[0]->{%s} = \$_[1];\n",
weaken =>
" Scalar::Util::weaken(\$_[0]->{%s}) if ref \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
sub_end =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s};\n}\n",
sub field {
my $package = caller;
my ($args, @values) = do {
no warnings;
local *boolean_arguments = sub { (qw(-weak)) };
local *paired_arguments = sub { (qw(-package -init)) };
my ($field, $default) = @values;
$package = $args->{-package} if defined $args->{-package};
die "Cannot have a default for a weakened field ($field)"
if defined $default && $args->{-weak};
return if defined &{"${package}::$field"};
require Scalar::Util if $args->{-weak};
my $default_string =
( ref($default) eq 'ARRAY' and not @$default )
? '[]'
: (ref($default) eq 'HASH' and not keys %$default )
? '{}'
: default_as_code($default);
my $code = $code{sub_start};
if ($args->{-init}) {
my $fragment = $args->{-weak} ? $code{weak_init} : $code{init};
my @count = ($fragment =~ /(%s)/g);
$code .= sprintf $fragment, $field, $args->{-init}, ($field) x (@count - 2);
$code .= sprintf $code{set_default}, $field, $default_string, $field
if defined $default;
$code .= sprintf $code{return_if_get}, $field;
$code .= sprintf $code{set}, $field;
$code .= sprintf $code{weaken}, $field, $field
if $args->{-weak};
$code .= sprintf $code{sub_end}, $field;
my $sub = eval $code;
die $@ if $@;
no strict 'refs';
*{"${package}::$field"} = $sub;
return $code if defined wantarray;
sub default_as_code {
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $code = Data::Dumper::Dumper(shift);
$code =~ s/^\$VAR1 = //;
$code =~ s/;$//;
return $code;
sub const {
my $package = caller;
my ($args, @values) = do {
no warnings;
local *paired_arguments = sub { (qw(-package)) };
my ($field, $default) = @values;
$package = $args->{-package} if defined $args->{-package};
no strict 'refs';
return if defined &{"${package}::$field"};
*{"${package}::$field"} = sub { $default }
sub stub {
my $package = caller;
my ($args, @values) = do {
no warnings;
local *paired_arguments = sub { (qw(-package)) };
my ($field, $default) = @values;
$package = $args->{-package} if defined $args->{-package};
no strict 'refs';
return if defined &{"${package}::$field"};
*{"${package}::$field"} =
sub {
require Carp;
"Method $field in package $package must be subclassed";
sub parse_arguments {
my $class = shift;
my ($args, @values) = ({}, ());
my %booleans = map { ($_, 1) } $class->boolean_arguments;
my %pairs = map { ($_, 1) } $class->paired_arguments;
while (@_) {
my $elem = shift;
if (defined $elem and defined $booleans{$elem}) {
$args->{$elem} = (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^[01]$/)
? shift
: 1;
elsif (defined $elem and defined $pairs{$elem} and @_) {
$args->{$elem} = shift;
else {
push @values, $elem;
return wantarray ? ($args, @values) : $args;
sub boolean_arguments { () }
sub paired_arguments { () }
# get a unique id for any node
sub id {
if (not ref $_[0]) {
return 'undef' if not defined $_[0];
\$_[0] =~ /\((\w+)\)$/o or die;
return "$1-S";
require overload;
overload::StrVal($_[0]) =~ /\((\w+)\)$/o or die;
return $1;
# It's super, man.
package DB;
no warnings 'redefine';
sub super_args {
my @dummy = caller(@_ ? $_[0] : 2);
return @DB::args;
package Spiffy;
sub super {
my $method;
my $frame = 1;
while ($method = (caller($frame++))[3]) {
$method =~ s/.*::// and last;
my @args = DB::super_args($frame);
@_ = @_ ? ($args[0], @_) : @args;
my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref $_[0] : $_[0];
my $caller_class = caller;
my $seen = 0;
my @super_classes = reverse grep {
($seen or $seen = ($_ eq $caller_class)) ? 0 : 1;
} reverse @{all_my_bases($class)};
for my $super_class (@super_classes) {
no strict 'refs';
next if $super_class eq $class;
if (defined &{"${super_class}::$method"}) {
${"$super_class\::AUTOLOAD"} = ${"$class\::AUTOLOAD"}
if $method eq 'AUTOLOAD';
return &{"${super_class}::$method"};
# This code deserves a spanking, because it is being very naughty.
# It is exchanging's import() for its own, so that people
# can use with Spiffy modules, without being the wiser.
my $real_base_import;
my $real_mixin_import;
require base unless defined $INC{''};
$INC{''} ||= 'Spiffy/';
$real_base_import = \&base::import;
$real_mixin_import = \&mixin::import;
no warnings;
*base::import = \&spiffy_base_import;
*mixin::import = \&spiffy_mixin_import;
# my $i = 0;
# while (my $caller = caller($i++)) {
# next unless $caller eq 'base' or $caller eq 'mixin';
# croak <<END;
# must be loaded before calling 'use base' or 'use mixin' with a
# Spiffy module. See the documentation of for details.
# }
sub spiffy_base_import {
my @base_classes = @_;
shift @base_classes;
no strict 'refs';
goto &$real_base_import
unless grep {
eval "require $_" unless %{"$_\::"};
} @base_classes;
my $inheritor = caller(0);
for my $base_class (@base_classes) {
next if $inheritor->isa($base_class);
croak "Can't mix Spiffy and non-Spiffy classes in 'use base'.\n",
"See the documentation of for details\n "
unless $base_class->isa('Spiffy');
$stack_frame = 1; # tell import to use different caller
import($base_class, '-base');
$stack_frame = 0;
sub mixin {
my $self = shift;
my $target_class = ref($self);
spiffy_mixin_import($target_class, @_)
sub spiffy_mixin_import {
my $target_class = shift;
$target_class = caller(0)
if $target_class eq 'mixin';
my $mixin_class = shift
or die "Nothing to mixin";
eval "require $mixin_class";
my @roles = @_;
my $pseudo_class = join '-', $target_class, $mixin_class, @roles;
my %methods = spiffy_mixin_methods($mixin_class, @roles);
no strict 'refs';
no warnings;
@{"$pseudo_class\::ISA"} = @{"$target_class\::ISA"};
@{"$target_class\::ISA"} = ($pseudo_class);
for (keys %methods) {
*{"$pseudo_class\::$_"} = $methods{$_};
sub spiffy_mixin_methods {
my $mixin_class = shift;
no strict 'refs';
my %methods = spiffy_all_methods($mixin_class);
map {
? ($_, \ &{"$methods{$_}\::$_"})
: ($_, \ &{"$mixin_class\::$_"})
} @_
? (get_roles($mixin_class, @_))
: (keys %methods);
sub get_roles {
my $mixin_class = shift;
my @roles = @_;
while (grep /^!*:/, @roles) {
@roles = map {
/^!:(.*)/ ? do {
my $m = "_role_$1";
map("!$_", $mixin_class->$m);
} :
/^:(.*)/ ? do {
my $m = "_role_$1";
} :
} @roles;
if (@roles and $roles[0] =~ /^!/) {
my %methods = spiffy_all_methods($mixin_class);
unshift @roles, keys(%methods);
my %roles;
for (@roles) {
delete $roles{$1}, next
if /^!(.*)/;
$roles{$_} = 1;
keys %roles;
sub spiffy_all_methods {
no strict 'refs';
my $class = shift;
return if $class eq 'Spiffy';
my %methods = map {
($_, $class)
} grep {
defined &{"$class\::$_"} and not /^_/
} keys %{"$class\::"};
my %super_methods;
%super_methods = spiffy_all_methods(${"$class\::ISA"}[0])
if @{"$class\::ISA"};
%{{%super_methods, %methods}};
# END of naughty code.
# Debugging support
sub spiffy_dump {
no warnings;
if ($dump eq 'dumper') {
require Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
return Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_);
require YAML;
$YAML::UseVersion = 0;
return YAML::Dump(@_) . "...\n";
sub at_line_number {
my ($file_path, $line_number) = (caller(1))[1,2];
" at $file_path line $line_number\n";
sub WWW {
warn spiffy_dump(@_) . at_line_number;
return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0];
sub XXX {
die spiffy_dump(@_) . at_line_number;
sub YYY {
print spiffy_dump(@_) . at_line_number;
return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0];
sub ZZZ {
require Carp;
Carp::confess spiffy_dump(@_);