Blob Blame History Raw
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.96;

use lib 't/lib';
use TestUtils qw/exception/;

use Path::Tiny;

my $err;

$err = exception { path("aljfakdlfadks")->slurp };
like( $err, qr/at \Q$0\E/, "exception reported at caller's package" );

for my $m (qw/append iterator lines lines_raw lines_utf8 slurp spew/) {
    $err = exception { path("foo")->$m( { wibble => 1 } ) };
    like( $err, qr/Invalid option\(s\) for $m: wibble/, "$m bad args" );
$err = exception {
    path("foo")->visit( sub { 1 }, { wibble => 1 } );
like( $err, qr/Invalid option\(s\) for visit: wibble/, "visit bad args" );

# exclude append/spew because they handle hash/not-hash themselves
my $scalar = [qw/array ref/];
for my $m (qw/iterator lines lines_raw lines_utf8 slurp/) {
    $err = exception { path("foo")->$m($scalar) };
    like( $err, qr/Options for $m must be a hash reference/, "$m not hashref" );
$err = exception {
    path("foo")->visit( sub { 1 }, $scalar );
like( $err, qr/Options for visit must be a hash reference/, "visit not hashref" );

# This file is part of Path-Tiny
# This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by David Golden.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
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