Blob Blame History Raw
# $Id: 05-LP.t 1381 2015-08-25 07:36:09Z willem $	-*-perl-*-

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 17;

use Net::DNS;

my $name = 'LP.example';
my $type = 'LP';
my $code = 107;
my @attr = qw( preference target );
my @data = qw( 10 );
my @also = qw( FQDN fqdn );

my $wire = join '', qw( 000a076c6f6361746f72076578616d706c6503636f6d00 );

	my $typecode = unpack 'xn', new Net::DNS::RR(". $type")->encode;
	is( $typecode, $code, "$type RR type code = $code" );

	my $hash = {};
	@{$hash}{@attr} = @data;

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(
		name => $name,
		type => $type,

	my $string = $rr->string;
	my $rr2	   = new Net::DNS::RR($string);
	is( $rr2->string, $string, 'new/string transparent' );

	is( $rr2->encode, $rr->encode, 'new($string) and new(%hash) equivalent' );

	foreach (@attr) {
		is( $rr->$_, $hash->{$_}, "expected result from rr->$_()" );

	foreach (@also) {
		is( $rr2->$_, $rr->$_, "additional attribute rr->$_()" );

	my $rr	    = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type @data");
	my $null    = new Net::DNS::RR("$name NULL")->encode;
	my $empty   = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type")->encode;
	my $rxbin   = decode Net::DNS::RR( \$empty )->encode;
	my $txtext  = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type")->string;
	my $rxtext  = new Net::DNS::RR($txtext)->encode;
	my $encoded = $rr->encode;
	my $decoded = decode Net::DNS::RR( \$encoded );
	my $hex1    = unpack 'H*', $encoded;
	my $hex2    = unpack 'H*', $decoded->encode;
	my $hex3    = unpack 'H*', substr( $encoded, length $null );
	is( $hex2,	     $hex1,	    'encode/decode transparent' );
	is( $hex3,	     $wire,	    'encoded RDATA matches example' );
	is( length($empty),  length($null), 'encoded RDATA can be empty' );
	is( length($rxbin),  length($null), 'decoded RDATA can be empty' );
	is( length($rxtext), length($null), 'string RDATA can be empty' );

	my $lc		= new Net::DNS::RR( lc ". $type @data" );
	my $rr		= new Net::DNS::RR( uc ". $type @data" );
	my $hash	= {};
	my $predecessor = $rr->encode( 0, $hash );
	my $compressed	= $rr->encode( length $predecessor, $hash );
	ok( length $compressed == length $predecessor, 'encoded RDATA not compressible' );
	isnt( $rr->encode,    $lc->encode, 'encoded RDATA names not downcased' );
	isnt( $rr->canonical, $lc->encode, 'canonical RDATA names not downcased' );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(". $type");
	foreach (@attr) {
		ok( !$rr->$_(), "'$_' attribute of empty RR undefined" );
