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# $Id: 05-CDNSKEY.t 1586 2017-08-15 09:01:57Z willem $	-*-perl-*-

use strict;
use Test::More;
use Net::DNS;

my @prerequisite = qw(

foreach my $package (@prerequisite) {
	next if eval "require $package";
	plan skip_all => "$package not installed";

plan tests => 35;

my $name = 'CDNSKEY.example';
my $type = 'CDNSKEY';
my $code = 60;
my @attr = qw( flags protocol algorithm publickey );

my @data = (
	256, 3, 5, join '', qw(
			aNvv4w== )
my @also = qw( keybin keylength keytag privatekeyname zone revoke sep );

my $wire = join '', qw( 010003050103D22A6CA77F35B893206FD35E4C506D8378843709B97E041647E1
		7D5468DBEFE3 );

	my $typecode = unpack 'xn', new Net::DNS::RR(". $type")->encode;
	is( $typecode, $code, "$type RR type code = $code" );

	my $hash = {};
	@{$hash}{@attr} = @data;

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(
		name => $name,
		type => $type,

	my $string = $rr->string;
	my $rr2	   = new Net::DNS::RR($string);
	is( $rr2->string, $string, 'new/string transparent' );

	is( $rr2->encode, $rr->encode, 'new($string) and new(%hash) equivalent' );

	foreach (@attr) {
		is( $rr->$_, $hash->{$_}, "expected result from rr->$_()" );

	foreach (@also) {
		is( $rr2->$_, $rr->$_, "additional attribute rr->$_()" );

	my $empty   = new Net::DNS::RR("$name NULL");
	my $encoded = $rr->encode;
	my $decoded = decode Net::DNS::RR( \$encoded );
	my $hex1    = uc unpack 'H*', $decoded->encode;
	my $hex2    = uc unpack 'H*', $encoded;
	my $hex3    = uc unpack 'H*', substr( $encoded, length $empty->encode );
	is( $hex1, $hex2, 'encode/decode transparent' );
	is( $hex3, $wire, 'encoded RDATA matches example' );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(". $type");
	foreach ( @attr, qw(keylength keytag rdstring) ) {
		ok( !$rr->$_(), "'$_' attribute of empty RR undefined" );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(". $type");

	is( $rr->algorithm(), 255, 'algorithm number accepted' );
	is( $rr->algorithm(),		5,	   'algorithm mnemonic accepted' );
	is( $rr->algorithm('MNEMONIC'), 'RSASHA1', 'rr->algorithm("MNEMONIC") returns mnemonic' );
	is( $rr->algorithm(),		5,	   'rr->algorithm("MNEMONIC") preserves value' );

	my @arg = qw(0 3 0 AA==);				# per RFC8078(4), erratum 5049
	my $rr	= new Net::DNS::RR("$name. $type @arg");
	ok( ref($rr), "DNSKEY delete: $name. $type @arg" );
	is( $rr->flags(),     0, 'DNSKEY delete: flags 0' );
	is( $rr->protocol(),  3, 'DNSKEY delete: protocol 3' );
	is( $rr->algorithm(), 0, 'DNSKEY delete: algorithm 0' );

	is( $rr->string(), "$name.\tIN\t$type\t@arg", 'DNSKEY delete: presentation format' );

	my $rdata = unpack 'H*', $rr->rdata();
	is( $rdata, '0000030000', 'DNSKEY delete: rdata wire-format' );

	my @arg = qw(0 3 0 0);					# per RFC8078(4) as published
	my $rr	= new Net::DNS::RR("$name. $type @arg");
	is( $rr->rdstring(), '0 3 0 AA==', 'DNSKEY delete: accept old format' );

	my @arg = qw(0 0 0 -);					# unexpected empty field
	my $rr	= new Net::DNS::RR("$name. $type @arg");
	is( $rr->rdstring(), '0 3 0 -', 'DNSKEY delete: represent empty key' );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type @data");
