Blob Blame History Raw
use Moo::_strictures;
use Test::More;

   package ModifyFoo;
   use Moo::Role;

   our $before_ran = 0;
   our $around_ran = 0;
   our $after_ran = 0;

   before foo => sub { $before_ran = 1 };
   after foo => sub { $after_ran = 1 };
   around foo => sub {
      my ($orig, $self, @rest) = @_;
      $around_ran = 1;

   package Bar;
   use Moose;
   with 'ModifyFoo';

   sub foo { }

my $bar = Bar->new;

ok(!$ModifyFoo::before_ran, 'before has not run yet');
ok(!$ModifyFoo::after_ran, 'after has not run yet');
ok(!$ModifyFoo::around_ran, 'around has not run yet');
ok($ModifyFoo::before_ran, 'before ran');
ok($ModifyFoo::after_ran, 'after ran');
ok($ModifyFoo::around_ran, 'around ran');

  package ModifyMultiple;
  use Moo::Role;
  our $before = 0;

  before 'foo', 'bar' => sub {

  package Baz;
  use Moose;
  with 'ModifyMultiple';

  sub foo {}
  sub bar {}

my $baz = Baz->new;
my $pre = $ModifyMultiple::before;
is $ModifyMultiple::before, $pre+1, "before applies to first of multiple subs";
is $ModifyMultiple::before, $pre+2, "before applies to second of multiple subs";
