Blob Blame History Raw
use Moo::_strictures;
use Test::More;

  package Spoon;

  use Moo;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  sub has { "has!" }

  no Moo;

  package Roller;

  use Moo::Role;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  sub with { "with!" }

  no Moo::Role;

  package NoMooClass;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  sub has { "has!" }

  my %stash = %{Moo::_Utils::_getstash(__PACKAGE__)};
  my %stash2 = %{Moo::_Utils::_getstash(__PACKAGE__)};
  main::is_deeply(\%stash, \%stash2, "stash of non-Moo class remains untouched");

  package GlobalConflict;

  use Moo;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  sub has { "has!" }

  no Moo;

  our $around = "has!";

  no Moo;

  package RollerTiny;

  use Role::Tiny;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  sub with { "with!" }

  my %stash = %{Moo::_Utils::_getstash(__PACKAGE__)};
  my %stash2 = %{Moo::_Utils::_getstash(__PACKAGE__)};
  main::is_deeply(\%stash, \%stash2, "stash of non-Moo role remains untouched");

  package GlobalConflict2;

  use Moo;

  no warnings 'redefine';

  our $after = "has!";
  sub has { $after }

  no Moo;

ok(!Spoon->can('extends'), 'extends cleaned');
is(Spoon->has, "has!", 'has left alone');

ok(!Roller->can('has'), 'has cleaned');
is(Roller->with, "with!", 'with left alone');

is(NoMooClass->has, "has!", 'has left alone');

ok(!GlobalConflict->can('extends'), 'extends cleaned');
is(GlobalConflict->has, "has!", 'has left alone');

is($GlobalConflict::around, "has!", 'package global left alone');

ok(RollerTiny->can('around'), 'around left alone');
is(RollerTiny->with, "with!", 'with left alone');

ok(!GlobalConflict2->can('extends'), 'extends cleaned');
is(GlobalConflict2->has, "has!", 'has left alone');

is($GlobalConflict2::after, "has!", 'package global left alone');
