Blob Blame History Raw
use Moo::_strictures;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

  package MyClass;
  use base 'Moo::Object';

  package MyClass2;
  use base 'Moo::Object';
  sub BUILD { }

is_deeply +MyClass->BUILDARGS({foo => 'bar'}), {foo => 'bar'},
  'BUILDARGS: hashref accepted';
is_deeply +MyClass->BUILDARGS(foo => 'bar'), {foo => 'bar'},
  'BUILDARGS: hash accepted';
  exception { MyClass->BUILDARGS('foo') },
  qr/Single parameters to new\(\) must be a HASH ref/,
  'BUILDARGS: non-hashref single element rejected';
  exception { MyClass->BUILDARGS(foo => 'bar', 5) },
  qr/You passed an odd number of arguments/,
  'BUILDARGS: odd number of elements rejected';

is +MyClass->new({foo => 'bar'})->{foo}, undef,
  'arbitrary attributes not stored when no BUILD exists';
my $built = 0;
*MyClass::BUILD = sub { $built++ };
is +MyClass->new({foo => 'bar'})->{foo}, undef,
  'arbitrary attributes not stored second time when no BUILD exists';
is $built, 0, 'BUILD only checked for once';

is +MyClass2->new({foo => 'bar'})->{foo}, undef,
  'arbitrary attributes not stored when BUILD exists';
is +MyClass2->new({foo => 'bar'})->{foo}, undef,
  'arbitrary attributes not stored second time when BUILD exists';

ok !MyClass->does('MyClass2'), 'does returns false for other class';
is $INC{'Role/'}, undef, " ... and doesn't load Role::Tiny";

  my $meta = MyClass->meta;
  is $INC{'Moo/'}, undef,
    "->meta->make_immutable doesn't load HandleMoose";
is $INC{'Moo/'}, undef,
  "destroying fake metaclass doesn't load HandleMoose";
