Blob Blame History Raw
use Moo::_strictures;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

  package IntConstraint;
  use Moo;
  use overload '&{}' => sub { shift->constraint }, fallback => 1;
  has constraint => (
    is       => 'ro',
    default  => sub {
      sub { $_[0] eq int $_[0] or die }
  sub check {
    my $self = shift;
    !!eval { $self->constraint->(@_); 1 }

# First supported interface for coerce=>1.
# The type constraint provides an $isa->coerce($value) method.
  package IntConstraint::WithCoerceMethod;
  use Moo;
  extends qw(IntConstraint);
  sub coerce {
    my $self = shift;

# First supported interface for coerce=>1.
# The type constraint provides an $isa->coercion method
# providing a coderef such that $coderef->($value) coerces.
  package IntConstraint::WithCoercionMethod;
  use Moo;
  extends qw(IntConstraint);
  has coercion => (
    is       => 'ro',
    default  => sub {
      sub { int($_[0]) }

  package Goo;
  use Moo;

  ::like(::exception {
    has foo => (
      is      => 'ro',
      isa     => sub { $_[0] eq int $_[0] },
      coerce  => 1,
  }, qr/Invalid coercion/,
    'coerce => 1 not allowed when isa has no coercion');

  ::like(::exception {
    has foo => (
      is      => 'ro',
      isa     => IntConstraint->new,
      coerce  => 1,
  }, qr/Invalid coercion/,
    'coerce => 1 not allowed when isa has no coercion');

  has bar => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => IntConstraint::WithCoercionMethod->new,
    coerce  => 1,

  has baz => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => IntConstraint::WithCoerceMethod->new,
    coerce  => 1,


my $obj = Goo->new(
  bar => 3.14159,
  baz => 3.14159,

is($obj->bar, '3', '$isa->coercion');
is($obj->baz, '3', '$isa->coerce');
