Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 'no_plan';
use lib qw(t t/data/static);
use Utils;
use version;

# Tests compilation of Module::ScanDeps
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Module::ScanDeps' ); }

# Static dependency check of a script that doesn't use
# anything with basic cache_cb test added
my @roots1 = qw(t/data/static/;
my $expected_rv1 =
  "" => {
                 file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                 key => "",
                 type => "data",
expected_cache_cb_args({key  => '',
                        file => 't/data/static/',

my $rv1 = scan_deps(files => \@roots1,
                    cache_cb => \&cache_cb
compare_scandeps_rvs($rv1, $expected_rv1, \@roots1);

### check if we can use M::SD::Cache
my $skip_cache_tests = 1;
eval {require Module::ScanDeps::Cache;};
unless ($@){
    $skip_cache_tests = Module::ScanDeps::Cache::prereq_missing();
    warn $skip_cache_tests, "\n";
my $cache_file = 'deps_cache.dat';

for my $t(qw/write_cache use_cache/){

     skip "Skipping M:SD::Cache tests" , 289 if $skip_cache_tests;

     # Static dependency check of a circular dependency:
     #        ___
     #     |/_   \
     #     M     _M
     #      \____/|
     my @roots2 = qw(t/data/static/;
     my $expected_rv2 =
          "" => {
                           file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                           key     => "",
                           type    => "module",
                           used_by => [""],
                           uses    => [""],
          ""     => {
                           file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                           key     => "",
                           type    => "module",
                           used_by => [""],
                           uses    => [""],

     # Functional i/f
     my $rv2 = scan_deps(files => \@roots2,
                         cache_file => $cache_file,
                         recurse => 1,
     compare_scandeps_rvs($rv2, $expected_rv2, \@roots2);
     # Static dependency check of the following dependency tree
     #                            M
     #                           /|\
     #                          / | \
     #                         /  |  \
     #                        /   M   \
     #                       /   / \   \
     #                      /   /   \   \
     #                     M   M     M   M
     #                      \   \   /   /
     #                       \   \ /   /
     #                        \   M   /
     #                         \  |  /
     #                          \ | /
     #                            M
     #   With dependencies always going from the top downwards
     my @roots3 = qw(t/data/static/;
     my $expected_rv3 =
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => [""],
                                   uses    => [""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => [""],
                                   uses    => ["", ""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => ["", ""],
                                   uses    => [""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => [""],
                                   uses    => [""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => [""],
                                   uses    => [""],
          "" => {
                                   file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key  => "",
                                   type => "module",
                                   uses => ["", "", ""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => ["", "", ""],
          "" => {
                                   file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                                   key     => "",
                                   type    => "module",
                                   used_by => [""],
                                   uses    => [""],

     # Functional i/f
     my $rv3 = scan_deps(cache_file => $cache_file,
                         recurse => 1,
                         files => \@roots3);
     compare_scandeps_rvs($rv3, $expected_rv3, \@roots3);

     # Static dependency check of the following dependency tree
     # (i.e. multiple inputs)
     #       /  \             \           /
     #      /    \             \         /
     #     /      \             \       /
     #   /
     #                            \   /
     #                             \ /
     my @roots4 = qw(t/data/static/
     my $expected_rv4 =
          "" => {
                          file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key  => "",
                          type => "data",
                          uses => ["", ""],
          "" => {
                          file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key  => "",
                          type => "data",
                          uses => [""],
          "" => {
                          file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key  => "",
                          type => "data",
                          uses => [""],
          ""  => {
                          file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key     => "",
                          type    => "module",
                          used_by => [""],
          ""  => {
                          file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key     => "",
                          type    => "module",
                          used_by => [""],
          ""  => {
                          file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key     => "",
                          type    => "module",
                          used_by => [""],
                          uses    => [""],
          ""  => {
                          file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                          key     => "",
                          type    => "module",
                          used_by => ["", ""],

     # Functional i/f
     my $rv4 = scan_deps(cache_file => $cache_file,
                         recurse => 1,
                         files => \@roots4);
     compare_scandeps_rvs($rv4, $expected_rv4, \@roots4);

     # Static dependency check of the following dependency tree
     # Tests the .pm only lists the .pl once in it's used_by entries
     #       /  \
     #      /    \
     #     /      \
     #     \      /
     #      \    /
     #       \  /
     my @roots5 = qw(t/data/static/;
     my $expected_rv5 =
          "" => {
                              file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                              key     => "",
                              type    => "module",
                              used_by => [""],
          "" => {
                              file => generic_abs_path("t/data/static/"),
                              key  => "",
                              type => "data",
                              uses => [""],

     # Functional i/f
     my $rv5 = scan_deps(cache_file => $cache_file,
                         recurse => 1,
                         files => \@roots5);
     compare_scandeps_rvs($rv5, $expected_rv5, \@roots5);

   }  ### SKIP block wrapping M::SD::Cache tests
}     ### end of for (qw/write_cache use_cache/)

### cache testing helper functions ###
my ($cb_args, $expecting_write);

sub expected_cache_cb_args{
    $cb_args = shift;
sub cache_cb{
    my %args = @_;
    is($args{key}, $cb_args->{key}, "check arg 'key' in cache_cb.");
    is($args{file}, $cb_args->{file}, "check arg 'file' in cache_cb.");
    if ( $expecting_write ){
        is($args{action}, 'write', "expecting write action");
    if ($args{action} eq 'read'){
        $expecting_write = 1;
        return 0;
    elsif ( $args{action} eq 'write' ){
        $expecting_write = 0;
        return 1
    my $action  = $args{action};
    ok( 0, "wrong action: got [$action] must be 'read' or 'write'");

}### end cache testing helper functions ###

### test

    skip "Skipping M:SD::Cache tests" , 9 if $skip_cache_tests;
    my %files = ('' => "use TestModule;\n",
                 '' => "use TestModule;\n",
                 '' => "use TestModule;\n return 0;\n");
    for my $name (keys %files){
        open my $fh, '>', $name or die "Can not open file $name: $!";
        print $fh $files{$name};
        close $fh or die "Can not close file $name: $!";
    my $cb = Module::ScanDeps::Cache::get_cache_cb();
    my $mod = [];
    my $ret = $cb->(key     => 'testfile',
                    file    => '',
                    action  => 'read',
                    modules => $mod
    is( $ret, 0, "File not present in cache");
    $ret = $cb->(key     => 'testfile',
                 file    => '',
                 modules => [qw /],
                 action  => 'write',
    is( $ret, 1, "Writing file to cache");
    $ret = $cb->(key     => 'testfile',
                 file    => '',
                 action  => 'read',
                 modules => $mod
    is( $ret, 1, "File is present in cache");
    is( $mod->[0], '', "cache_cb sets modules 1");
    $mod = [];
    $ret = $cb->(key     => 'testfile',
                 file    => '',
                 action  => 'read',
                 modules => $mod
    is( $ret, 1, "Identical file returns the same dependencies from cache");
    is( $mod->[0], '', "cache_cb sets modules 2");
    $mod = [];
    $ret = $cb->(key     => 'testfile',
                 file    => '',
                 action  => 'read',
                 modules => $mod
    is( $ret, 0, "No cached deps returned for file with different content");
    is( @$mod, 0, "cache_cb does not set modules if no deps found");

    eval {$cb->(action => 'foo')};
    ok ($@ =~ /must be read or write/, "cache_cb dies on wrong action");
    for my $name (keys %files){
        unlink $name or die "Could not unlink file $name: $!";

unlink( $cache_file );