Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp;

use Test::More tests => 8;
use lib 't/data/ScanFileRE';

BEGIN { use_ok( 'Module::ScanDeps' ); }

# Test that ScanFileRE is applied to the input files
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.na' );
ok(defined $Module::ScanDeps::ScanFileRE, "ScanFileRE is accessible outside Module::ScanDeps");
ok($filename !~ $Module::ScanDeps::ScanFileRE, "$filename does not match");
my $rv = scan_deps(files => [$filename]);
    !(scalar grep { /\Q$filename\E/ } keys %$rv),
    "ScanFileRE removed non-matching input files"

my ($fh2, $filename2) = File::Temp::tempfile( UNLINK => 1 );
ok($filename2 =~ $Module::ScanDeps::ScanFileRE, "$filename2 does match");
my $rv2 = scan_deps(files => [$filename2]);
my $basename = $filename2;
$basename =~ s/^.*(?:\/|\\)([^\\\/]+)$/$1/;
    (scalar grep { /\Q$basename\E/ } keys %$rv2) == 1,
    "ScanFileRE did not remove matching input files"
# The next two tests rely on t/data/ScanFileRE/auto/example/example.h using t/data/ScanFileRE/

# Test that the default ScanFileRE is applied to the used files
$rv = scan_deps(files => ['t/data/ScanFileRE/'], recurse => 1);
    !(scalar grep { /example_too\.pm/ } keys %$rv),
    "ScanFileRE only scanned matching files in the dependency tree"

# Test that ScanFileRE can be changed to now pick up all files in the dependency tree
$Module::ScanDeps::ScanFileRE = qr/.*/;
$rv = scan_deps(files => ['t/data/ScanFileRE/'], recurse => 1);
    (scalar grep { /example_too\.pm/ } keys %$rv),
    "M::SD recognised the new ScanFileRE and scanned all files in the dependency tree"
