Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;

use Test::More;
    if(!File::Spec->case_tolerant()) {
        plan skip_all => 'Test irrelevant on case-sensitive systems';
    } else {
        plan tests => 43;

use lib qw(t t/data/case-insensitive-keys);
use Utils;

# Tests compilation of Module::ScanDeps
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Module::ScanDeps' ); }

# Static dependency check of scripts that reference the same
# module but in different cases
my @roots1 = qw(t/data/case-insensitive-keys/ t/data/case-insensitive-keys/;
my $expected_rv1 =
  ""      => {
                      file    => generic_abs_path("t/data/case-insensitive-keys/"),
                      key     => "",
                      type    => "module",
                      used_by => ["", ""],
  "" => {
                      file => generic_abs_path("t/data/case-insensitive-keys/"),
                      key  => "",
                      type => "data",
                      uses => [""],
  "" => {
                      file => generic_abs_path("t/data/case-insensitive-keys/"),
                      key  => "",
                      type => "data",
                      uses => [""],

# Functional i/f
my $rv1 = scan_deps(@roots1);
#use Data::Dumper;
#print STDERR "\n", Dumper($rv1);

compare_scandeps_rvs($rv1, $expected_rv1, \@roots1);

# Check that only one entry for Cwd is created.

my @roots2 = qw(t/data/case-insensitive-keys/;
my $rv2 = scan_deps(files => \@roots2);
my @keys = grep { lc($_) eq "" } keys %$rv2;
ok($#keys == 0, "contains only one match");
