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=head1 NAME

Module::Package::Plugin - Base class for Module::Package author-side plugins


    package Module::Package::Name;

    package Module::Package::Name::flavor;
    use Moo;
    extends 'Module::Package::Plugin';

    sub main {
        my ($self) = @_;



This module is the base class for Module::Package plugins. 

=head1 EXAMPLE

Take a look at the L<Module::Package::Ingy> module, for a decent starting
point example. That plugin module is actually used to package Module::Package

=head1 API

To create a Module::Package plugin you need to subclass
Module::Package::Plugin and override the C<main> method, and possibly other
things. This section describes how that works.

Makefile.PL processing happens in the following order:

    - 'use inc::Module::Package...' is invoked
    - $plugin->initial is called
    - BEGIN blocks in Makefile.PL are run
    - $plugin->main is called
    - The body of Makefile.PL is run
    - $plugin->final is called

=head2 initial

This method is call during the processing of 'use inc::Module::Package'. You
probably don't need to subclass it. If you do you probably want to call the
SUPER method.

It runs the deps_list, if any and guesses the primary modules file path.

=head2 main

This is the method you must override. Do all the things you want. You can call
C<all_from>, if you need to get sequencing right, otherwise it gets called by
final(). Don't call C<WriteAll>, it get's called automatically in final().

=head2 final

This does all the things after the entire Makefile.PL body has run. You
probably don't need to override it.

=head1 OPTIONS

The following options are available for use from the Makefile.PL:

    use Module::Package 'Foo:bar',
        deps_list => 0|1,
        install_bin => 0|1,
        install_share => 0|1,
        manifest_skip => 0|1,
        requires_from => 0|1;

These options can be used by any subclass of this module.

=head2 deps_list

Default is 1.

This option tells Module::Package to generate a C<author_requires> deps list,
when you run the Makefile.PL. This list will go in the file
C<pkg/> if that exists, or after a '__END__' statement in your
Makefile.PL. If neither is available, a reminder will be warned (only when the
author runs it).

This list is important if you want people to be able to collaborate on your
modules easily.

=head2 install_bin

Default is 1.

All files in a C<bin/> directory will be installed. It will call the
C<install_script> plugin for you. Set this option to 0 to disable it.

=head2 install_share

Default is 1.

All files in a C<share/> directory will be installed. It will call the
C<install_share> plugin for you. Set this option to 0 to disable it.

=head2 manifest_skip

Default is 1.

This option will generate a sane MANIFEST.SKIP for you and delete it again
when you run C<make clean>. You can add your own skips in the file called
C<pkg/manifest.skip>. You almost certainly want this option on. Set to 0 if
you are weird.

=head2 requires_from

Default is 1.

This option will attempt to find all the requirements from the primary module.
If you make any of your own requires or requires_from calls, this option will
do nothing.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Ingy döt Net <>


Copyright (c) 2011. Ingy döt Net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

