Blob Blame History Raw

    unless ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) {
        require Test::More;
        Test::More::plan(skip_all =>
                         'these tests are for testing by the author');

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 1;

# Read and load configuration file and backend library.

use Config::Tiny ();

my $config_file = 't/author-lib.ini';
my $config = Config::Tiny -> read('t/author-lib.ini')
  or die Config::Tiny -> errstr();

# Read the library to test.

our $LIB = $config->{_}->{lib};

die "No library defined in file '$config_file'"
  unless defined $LIB;
die "Invalid library name '$LIB' in file '$config_file'"
  unless $LIB =~ /^[A-Za-z]\w*(::\w+)*\z/;

# Read the reference type(s) the library uses.

our $REF = $config->{_}->{ref};

die "No reference type defined in file '$config_file'"
  unless defined $REF;
die "Invalid reference type '$REF' in file '$config_file'"
  unless $REF =~ /^[A-Za-z]\w*(::\w+)*\z/;

# Load the library.

eval "require $LIB";
die $@ if $@;


pass("Configuration loaded OK");
diag("\n\n$LIB version ", $LIB -> VERSION(), ", Perl $], $^X\n\n");