======= version history for MIME::Types
Unless explicitly stated differently are all changes produced by
Mark Overmeer.
. Add source http://www.ltsw.se/knbase/internet/mime.htp ?
version 2.17: Fri Jan 26 23:42:01 CET 2018
- when picking a preferred type for an extension, do prefer the type
with the same minor-name. Issue triggered by [Henry van Styn]
- remove iana obsoleted types
version 2.16: Tue 23 Jan 12:14:39 CET 2018
- collecting of IANA info has stalled: logic rewritten
Discovered by [Julien Lüthi]
- move scripts and source files into MANIFEST.extra
- update types and extensions
version 2.15: Fri 19 Jan 17:23:56 CET 2018
- moved to GIT and GitHUB.
version 2.14: Wed 8 Nov 17:45:22 CET 2017
- MojoX should not die on missing types.
rt.cpan.org#123298 [Dmitry Latin]
version 2.13: Mon 7 Mar 15:48:28 CET 2016
- not all information was extracted from the Apache tables.
[Thomas Eckardt]
version 2.12: Wed 11 Nov 12:24:55 CET 2015
- downgrade prereq perl to 5.6 [Peter Rabbitson]
- update IANA
version 2.11: Tue Jun 16 17:16:20 CEST 2015
- strict Perl 5.8
rt.cpan.org #105267 [Miyagawa], cpantesters
version 2.10: Mon Jun 15 17:32:22 CEST 2015
- accept field 'q' weights [Theo van Hoesel]
- introduce PERL_MIME_TYPE_DB
rt.cpan.org#104945 [Philip Gwyn]
version 2.09: Sun Sep 14 18:12:08 CEST 2014
- documentation use consistent parameter casing
- do not use '//' to support 5.8.*
rt.cpan.org#98664 [Paul]
version 2.08: Fri Sep 5 15:29:52 CEST 2014
- fix test t/40mojo.t which mojo is not installed
rt.cpan.org#98639 [Chris]
- remove dependency on Scalar::Util
- documentation fixes
version 2.07: Fri Sep 5 12:08:06 CEST 2014
- MIME::Type::equals() did cmp not eq
- new httpAccept() wth tests in t/21accept.t
- new httpAcceptBest() and httpAcceptSelect() with tests
in t/22accbest.t
- add MojoX::MIME::Types with tests in t/40mojo.t
- now depends on List::Util and Scalar::Util
version 2.06: Thu Aug 28 16:28:43 CEST 2014
- needed other file from broofa :(
rt.cpan.org#98308 [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ]
- fix scan of freedesktop definitions
rt.cpan.org #98385 [Russell Jenkins]
version 2.05: Wed Aug 27 09:43:03 CEST 2014
- rename ::Type::isAscii() into ::Type::isText()
- add source table broofa
rt.cpan.org#98308 [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ]
- add source table freedesktop
rt.cpan.org#98309 [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ]
- update iana types
version 2.04: Thu Sep 12 15:46:28 CEST 2013
- one more localize $_ in ::Types::_read_db()
rt.cpan.org#87856 [Gerda Shank]
version 2.03: Wed Sep 4 17:12:27 CEST 2013
- typo in docs, rt.cpan.org#88394 [Gregor Herrmann, Debian]
- require perl 5.8.8, because <:encoding [cpantesters]
- updated IANA
- a bit more DESCRIPTION
version 2.02: Sun Aug 18 12:49:23 CEST 2013
- localize DB and $_ in ::Types::_read_db()
rt.cpan.org#87856 [Gerda Shank]
version 2.01: Sat Aug 3 01:07:27 CEST 2013
- add dummy ::Types::create_type_index() because
Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple calls it :(
version 2.00: Fri Aug 2 17:44:53 CEST 2013
- the mime information is now collected from various sources, amongst
them IANA. Therefore, some types may use different x-'s
#types up from 995 to 2096
- a separate table is built for the extension-to-type mapping.
#exts up from 734 to 1425
- the memory foot-print and start-up speed should have improved
- added bin/collect_types
- 3 typos. rt.cpan.org#86847 [D Steinbrunner]
- add ::Type::isVendor(), ::isExperimental(), ::isPersonal on request
by rt.cpan.org#87062 [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯]
- cleaned-up Exporter syntax of (very) old interface.
- added ::Types::listTypes()
version 1.38: Fri Jan 11 09:58:08 CET 2013
- add application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12 and five
related from http://filext.com/faq/office_mime_types.php
rt.cpan.org#82616 [M Jemmeson]
version 1.37: Fri Dec 21 11:33:53 CET 2012:
- all mime.types files agree that perl scripts should use
application/x-perl. Hence removed text/x-perl
rt.cpan.org#82100 [Kent Fredric]
version 1.36: Wed Oct 31 20:34:42 CET 2012
- xlsx and friends had encoding 'binary' (since version 1.30),
but should have been 'base64'
rt.cpan.org#80529 [Douglas Wilson]
version 1.35: Tue Jun 19 20:37:21 CEST 2012
- added video/webm and audio/webm, although not (yet) IANA registered.
[Kurian Jose Aerthail]
version 1.34: Thu Jan 12 11:16:07 CET 2012
- subType() did not handle subType's with '+' in them.
[Roman V. Nikolaev]
version 1.33: Thu Jan 12 08:46:05 CET 2012
- all openxmlformats are binary [Beverly Wang]
- mediaType() and subType() did not handle subType's with dots
in them correctly. [Roman V. Nikolaev]
version 1.32: Thu Aug 18 23:30:25 CEST 2011
- explain how to use MIME::Types in mod_perl, after complains
from [Steve Simms], [Nicolas Mendoza], [Yves Orton] and
[Hans Dieter Pearcey]
- when you do not read the documentation about mod_perl/fork,
then it will work as ever but still inefficient.
version 1.31: Tue Sep 21 15:38:58 CEST 2010
- moved POD test to xt directory, reducing the number of
dependencies. [Alexis Sukrieh]
version 1.30: Thu Jun 3 12:00:37 CEST 2010
- typo. rt.cpan.org#55655 [Salvatore.Bonaccorso]
- xlsx must be encoded binary [Ben Prew]
- added f4v, f4p, f4a, f4b extensions for mpeg4
rt.cpan.org#55168 [Oskari Ojala]
version 1.29: Tue Mar 16 23:28:00 CET 2010
- added a zillions of new types from debian's /etc/mime.types.
implemented by [Roman V. Nikolaev]
- changed table format, hopefully to speed-up load times per
type, slightly compensating for the increased list.
version 1.28: Mon Sep 7 00:12:53 CEST 2009
- fix initiation when using by_mediatype().
rt.cpan.org#49111 [GENEHACK]
version 1.27: Tue Feb 3 12:23:08 CET 2009
- fix application/ogg to .ogx. Add other oggs [John Drago]
- alternative for ogg in test scripts,
- test by_mediatype with regexp parameter.
- do not use /bin/pwd in t/pod.t
version 1.26: Wed Dec 17 09:01:27 CET 2008
- added many ooxml types [Joe Spooner]
version 1.25: Sat Nov 29 15:00:20 CET 2008
- added application/jsoni
rt.cpan.org #36812 [Christopher H. Laco]
- added text/x-component
rt.cpan.org#41293 [Stephen Steneker]
version 1.24: Fri May 23 09:43:28 CEST 2008
- message/rfc822 relates to .eml [Jonas Liljegren]
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
is an .xlsx [Jonas Liljegren]
- added zillion of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.* and
application/vnd.stardevision.* names [Michiel Leenaars]
version 1.23: Mon Dec 17 16:12:52 CET 2007
- /xml file attributes were separated by blanks, not commas.
[Alex Kapranoff]
version 1.22: Wed Nov 14 17:20:22 CET 2007
- use RFC4180 text/csv, not text/comma-separated-values
Reported by [Mike Eldridge]
- refer to File::TypeInfo for access to mime.types files.
version 1.21: Mon Sep 10 21:18:08 CEST 2007
- patch tests to work on VMS [Peter (Stig) Edwards]
- patch for image/pjpeg bug IE6 [Nicolas Mendosa]
version 1.20: Fri Jun 8 16:21:33 CEST 2007
- added application/xslt+xml (.xslt) [David Dierauer]
- moved extension .xml from text/xml (deprecated) to
application/xml, and added .xsl to it [David Dierauer]
- Moved .dtd from text/xml to application/xml-dtd
- added t/pod.t
version 1.19: Sun Mar 25 17:09:38 CEST 2007
- converted to use OODoc 0.99
- removed mkdist, mkdoc, README.oodoc, version
version 1.18: Fri Nov 17 21:20:20 CET 2006
- [David Nesting] application/atom+xml and image/svg+xml
- [Islue Hu] audio/3gpp2 and video/3gpp2
- [Stephen Steneker] application/octet-stream += dmg, so, dll
and video/x-flv.
version 1.17: Sun Aug 13 10:32:37 CEST 2006
- [Hailin Hu] application/rdf+xml
- reprocessed manual-pages because FUNCTIONS chapers was lost
(bug in OODoc) [Schwern]
- use 'version' file for version
- added kml and kmz types by Google-Earth
version 1.16: Thu Sep 29 17:42:24 CEST 2005
- [Jan Kratochvil] application/smil is 8bit
- [Jan Kratochvil] application/x-javascript becomes
application/javascript. New is application/ecmascript
- Adapted to new behavior on stringification introduced by
Test::Builder v0.31, reported by [Jurgen Pletinckx]
version 1.15: Thu Mar 31 14:12:54 CEST 2005
- [Ave Wringeley] contributed MIME::Types methods types() and
- [Kjetil Kjernsmo] Added non-registered but useful OpenOffice/
StarOffice types application/vnd.sun.xml.*
- [Tatsuhiko Miyagawa] contributed audio/3gpp and video/3gpp
from RFC3839.
version 1.14: Wed Nov 24 18:09:49 CET 2004
- [Ville Skyttä] provided some minor fixes and two new types
- [Ave Wringley] contributed video/x-ms-wmv
- [Ave Wringley] reported a bug in MIME::Types->addType, which
produced a warning about double declaration where it shoudln't
version 1.13: Sat Apr 24 00:15:09 CEST 2004
- [Ville Skyttä] and [Austing Ziegler] updated the type list to
IANA registry dated 2004-04-09. Many changes to clean-up the
list, trying to find a good balance between IANA's rules and
common practice.
version 1.12: Wed Jan 21 10:09:43 CET 2004
- [Ville Skyttä] requested removal of application/excel, because
it is not IANA registered. Applied.
- Documented that alternative types for a certain extension will
be used at random in mimeTypeOf()
- Documentation fix: only_complete returns all types with defined
extensions. Transfer-encoding is optional.
version 1.11: Tue Jan 13 10:36:41 CET 2004
- [Ville Skyttä] contributed a large set of new mime-types, and
applied some fixes. New IANA names are now all included.
version 1.10: Wed Dec 17 12:47:00 CET 2003
- [Miha Lampret] and [Jean-Marc Delafont] bumped into __DATA__
conflict between MIME::Types table and mod_perl.
version 1.09: Wed Nov 5 10:51:52 CET 2003
- Translated tests to use Test::More
- tests failed for detection '.doc', because OS-detection
failed, which (with 5.8.1 random hash order) made VMS'es
version of doc (plain/text) prevail in some situations.
version 1.08: Mon Nov 3 17:44:57 CET 2003
- [Tuomas Salo] removed warning on "undef".
- .txt extension preferred over .asc for plain text
version 1.07: Mon Jul 28 18:38:59 CEST 2003
- Translated documentation to newest version of OODoc
- Moved modules to lib/*, which removes the need for a nested
version 1.06: Thu May 1 18:45:55 CEST 2003
- [NN Poster] updated the attributes for the PGP types.
- Converted documentation to be generated with OODoc.
version 1.005: Tue Dec 24 13:01:00 CET 2002
- [Guangzu Wang] pointed to typos in the Synopsis of both packages:
$mimetype --> $mimetypes
- [Ville Skyttä] some doc patches and many tweaks and additions
to the type list.
- [Ville Skyttä] fixed bug, where the third column was taken as
second if that one was empty.
version 1.004: Tue Oct 22 19:22:43 CEST 2002
- [Dan Puro] sent a reference to a list stored at
http://www.indiana.edu/cgi-bin-local/mimetypes. Most differences
are added, but some where competing... and I won.
version 1.003: Wed Oct 2 09:42:58 CEST 2002
- [Darell Fuhriman] added application/x-rar-compressed and
- [Vladimir V. Kolpakov] set $/ = "\n" on parsing data from
inside file, which was written on UNIX and used in Windows.
- [Dan Puro] added application/wordperfect5.1 extension wpd.
- [Petri Riihikallio] added .xlt for Excel and .pps/.pot
for PowerPoint.
version 1.002: Mon Aug 12 11:40:55 CEST 2002
- [Jan Kratochvil] added audio/amr and audio/amr-wb to the
set of known datatypes. Types defined by rfc3267
version 1.001: Tue Jun 18 13:39:56 CEST 2002
- Brown paper-bag release. Accidentally, code was installing
itself as MIME::MIME::Types
version 1.00: Tue Jun 18 13:27:16 CEST 2002
- No real changes for some time now, so released a stable with
version of 1.00
- Doc typo: MIME::Types->extension must be MIME::Types->mimeTypeOf
- Overloaded comparison of $mimetype with string now works. Before,
only two objects could be compared.
version 0.16: Tue Feb 19 12:08:51 CET 2002
- MIME::Type->simplified('text') will return 'text/plain'
- MIME::Types->type($mime) will return undef for illegal $mime
version 0.15: Wed Jan 23 21:22:26 CET 2002
- [Dirk Lutsebaeck] contributed a few mime-types. I am open
to receive more improvements.
- Refrased the reason for removal of import_mime_types, a
residual of the pre-0.10 version of this module.
- Changed MIME::Type::mainType() into MIME::Type::mediaType() to
follow the terminology of the RFC more closely. The old name
is still usable.
- Added MIME::Types::addType
- Added overloading stringify and comparison to MIME::Type objects.
some tests in t/11typeol.t
version 0.14: Sat Dec 1 13:56:51 CET 2001
- Did a bad job (it's hard to support backwards compat if you run
5.6) Thanks to [Tatsuhiko Miyagawa]
version 0.13: Sat Dec 1 01:53:20 CET 2001
- [Slaven Radic] back-port to 5.005
version 0.12: Wed Nov 28 09:39:44 CET 2001
Mark Overmeer took the namespace over from Jeff Okamoto
- In scalar context MIME::Types::type will return only the
first type that fits.
version 0.11:
version 0.10: Sat Nov 3 22:46:22 2001
Mark Overmeer
- Total redesign of the interface, object oriented with two
classes: the MIME::Types and the MIME::Type.
- No seperate mime.types file anymore, but included inside
MIME::Types, such that installation is much easier.
- Merged-in apache's mime types 1.3.14
- New test files.
- Modernized test.pl into t/30export.t
version 0.06: Fri Jun 22 15:18:28 PDT 2001
- Repackage.
version 0.05: Fri Jun 15 15:10:08 PDT 2001
- Added changes to import_mime_types by Antonios Christofides
version 0.04: Thu Apr 19 15:37:23 PDT 2001
- Added new function import_mime_types by Mike Cramer
(cramer@webkist.com) to read an Apache-style mime.types file.
version 0.03: Fri Feb 23 10:32:44 2001
- Many changes by David Wheeler (david@wheeler.net) including:
- substituting some regexp's with faster string calls
- simplifying the mapping table startup code
- allowing the returning of array references instead of lists
version 0.02: Sat Nov 6 00:00:00 1999
- Fix a few bad suffix mappings and add a bit of robustness
version 0.01: Tue Oct 5 14:00:18 1999
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18