Blob Blame History Raw
package Font::TTF::EBLC;

=head1 NAME

Font::TTF::EBLC - Embeeded Bitmap Location Table


Contains the sizes and glyph ranges of bitmaps, and the offsets to
glyph bitmap data in indexSubTables for EBDT.

Possibly contains glyph metrics information.


The information specified 'B<(R)>ead only' is read only, those
are calculated from EBDT, when it is 'update'-ed.

=over 4

=item bitmapSizeTable

An array of tables of following information

=over 8

=item indexSubTableArrayOffset (R)

=item indexTablesSize (R)

=item numberOfIndexSubTables (R)

=item colorRef

=item hori

=item vert

=item startGlyphIndex (R)

=item endGlyphIndex (R)

=item ppemX

=item ppemY

=item bitDepth

=item flags


=item indexSubTableArray (R)

An array which contains range information.

=item indexSubTable (R)

An array which contains offsets of EBDT table.


=head1 METHODS


use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
require Font::TTF::Table;

@ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Table);

=head2 $t->read

Reads the location information of embedded bitmap from the TTF file into memory


sub read
    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->SUPER::read or return $self;

    my ($fh) = $self->{' INFILE'};
    my ($i, $dat);
    my ($indexSubTableArrayOffset,
    my ($startGlyphIndex,
        $ppemX, $ppemY,
        $bitDepth, $flags);
    my (@hori, @vert);
    my ($bst, $ista, $ist);
    my ($j);

    # eblcHeader
    $fh->read($dat, 4);
    $self->{'version'} = unpack("N",$dat);

    $fh->read($dat, 4);
    $self->{'Num'} = unpack("N",$dat);

    # bitmapSizeTable
    for ($i = 0; $i < $self->{'Num'}; $i++) {
        $fh->read($dat, 16);
        ($indexSubTableArrayOffset, $indexTablesSize,
         $numberOfIndexSubTables, $colorRef) = unpack("NNNN", $dat);
        $fh->read($dat, 12); @hori = unpack("cccccccccccc", $dat);
        $fh->read($dat, 12); @vert = unpack("cccccccccccc", $dat);

        $fh->read($dat, 8);
        ($startGlyphIndex, $endGlyphIndex,
         $ppemX, $ppemY, $bitDepth, $flags) = unpack("nnCCCC", $dat);

        $self->{'bitmapSizeTable'}[$i] = {
            'indexSubTableArrayOffset' => $indexSubTableArrayOffset,
            'indexTablesSize' => $indexTablesSize,
            'numberOfIndexSubTables' => $numberOfIndexSubTables,
            'colorRef' => $colorRef,
            'hori' => [@hori],
            'vert' => [@vert],
            'startGlyphIndex' => $startGlyphIndex,
            'endGlyphIndex' => $endGlyphIndex,
            'ppemX' => $ppemX,
            'ppemY' => $ppemY,
            'bitDepth' => $bitDepth,
            'flags' => $flags

    for ($i = 0; $i < $self->{'Num'}; $i++) {
        my ($count, $x);

        $bst = $self->{'bitmapSizeTable'}[$i];

        for ($j = 0; $j < $bst->{'numberOfIndexSubTables'}; $j++) {
            $ista = {};

            # indexSubTableArray
            $self->{'indexSubTableArray'}[$i][$j] = $ista;
            $fh->read($dat, 8);
                = unpack("nnN", $dat);

        # indexSubTable
        # indexSubHeader
        $fh->read($dat, 8);
         $bst->{'imageDataOffset'}) = unpack("nnN", $dat);

        die "Only indexFormat == 1 is supported" unless ($bst->{'indexFormat'} == 1);

        for ($j = 0; $j < $bst->{'numberOfIndexSubTables'}; $j++) {
            $ista = $self->{'indexSubTableArray'}[$i][$j];
            $count = $ista->{'lastGlyphIndex'} - $ista->{'firstGlyphIndex'} + 1 + 1;
            $fh->seek($self->{' OFFSET'} + $bst->{'indexSubTableArrayOffset'}
                      + $ista->{'additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable'} + 8, 0);

#           $count += 2 if $j < $bst->{'numberOfIndexSubTables'} - 1;

            $fh->read($dat, 4*$count);

            $self->{'indexSubTable'}[$i][$j] = [unpack("N*", $dat)];


=head2 $t->out($fh)

Outputs the location information of embedded bitmap for this font.


sub out
    my ($self, $fh) = @_;
    my ($i);

    return $self->SUPER::out($fh) unless $self->{' read'};

    my ($bst_array) = $self->{'bitmapSizeTable'};

    $fh->print(pack("N", 0x00020000));
    $fh->print(pack("N", $self->{'Num'}));

    for ($i = 0; $i < $self->{'Num'}; $i++) {
        my ($bst) = $bst_array->[$i];

        $fh->print(pack("cccccccccccc", @{$bst->{'hori'}}));
        $fh->print(pack("cccccccccccc", @{$bst->{'vert'}}));
        $fh->print(pack("nnCCCC", $bst->{'startGlyphIndex'}, 
                        $bst->{'endGlyphIndex'}, $bst->{'ppemX'},
                        $bst->{'ppemY'}, $bst->{'bitDepth'}, $bst->{'flags'}));

    for ($i = 0; $i < $self->{'Num'}; $i++) {
        my ($bst) = $bst_array->[$i];
        my ($j);

        for ($j = 0; $j < $bst->{'numberOfIndexSubTables'}; $j++) {
            my ($ista) = $self->{'indexSubTableArray'}[$i][$j];


        $fh->print(pack("nnN", $bst->{'indexFormat'}, $bst->{'imageFormat'}, 

        die "Only indexFormat == 1 is supported" unless ($bst->{'indexFormat'} == 1);

        for ($j = 0; $j < $bst->{'numberOfIndexSubTables'}; $j++) {
            $fh->print(pack("N*", $self->{'indexSubTable'}[$i][$j]));


=head1 BUGS

Only indexFormat ==1 is implemented.  XML output is not supported (yet).

=head1 AUTHOR

NIIBE Yutaka L<>.  
This was written at the CodeFest Akihabara 2006 hosted by FSIJ.

Patch sent with licensing requirements??


Copyright (c) 1998-2016, SIL International ( 

This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. 
For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.
