Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 22;

    use File::Spec;
    use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "lib");

use File::Path;

use File::Find::Object::TreeCreate;

    my $t = File::Find::Object::TreeCreate->new();

    # TEST
    ok ($t, "TreeCreate object was initialized");

    # TEST
    is ($t->get_path("./t/file.txt"), File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "file.txt"));

    # TEST
    is ($t->get_path("./t/mydir/"), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "mydir"));

    # TEST
    is ($t->get_path("./t/hello/there/world.jpg"), File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "hello", "there", "world.jpg"));

    # TEST
    is ($t->get_path("./one/two/three/four/"), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), "one", "two", "three", "four"));

    my $t = File::Find::Object::TreeCreate->new();

    # TEST
    ok ($t->exist("./MANIFEST"), "Checking the exist() method");

    # TEST
    ok (!$t->exist("./BKLASDJASFDJODIJASDOJASODJ.wok"),
        "Checking the exist() method");

    # TEST
    ok ($t->is_file("./MANIFEST"), "Checking the is_file method");

    # TEST
    ok (! $t->is_file ("./t"), "Checking the is_file method - 2");

    # TEST
    ok (! $t->is_dir("./MANIFEST"), "Checking the is_dir method - false");

    # TEST
    ok ($t->is_dir ("./t"), "Checking the is_dir method - true");

    # TEST
    is ($t->cat("./t/sample-data/h.txt"), "Hello.",
        "Checking the cat method");

        mkdir ($t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test"));
        mkdir ($t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test/a"));
            open my $out_fh, ">", $t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test/b.txt");
            print {$out_fh} "Yowza";
            close ($out_fh);
        mkdir ($t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test/c"));
            open my $out_fh, ">", $t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test/h.xls");
            print {$out_fh} "FooBardom!\n";
            close ($out_fh);
        # TEST
        is_deeply ($t->ls("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test"),
            "Testing the ls method",
        # Cleanup
        rmtree ($t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create-ls-test"));

        my $tree =
            'name' => "tree-create--tree-test-1/",
            'subs' =>
                    'name' => "b.doc",
                    'contents' => "This file was spotted in the wild.",
                    'name' => "a/",
                    'name' => "foo/",
                    'subs' =>
                            'name' => "yet/",

        $t->create_tree("./t/sample-data/", $tree);

        # TEST
        is_deeply ($t->ls("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1"),
            ["a", "b.doc", "foo"],
            "Testing the contents of the root tree"

        # TEST
        ok ($t->is_dir("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/a"),
            "a is a dir"

        # TEST
        is_deeply ($t->ls("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/a"),
            "Testing the contents of a"

        # TEST
        is_deeply ($t->ls("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/foo"),
            "Testing the contents of foo"

        # TEST
        ok ($t->is_dir("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/foo/yet"),
            "Testing that foo/yet is a dir"

        # TEST
        is_deeply ($t->ls("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/foo/yet"),
            "Testing that foo/yet is a dir"

        # TEST
        ok ($t->is_file("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/b.doc"),
            "Checking that b.doc is a file"

        # TEST
        is ($t->cat("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1/b.doc"),
            "This file was spotted in the wild.",
            "Checking for contents of b.doc"

        # Cleanup
        rmtree ($t->get_path("./t/sample-data/tree-create--tree-test-1"));
        # TEST
        is ($t->get_path("s/hello"), File::Spec->catfile("s", "hello"),
            "Bug that eliminated ^[AnyChar]/ instead of ^\\./"