Blob Blame History Raw
package File::Find::Object::DeepPath;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = 'v0.3.1';

use 5.008;

use integer;

use parent 'File::Find::Object::PathComp';

use File::Spec;

sub new {
    my ($class, $top, $from) = @_;

    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;


    my $find = { %{$from->_inodes()} };
    if (my $inode = $self->_inode) {
        $find->{join(",", $self->_dev(), $inode)} =



    push @{$top->_curr_comps()}, "";

    return $top->_open_dir() ? $self : undef;

sub _move_next
    my ($self, $top) = @_;

    if (defined($self->_curr_file(
        $top->_curr_comps()->[-1] = $self->_curr_file();


        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

package File::Find::Object::TopPath;

our $VERSION = '0.3.2';

use parent 'File::Find::Object::PathComp';

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $top = shift;

    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;


    return $self;

sub _move_to_next_target
    my $self = shift;
    my $top = shift;

    my $target = $self->_curr_file($top->_calc_next_target());
    @{$top->_curr_comps()} = ($target);

    return $target;

sub _move_next
    my $self = shift;
    my $top = shift;

    while ($top->_increment_target_index())
        if (-e $self->_move_to_next_target($top))

            my $inode = $self->_inode();
                ($inode == 0)
                ? {}
                    join(",", $self->_dev(), $inode) => 0,

            return 1;

    return 0;

package File::Find::Object;

use strict;
use warnings;

use parent 'File::Find::Object::Base';

use File::Find::Object::Result;

use Fcntl ':mode';
use List::Util ();

sub _get_options_ids
    my $class = shift;
    return [qw(

# _curr_comps are the components (comps) of the master object's current path.
# _curr_path is the concatenated path itself.

use Class::XSAccessor
    accessors => {
        (map { $_ => $_ }


use Carp;

our $VERSION = '0.3.2';

sub new {
    my ($class, $options, @targets) = @_;

    # The *existence* of an _st key inside the struct
    # indicates that the stack is full.
    # So now it's empty.
    my $tree = {
        _dir_stack => [],
        _curr_comps => [],

    bless($tree, $class);

    foreach my $opt (@{$tree->_get_options_ids()})




    push @{$tree->_dir_stack()},


    return $tree;

sub _curr_not_a_dir {
    return !shift->_top_is_dir();

# Calculates _curr_path from $self->_curr_comps().
# Must be called whenever _curr_comps is modified.
sub _calc_curr_path
    my $self = shift;



sub _calc_current_item_obj {
    my $self = shift;

    my @comps = @{$self->_curr_comps()};

    my $ret =
        path => scalar($self->_curr_path()),
        dir_components => \@comps,
        base => shift(@comps),
        stat_ret => scalar($self->_top_stat_copy()),
        is_file => scalar(-f _),
        is_dir => scalar(-d _),
        is_link => $self->_top_is_link(),

    if ($self->_curr_not_a_dir())
        $ret->{basename} = pop(@comps);

    return bless $ret, "File::Find::Object::Result";

sub next_obj {
    my $self = shift;

    until (     $self->_process_current
            || ((!$self->_master_move_to_next())
               && $self->_me_die())
        # Do nothing

    return $self->item_obj();

sub next {
    my $self = shift;


    return $self->item();

sub item {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->item_obj() ? $self->item_obj()->path() : undef;

sub _current_father {
    return shift->_dir_stack->[-2];

sub _increment_target_index
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_target_index( $self->_target_index() + 1 );

    return ($self->_target_index() < scalar(@{$self->_targets()}));

sub _calc_next_target
    my $self = shift;

    my $target = $self->_targets()->[$self->_target_index()];

    return defined($target) ? File::Spec->canonpath($target) : undef;

sub _master_move_to_next {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_current()->_move_next($self);

sub _me_die {
    my $self = shift;

    if (exists($self->{_st})) {
        return $self->_become_default();

    return 1;

sub _become_default
    my $self = shift;

    my $st = $self->_dir_stack();


    if (@$st == 1)
        # If depth is false, then we no longer need the _curr_path
        # of the directories above the previously-set value, because we
        # already traversed them.
        if ($self->depth())

    return 0;

sub _calc_default_actions {
    my $self = shift;

    my @calc_obj =
        ? (qw(_run_cb))
        : (qw(_set_obj))

    my @rec = qw(_recurse);

            ? (@rec, @calc_obj)
            : (@calc_obj, @rec)


sub _fill_actions {
    my $self = shift;
    my $other = shift;

    $other->_actions([ @{$self->_def_actions()} ]);


sub _mystat {
    my $self = shift;


    $self->_top_is_dir(scalar(-d _));

    if ($self->_top_is_link(scalar(-l _))) {
        $self->_top_is_dir(scalar(-d _));

    return "SKIP";

sub _next_action {
    my $self = shift;

    return shift(@{$self->_current->_actions()});

sub _check_process_current {
    my $self = shift;

    return (defined($self->_current->_curr_file()) && $self->_filter_wrapper());

# Return true if there is something next
sub _process_current {
    my $self = shift;

    if (!$self->_check_process_current())
        return 0;
        return $self->_process_current_actions();

sub _set_obj {
    my $self = shift;


    return 1;

sub _run_cb {
    my $self = shift;



    return 1;

sub _process_current_actions
    my $self = shift;

    while (my $action = $self->_next_action())
        my $status = $self->$action();

        if ($status ne "SKIP")
            return $status;

    return 0;

sub _recurse
    my $self = shift;

    $self->_check_subdir() or
        return "SKIP";

    push @{$self->_dir_stack()},

    $self->{_st} = 1;

    return 0;

sub _filter_wrapper {
    my $self = shift;

    return defined($self->filter()) ?
        $self->filter()->($self->_curr_path()) :

sub _check_subdir
    my $self = shift;

    # If current is not a directory always return 0, because we may
    # be asked to traverse single-files.

    if ($self->_curr_not_a_dir())
        return 0;
        return $self->_check_subdir_h()->($self);

sub _warn_about_loop
    my $self = shift;
    my $component_idx = shift;

    # Don't pass strings directly to the format.
    # Instead - use %s
    # This was a security problem.
            "Avoid loop %s => %s\n",
                    @{$self->_curr_comps()}[0 .. $component_idx]


sub _is_loop {
    my $self = shift;

    my $key = join(",", @{$self->_top_stat()}[0,1]);
    my $lookup = $self->_current->_inodes;

    if (exists($lookup->{$key})) {
        return 1;
    else {

# We eval "" the helper of check_subdir because the conditions that
# affect the checks are instance-wide and constant and so we can
# determine how the code should look like.

sub _gen_check_subdir_helper {
    my $self = shift;

    my @clauses;

    if (!$self->followlink()) {
        push @clauses, '$s->_top_is_link()';

    if ($self->nocrossfs()) {
        push @clauses, '($s->_top_stat->[0] != $s->_dev())';

    push @clauses, '$s->_is_loop()';

          'sub { my $s = shift; '
        . 'return ((!exists($s->{_st})) || !('
        . join("||", @clauses) . '));'
        . '}'

sub _context_less_eval {
    my $code = shift;
    return eval $code;

sub _open_dir {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_current()->_component_open_dir(

sub set_traverse_to
    my ($self, $children) = @_;

    # Make sure we scan the current directory for sub-items first.


sub get_traverse_to
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_current->_traverse_to_copy();

sub get_current_node_files_list
    my $self = shift;

    # _open_dir can return undef if $self->_current is not a directory.
    if ($self->_open_dir())
        return $self->_current->_files_copy();
        return [];

sub prune
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->set_traverse_to([]);



=head1 NAME

File::Find::Object - An object oriented File::Find replacement


    use File::Find::Object;
    my $tree = File::Find::Object->new({}, @targets);

    while (my $r = $tree->next()) {
        print $r ."\n";


File::Find::Object does the same job as File::Find but works like an object
and with an iterator. As File::Find is not object oriented, one cannot perform
multiple searches in the same application. The second problem of File::Find
is its file processing: after starting its main loop, one cannot easily wait
for another event and so get the next result.

With File::Find::Object you can get the next file by calling the next()
function, but setting a callback is still possible.


=head2 new

    my $ffo = File::Find::Object->new( { options }, @targets);

Create a new File::Find::Object object. C<@targets> is the list of
directories or files which the object should explore.

=head3 options

=over 4

=item depth

Boolean - returns the directory content before the directory itself.

=item nocrossfs

Boolean - doesn't continue on filesystems different than the parent.

=item followlink

Boolean - follow symlinks when they point to a directory.

You can safely set this option to true as File::Find::Object does not follow
the link if it detects a loop.

=item filter

Function reference - should point to a function returning TRUE or FALSE. This
function is called with the filename to filter, if the function return FALSE,
the file is skipped.

=item callback

Function reference - should point to a function, which would be called each
time a new file is returned. The function is called with the current filename
as an argument.


=head2 next

Returns the next file found by the File::Find::Object. It returns undef once
the scan is completed.

=head2 item

Returns the current filename found by the File::Find::Object object, i.e: the
last value returned by next().

=head2 next_obj

Like next() only returns the result as a convenient
L<File::Find::Object::Result> object. C<< $ff->next() >> is equivalent to
C<< $ff->next_obj()->path() >>.

=head2 item_obj

Like item() only returns the result as a convenient
L<File::Find::Object::Result> object. C<< $ff->item() >> is equivalent to
C<< $ff->item_obj()->path() >>.

=head2 $ff->set_traverse_to([@children])

Sets the children to traverse to from the current node. Useful for pruning
items to traverse.

Accepts a single array reference.


    $ff->set_traverse_to([ grep { ! /\A\./ } @{ $ff->get_traverse_to }]);

=head2 $ff->prune()

Prunes the current directory. Equivalent to $ff->set_traverse_to([]).

=head2 [@children] = $ff->get_traverse_to()

Retrieves the children that will be traversed to. Returns a single array

(Example under C<set_traverse_to>).

=head2 [@files] = $ff->get_current_node_files_list()

Gets all the files that appear in the current directory. This value remains
constant for every node, even after traversal or calls to C<set_traverse_to()>
and is useful to use as the basis of the argument for C<set_traverse_to()>.

Returns a single array reference.

=head1 BUGS

No bugs are known, but it doesn't mean there aren't any.

=head1 SEE ALSO

There's an article about this module in the Perl Advent Calendar of 2006:

L<File::Find> is the core module for traversing files in perl, which has
several limitations.

L<File::Next>, L<File::Find::Iterator>, L<File::Walker> and the unmaintained
L<File::FTS> are alternatives to this module.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Olivier Thauvin

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the following terms:

1. The GNU General Public License Version 2.0 -

2. The Artistic License Version 2.0 -

3. At your option - any later version of either or both of these licenses.
