Blob Blame History Raw
BEGIN { require 5.006; }
use strict;

use lib qw(lib); # use ourself if possible not the existing stuff.

# On Win32 things work better if Win32API::File is available.
# Activestate builds have it by default, but the core distro doesn't
# so we recommend it on Win32.
# * BUT *
# We can't recommend it on the release system as it then goes in the
# and then non-Win32 CPAN clients think they need it get upset when it fails
# to build on their system.
# Until CPAN and Module::Build and the other infrastructure has a better
# way to deal with this we assume UNIX when building a release.
# The pre-build stage will moan on Win32 anyway.

my $Recommend_Win32API_File =  $ENV{USERNAME} ne 'demerphq'
                            && ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin');

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

    LICENSE => 'perl',

    NAME                => 'ExtUtils::Install',
    AUTHOR              => 'demerphq <>',
    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/ExtUtils/',
    ABSTRACT            => 'install files from here to there',

#   This causes failure to locate ABSTRACT with DISTNAME below set to different name
#   ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/ExtUtils/',

    DISTNAME            => 'ExtUtils-Install',
    PL_FILES            => {}, # Avoid auto extracting 'Build.PL'

    PREREQ_PM => {
#        'vars' => 0,

#       'AutoSplit' => 0,
#        'Exporter' => 0,

        'Carp' => 0,
#        'Config' => 0,

        'Cwd' => 0,

        'File::Basename' => 0,
        'File::Compare' => 0,
        'File::Copy' => 0,
        'File::Find' => 0,
        'File::Path' => 0,
        'File::Spec' => 0,
        'File::Temp' => 0,

        ($^O eq 'VMS' ? ('VMS::Filespec' => 0) : ()),
        ($Recommend_Win32API_File ? ('Win32API::File' => 0) : ()),

        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,

#       'Test::More' => 0, # This is bundled, but not in @INC for prereqs

    INSTALLDIRS     => ( $] < 5.012 ? 'perl' : 'site' ),

    #NO_META => 1,

    dist  => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
    clean => { FILES => 'ExtUtils-Install-*' },

    META_MERGE => {
      resources => {
        license     => '',
        homepage    => '',
        bugtracker  => '',
        repository  => '',

    package MY;

    BEGIN {
        $lib  = File::Spec->canonpath('lib/');

    # Make sure PERLRUN uses the MakeMaker about to be installed
    # and not the currently installed one.
    sub init_PERL {
        my($self) = shift;
        $self->{ABSPERLRUN} .= qq{ "-I$lib"};
        $self->{PERLRUN} .= qq{ "-I$lib"};
        $self->{FULLPERLRUN} .= qq{ "-I$lib"};

sub WriteMakefile1 {  #Written by Alexandr Ciornii, version 0.21. Added by eumm-upgrade.
    my %params=@_;
    my $eumm_version=$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
    $eumm_version=eval $eumm_version;
    die "EXTRA_META is deprecated" if exists $params{EXTRA_META};
    die "License not specified" if not exists $params{LICENSE};
    if ($params{BUILD_REQUIRES} and $eumm_version < 6.5503) {
        #EUMM 6.5502 has problems with BUILD_REQUIRES
        $params{PREREQ_PM}={ %{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}} , %{$params{BUILD_REQUIRES}} };
        delete $params{BUILD_REQUIRES};
    delete $params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.52;
    delete $params{MIN_PERL_VERSION} if $eumm_version < 6.48;
    delete $params{META_MERGE} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
    delete $params{META_ADD} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
    delete $params{LICENSE} if $eumm_version < 6.31;
    delete $params{AUTHOR} if $] < 5.005;
    delete $params{ABSTRACT_FROM} if $] < 5.005;
    delete $params{BINARY_LOCATION} if $] < 5.005;
