# $Id: jperl.t,v 2.5 2016/11/29 23:29:23 dankogai Exp $
# This script is written in euc-jp
require Config; import Config;
if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bEncode\b/) {
print "1..0 # Skip: Encode was not built\n";
exit 0;
unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') {
print "1..0 # Skip: PerlIO was not built\n";
exit 0;
if (ord("A") == 193) {
print "1..0 # Skip: EBCDIC\n";
exit 0;
if ($] >= 5.025 and !$Config{usecperl}) {
print "1..0 # Skip: encoding pragma not supported in Perl 5.26\n";
$| = 1;
no utf8; # we have raw Japanese encodings here
use strict;
#use Test::More tests => 18;
use Test::More tests => 15; # black magic tests commented out
my $Debug = shift;
no warnings "deprecated";
no encoding; # ensure
my $Enamae = "\xbe\xae\xbb\xf4\x20\xc3\xc6"; # euc-jp, with \x escapes
use encoding "euc-jp";
my $Namae = "¾®»ô ÃÆ"; # in Japanese, in euc-jp
my $Name = "Dan Kogai"; # in English
# euc-jp in \x format but after the pragma. But this one will be converted!
my $Ynamae = "\xbe\xae\xbb\xf4\x20\xc3\xc6";
my $str = $Namae; $str =~ s/¾®»ô ÃÆ/Dan Kogai/o;
is($str, $Name, q{regex});
$str = $Namae; $str =~ s/$Namae/Dan Kogai/o;
is($str, $Name, q{regex - with variable});
is(length($Namae), 4, q{utf8:length});
use bytes;
# converted to UTF-8 so 3*3+1
is(length($Namae), 10, q{bytes:length});
is(length($Enamae), 7, q{euc:length}); # 2*3+1
is ($Namae, $Ynamae, q{literal conversions});
isnt($Enamae, $Ynamae, q{before and after});
is($Enamae, Encode::encode('euc-jp', $Namae));
# let's test the scope as well. Must be in utf8 realm
is(length($Namae), 4, q{utf8:length});
no encoding;
ok(! defined(${^ENCODING}), q{no encoding;});
# should've been isnt() but no scoping is suported -- yet
ok(! defined(${^ENCODING}), q{not scoped yet});
# The following tests are commented out to accomodate
# Inaba-San's patch to make tr/// work w/o eval qq{}
# # now let's try some real black magic!
# local(${^ENCODING}) = Encode::find_encoding("euc-jp");
# my $str = "\xbe\xae\xbb\xf4\x20\xc3\xc6";
# is (length($str), 4, q{black magic:length});
# is ($str, $Enamae, q{black magic:eq});
#ok(! defined(${^ENCODING}), q{out of black magic});
use bytes;
is (length($Namae), 10);
# now something completely different!
use encoding "euc-jp", Filter=>1;
ok(1, "Filter on");
use utf8;
no strict 'vars'; # fools
# doesn't work w/ "my" as of this writing.
# because of buggy strict.pm and utf8.pm
our $¿Í = 2;
# ^^U+4eba, "human" in CJK ideograph
$¿Í++; # a child is born
*people = \$¿Í;
is ($people, 3, "Filter:utf8 identifier");
no encoding;
ok(1, "Filter off");