# $Id: Unicode.t,v 2.3 2012/08/05 23:08:49 dankogai Exp $
# This script is written entirely in ASCII, even though quoted literals
# do include non-BMP unicode characters -- Are you happy, jhi?
require Config; import Config;
if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bEncode\b/) {
print "1..0 # Skip: Encode was not built\n";
exit 0;
if (ord("A") == 193) {
print "1..0 # Skip: EBCDIC\n";
exit 0;
$| = 1;
use strict;
#use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Test::More tests => 56;
use Encode qw(encode decode find_encoding);
# see
# http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr19/
my $dankogai = "\x{5c0f}\x{98fc}\x{3000}\x{5f3e}";
my $nasty = "$dankogai\x{1abcd}";
my $fallback = "$dankogai\x{fffd}\x{fffd}";
#hi: (0x1abcd - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800 = 0xd82a
#lo: (0x1abcd - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00 = 0xdfcd
my $n_16be =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)} qw<5c 0f 98 fc 30 00 5f 3e d8 2a df cd>);
my $n_16le =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)} qw<0f 5c fc 98 00 30 3e 5f 2a d8 cd df>);
my $f_16be =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)} qw<5c 0f 98 fc 30 00 5f 3e ff fd>);
my $f_16le =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)} qw<0f 5c fc 98 00 30 3e 5f fd ff>);
my $n_32be =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)}
qw<00 00 5c 0f 00 00 98 fc 00 00 30 00 00 00 5f 3e 00 01 ab cd>);
my $n_32le =
pack("C*", map {hex($_)}
qw<0f 5c 00 00 fc 98 00 00 00 30 00 00 3e 5f 00 00 cd ab 01 00>);
my $n_16bb = pack('n', 0xFeFF) . $n_16be;
my $n_16lb = pack('v', 0xFeFF) . $n_16le;
my $n_32bb = pack('N', 0xFeFF) . $n_32be;
my $n_32lb = pack('V', 0xFeFF) . $n_32le;
is($n_16be, encode('UTF-16BE', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-16BE});
is($n_16le, encode('UTF-16LE', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-16LE});
is($n_32be, encode('UTF-32BE', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-32BE});
is($n_32le, encode('UTF-32LE', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-16LE});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-16BE', $n_16be), qq{decode UTF-16BE});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-16LE', $n_16le), qq{decode UTF-16LE});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-32BE', $n_32be), qq{decode UTF-32BE});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-32LE', $n_32le), qq{decode UTF-32LE});
is($n_16bb, encode('UTF-16', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-16});
is($n_32bb, encode('UTF-32', $nasty), qq{encode UTF-32});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-16', $n_16bb), qq{decode UTF-16, bom=be});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-16', $n_16lb), qq{decode UTF-16, bom=le});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-32', $n_32bb), qq{decode UTF-32, bom=be});
is($nasty, decode('UTF-32', $n_32lb), qq{decode UTF-32, bom=le});
is(decode('UCS-2BE', $n_16be), $fallback, "decode UCS-2BE: fallback");
is(decode('UCS-2LE', $n_16le), $fallback, "decode UCS-2LE: fallback");
eval { decode('UCS-2BE', $n_16be, 1) };
is (index($@,'UCS-2BE:'), 0, "decode UCS-2BE: exception");
eval { decode('UCS-2LE', $n_16le, 1) };
is (index($@,'UCS-2LE:'), 0, "decode UCS-2LE: exception");
is(encode('UCS-2BE', $nasty), $f_16be, "encode UCS-2BE: fallback");
is(encode('UCS-2LE', $nasty), $f_16le, "encode UCS-2LE: fallback");
eval { encode('UCS-2BE', $nasty, 1) };
is(index($@, 'UCS-2BE'), 0, "encode UCS-2BE: exception");
eval { encode('UCS-2LE', $nasty, 1) };
is(index($@, 'UCS-2LE'), 0, "encode UCS-2LE: exception");
my %tests = (
'UCS-2BE' => 'n*',
'UCS-2LE' => 'v*',
'UTF-16BE' => 'n*',
'UTF-16LE' => 'v*',
'UTF-32BE' => 'N*',
'UTF-32LE' => 'V*',
while (my ($enc, $pack) = each(%tests)) {
is(decode($enc, pack($pack, 0xD800, 0x263A)), "\x{FFFD}\x{263A}",
"decode $enc (HI surrogate followed by WHITE SMILING FACE)");
is(decode($enc, pack($pack, 0xDC00, 0x263A)), "\x{FFFD}\x{263A}",
"decode $enc (LO surrogate followed by WHITE SMILING FACE)");
my %tests = (
'UTF-16BE' => 'n*',
'UTF-16LE' => 'v*',
while (my ($enc, $pack) = each(%tests)) {
is(decode($enc, pack($pack, 0xD800)), "\x{FFFD}",
"decode $enc (HI surrogate)");
is(decode($enc, pack($pack, 0x263A, 0xD800)), "\x{263A}\x{FFFD}",
"decode $enc (WHITE SMILING FACE followed by HI surrogate)");
my %tests = (
'UTF-16BE' => 'n*',
'UTF-16LE' => 'v*',
while (my ($enc, $pack) = each(%tests)) {
is(encode($enc, "\x{110000}"), pack($pack, 0xFFFD),
"ordinals greater than U+10FFFF is replaced with U+FFFD");
# SvGROW test for (en|de)code_xs
my $utf8 = '';
for my $j (0,0x10){
for my $i (0..0xffff){
$j == 0 and (0xD800 <= $i && $i <= 0xDFFF) and next;
$utf8 .= ord($j+$i);
for my $major ('UTF-16', 'UTF-32'){
for my $minor ('BE', 'LE'){
my $enc = $major.$minor;
is(decode($enc, encode($enc, $utf8)), $utf8, "$enc RT");
# CJKT vs. UTF-7
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
my $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "$dir:$!";
my @file = sort grep {/\.utf$/o} readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
for my $file (@file){
my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
open my $fh, '<', $path or die "$path:$!";
my $content;
if (PerlIO::Layer->find('perlio')){
binmode $fh => ':utf8';
$content = join('' => <$fh>);
}else{ # ugh!
binmode $fh;
$content = join('' => <$fh>);
close $fh;
is(decode("UTF-7", encode("UTF-7", $content)), $content,
"UTF-7 RT:$file");
# Magic
# see http://rt.perl.org/rt3//Ticket/Display.html?id=60472
my $work = chr(0x100);
my $encoding = find_encoding("UTF16-BE");
my $tied;
tie $tied, SomeScalar => \$work;
my $result = $encoding->encode($tied, 1);
is($work, "", "check set magic was applied");
package SomeScalar;
use Tie::Scalar;
use vars qw(@ISA);
BEGIN { @ISA = 'Tie::Scalar' }
my ($class, $ref) = @_;
return bless $ref, $class;
sub FETCH {
sub STORE {
${$_[0]} = $_[1];