Blob Blame History Raw

=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

{$name} - {$description}


This pod file contains examples of the locale data available for the
{$locale->name} locale.

=head2 Days

=head3 Wide (format)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_format_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (format)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_format_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"
=head3 Narrow (format)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_format_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"

=head3 Wide (stand-alone)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_stand_alone_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (stand-alone)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_stand_alone_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"
=head3 Narrow (stand-alone)

  for my $day ( @{ $locale->day_stand_alone_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $day\n"
=head2 Months

=head3 Wide (format)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_format_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (format)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_format_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"
=head3 Narrow (format)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_format_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"

=head3 Wide (stand-alone)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_stand_alone_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (stand-alone)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_stand_alone_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"
=head3 Narrow (stand-alone)

  for my $month ( @{ $locale->month_stand_alone_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $month\n"
=head2 Quarters

=head3 Wide (format)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_format_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (format)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_format_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"
=head3 Narrow (format)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_format_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"

=head3 Wide (stand-alone)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_stand_alone_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (stand-alone)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"
=head3 Narrow (stand-alone)

  for my $quarter ( @{ $locale->quarter_stand_alone_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $quarter\n"
=head2 Eras

=head3 Wide (format)

  for my $era ( @{ $locale->era_wide } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $era\n"
=head3 Abbreviated (format)

  for my $era ( @{ $locale->era_abbreviated } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $era\n"
=head3 Narrow (format)

  for my $era ( @{ $locale->era_narrow } ) {
      $OUT .= "  $era\n"
=head2 Date Formats

  $_->set_locale($locale) for @example_dts;
  for my $length (qw( full long medium short )) {
      my $meth = 'date_format_' . $length;
      $OUT .= "=head3 \u$length\n\n";
      for my $dt (@example_dts) {
          $OUT .= sprintf(
              '  %20s = %s',
              $dt->format_cldr( $locale->$meth )
          $OUT .= "\n";
      $OUT .= "\n";
=head2 Time Formats

  for my $length (qw( full long medium short )) {
      my $meth = 'time_format_' . $length;
      $OUT .= "=head3 \u$length\n\n";
      for my $dt (@example_dts) {
          $OUT .= sprintf(
              '  %20s = %s',
              $dt->format_cldr( $locale->$meth )
          $OUT .= "\n";
      $OUT .= "\n";
=head2 Datetime Formats

  for my $length (qw( full long medium short )) {
      my $meth = 'datetime_format_' . $length;
      $OUT .= "=head3 \u$length\n\n";
      for my $dt (@example_dts) {
          $OUT .= sprintf(
              '  %20s = %s',
              $dt->format_cldr( $locale->$meth )
          $OUT .= "\n";
      $OUT .= "\n";
=head2 Available Formats

  for my $key ( sort { $a cmp $b } $locale->available_formats ) {
      my $fmt = $locale->format_for($key);
      $OUT .= "=head3 $key ($fmt)\n\n";
      for my $dt (@example_dts) {
          $OUT .= sprintf(
              '  %20s = %s',
          $OUT .= "\n";
      $OUT .= "\n";
=head2 Miscellaneous

=head3 Prefers 24 hour time?

{ $locale->prefers_24_hour_time ? 'Yes' : 'No' }

=head3 Local first day of the week

{ $locale->first_day_of_week } ({ $locale->day_stand_alone_wide->[ $locale->first_day_of_week - 1 ] })

=head1 SUPPORT

See L<DateTime::Locale>.
