Blob Blame History Raw
use strict;
	$|  = 1;
	$^W = 1;

# test the example described in 
# L<DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData/"Hashref example : unicode characters">

use lib "t/lib";
use SQLiteTest qw/connect_ok $sqlite_call/;
use Test::More;

  # check for old Perls which did not have Unicode::UCD in core
  if (eval "use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo'; 1") {
    plan tests => 10;
  else {
    plan skip_all => "Unicode::UCD does not seem to be installed";

use Test::NoWarnings;

our $chars = [map {charinfo($_)} 0x300..0x400];

my $sigma_block = charinfo(0x3A3)->{block};

my $dbh = connect_ok( RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 );

ok $dbh->$sqlite_call(create_module =>
                        perl => "DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData"),

ok $dbh->do(<<""), "create table";
    code, name, block, script, category,

my $sql = "SELECT * FROM charinfo WHERE script='Greek' AND name LIKE '%SIGMA%'";
my $res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, {Slice => {}});
ok scalar(@$res),                        "found sigma letters";
is $res->[0]{block}, $sigma_block, "letter in proper block";

# The former example used SQLite's LIKE operator; now do the same with MATCH
# which gets translated to a Perl regex
$sql = "SELECT * FROM charinfo WHERE script='Greek' AND name MATCH 'SIGMA'";
$res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, {Slice => {}});
ok scalar(@$res),                        "found sigma letters";
is $res->[0]{block}, $sigma_block, "letter in proper block";

# the following does not work because \b gets escaped as a literal
#$sql = "SELECT * FROM charinfo WHERE script='Greek' AND name MATCH '\\bSIGMA\\b'";

# but the following does work because the REGEXP operator is handled
# outside of the BEST_INDEX / FILTER methods
$sql = "SELECT * FROM charinfo WHERE script='Greek' AND name REGEXP '\\bSIGMA\\b'";
$res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, {Slice => {}});
ok scalar(@$res),                        "found sigma letters";
is $res->[0]{block},  $sigma_block, "letter in proper block";