Blob Blame History Raw
package Config::IniFiles::Slurp;

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;

use base 'Exporter';

use vars (qw(@EXPORT_OK));

@EXPORT_OK = (qw( bin_slurp slurp ));

=head2 slurp()

Reads the entire file.


sub slurp
    my $filename = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $filename
        or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!";

    local $/;
    my $contents = <$in>;


    return $contents;

=head2 slurp()

Reads the entire file with binmode

sub bin_slurp
    my $filename = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $filename
        or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!";

    binmode $in;
    local $/;
    my $contents = <$in>;


    return $contents;
