Blob Blame History Raw
use strict;
use warnings;

# Should be 15
use Test::More tests => 15;

use lib "./t/lib";

use Config::IniFiles::TestPaths;

use IO::File;

    # TEST
    use_ok ('Config::IniFiles');

my $ini;

# a simple filehandle, such as STDIN
#** If anyone can come up with a test for STDIN that would be great
#   The following could be run in a separate file with data piped
#   in. e.g. ok( !system( "$^X < test.ini" ) );
#   But it's only good on platforms that support redirection.
#	use strict;
#	use Config::IniFiles;
#	my $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => STDIN);
#	exit $ini ? 0; 1

local *CONFIG;
# a filehandle glob, such as *CONFIG
if( open( CONFIG, "<", t_file("test.ini") ) ) {
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => *CONFIG);
  ok ($ini, q{$ini was initialized});
  close CONFIG;
} else {
  ok (0, "Could not open file");

# a reference to a glob, such as \*CONFIG
if( open( CONFIG, "<", t_file("test.ini") ) ) {
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => \*CONFIG);
  ok ($ini, q{$ini was initialized with a reference to a glob.});
  close CONFIG;
} else {
  ok( 0, q{could not open test.ini});

# an IO::File object
if( my $fh = IO::File->new( t_file("test.ini") )) {
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => $fh);
  ok ($ini, q{$ini was initialized with an IO::File reference.});
} else {
  ok ( 0, "Could not open file" );
} # endif

# Reread on an open handle
if( open( CONFIG, "<", t_file("test.ini") ) ) {
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => \*CONFIG);
  ok (($ini && $ini->ReadConfig()), qq{ReadConfig() was successful});
  close CONFIG;
} else {
  ok (0, "Could not open file" );

use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::Spec ();

my $dir_name = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
my $test01_fn = File::Spec->catfile($dir_name, 'test01.ini');

if( open( CONFIG, "<", t_file("test.ini") ) ) {
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => \*CONFIG);
  $ini->SetFileName( $test01_fn );
  close CONFIG;
  # Now test opening and re-write to the same handle
  if(! open( CONFIG, "+<", $test01_fn )) {
    die "Could not open " . $test01_fn . " for read/write";
  $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => \*CONFIG);
  my $badname = scalar(\*CONFIG);
                                       # Have to use open/close because -e seems to be always true!
  ok( $ini && $ini->RewriteConfig() && !(open( I, $badname ) && close(I)) ,
      qq{Write to a new file name and write to it},
  close CONFIG;
  # In case it failed, remove the file
  # (old behavior was to write to a file whose filename is the scalar value of the handle!)
  unlink $badname;
} else {
    ok (0, "Could not open file");
} # end if

# the pathname of a file
$ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file("test.ini"));
ok ($ini, q{Opening with -file works});

# A non-INI file should fail, but not throw warnings
local $@ = '';
my $ERRORS = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $ERRORS .= $_[0] };
eval { $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file("00load.t")) };
    !$@ && !$ERRORS && !defined($ini),
    "A non-INI file should fail, but not throw errors"

$@ = '';
eval { $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => \*DATA) };
ok (!$@ && defined($ini),
    "Read in the DATA file without errors"

# Try a file with utf-8 encoding (has a Byte-Order-Mark at the start)
$ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file("en.ini"));
ok ($ini,
    "Try a file with utf-8 encoding (has a Byte-Order-Mark at the start)"

# Create a new INI file, and set the name using SetFileName
$ini = Config::IniFiles->new();
my $filename = $ini->GetFileName;
ok ((! defined($filename)),
    "Not defined filename on fresh Config::IniFiles"

$filename = $ini->GetFileName;
    "Check GetFileName method",

$@ = '';
eval { $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file('blank.ini')); };
ok ((!$@ && !defined($ini)),
    "Make sure that no warnings are thrown for an empty file",

$@ = '';
eval { $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file('blank.ini'), -allowempty=>1); };
ok((!$@ && defined($ini)),
    "Empty files should cause no rejection when appropriate switch set",

$@ = '';
eval { $ini = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => t_file('bad.ini')); };
ok((!$@ && !defined($ini) && @Config::IniFiles::errors),
    "A malformed file should throw an error message",

; File that has comments in the first line
; Comments are marked with ';'.
; This should not fail when checking if the file is valid