Blob Blame History Raw
# -*- cperl -*-

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use Config::AutoConf;

    foreach my $f (<config*.*>)
        -e $f and unlink $f;

## OK, we really hope people have sdtio.h around
ok(Config::AutoConf->check_header("stdio.h")) or plan skip_all => "No working compile environment";
is(Config::AutoConf->check_headers("astupidheaderfile.h", "stdio.h"), "stdio.h");

# check several headers at once
my $ac = Config::AutoConf->new(logfile => "config2.log");
eval { $ac->check_default_headers(); };
ok(!$@, "check_default_headers") or diag($@);
## we should find at least a stdio.h ...
note("Checking for cache value " . $ac->_cache_name("stdio.h"));
ok($ac->cache_val($ac->_cache_name("stdio.h")), "found stdio.h");

# some complex header tests for wide OS support
eval { $ac->check_dirent_header(); };
ok(!$@, "check_dirent_header") or diag($@);

# check predeclared symbol
# as we test a perl module, we expect perl.h available and suitable
my $include_perl = "#include <EXTERN.h>\n#include <perl.h>";

    skip "Constants not defined on this Perl version", 2 if $] <= 5.01000;

    ok $ac->check_decl("PERL_VERSION_STRING", {prologue => $include_perl}), "PERL_VERSION_STRING declared";

    ok $ac->check_decls(
        {prologue => $ac->_default_includes_with_perl}
      "PERL_API_* declared";

ok $ac->check_decl("perl_parse(PerlInterpreter *, XSINIT_t , int , char** , char** )", {prologue => $include_perl}),
  "perl_parse() declared";

    # test outside cache control
    local $ENV{ac_cv_type_complete_useless_datatype} = 1;
    ok $ac->check_type("complete_useless_datatype"), "External overwritten type test";

# check declared types
ok $ac->check_type("I32", {prologue => $include_perl}), "I32 is valid type";

ok $ac->check_types(["SV *", "AV *", "HV *"], {prologue => $include_perl}), "[SAH]V * are valid types";

# check size of perl types
my $typesize = $ac->check_sizeof_type("I32", {prologue => $include_perl});
ok $typesize, "I32 has size of " . ($typesize ? $typesize : "n/a") . " bytes";

ok $ac->check_sizeof_types(["I32", "SV *", "AV", "HV *", "SV.sv_refcnt"], {prologue => $include_perl}),
  "Could determined sizes for I32, SV *, AV, HV *, SV.sv_refcnt";

my $compute = $ac->compute_int("-sizeof(I32)", {prologue => $include_perl});
cmp_ok($compute, "==", 0 - $typesize, "Compute (-sizeof(I32))");

# check perl data structure members
ok $ac->check_member("struct av.sv_any", {prologue => $include_perl}), "have struct av.sv_any member";

ok $ac->check_members(["struct hv.sv_any", "struct STRUCT_SV.sv_any"], {prologue => $include_perl}),
  "have struct hv.sv_any and struct STRUCT_SV.sv_any members";

my $struct_in_struct_prlg = <<EOP;
struct S1 {
    int i;
    int j;

struct S2 {
    struct S2 *next;
    struct S1 s1;

ok $ac->check_member("struct S2.s1", {prologue => $struct_in_struct_prlg}), "have struct S2.s1 member";

# check aligning
ok $ac->check_alignof_type("I32",          {prologue => $include_perl}), "Align of I32";
ok $ac->check_alignof_type("SV.sv_refcnt", {prologue => $include_perl}), "Align of SV.sv_refcnt";
ok $ac->check_alignof_types(["I32", "U32", "AV", "HV *", "SV.sv_refcnt"], {prologue => $include_perl}),
  "Could determine the sizes of I32, U32, AV, HV *, SV.sv_refcnt";

# Let's take REGEXP structure members as of perlreapi to test check_members
my @members =
  qw/jdd jdd2 engine mother_re extflags minlen minlenret gofs substrs nparens intflags pprivate lastparen lastcloseparen swap offs subbeg saved_copy sublen suboffset subcoffset prelen precomp wrapped wraplen seen_evals paren_names refcnt/;

        [map { "struct regexp.$_" } @members],
            prologue => "#include \"EXTERN.h\"
#include \"perl.h\"
#include \"XSUB.h\""
    "Check struct regexp"

ok(-f "config.h", "default config.h created");
my $fsize;
ok($fsize = (stat("config.h"))[7], "config.h contains content");
ok(-f "config.h", "default config.h created");
cmp_ok((stat("config.h"))[7], ">", $fsize, "2nd config.h is bigger than first (more checks made)");

my ($fh, $fbuf, $dbuf);
open($fh, "<", "config.h");
{ local $/; $fbuf = <$fh>; }

if ($] < 5.008)
    require IO::String;
    $fh = IO::String->new($dbuf);
    open($fh, "+>", \$dbuf);
$fh = undef;

cmp_ok($dbuf, "eq", $fbuf, "file and direct write computes equal");

like($dbuf, qr/COMPLETE_USELESS_DATATYPE/, "complete_useless_datatype in config.h even if injected");

    -f "META.yml" or $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} = 1;
    local $TODO = "Quick fix: TODO - analyse diag later" unless $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING};
    my @old_logfh;
    $dbuf = "";

    if ($] < 5.008)
        $fh = IO::String->new($dbuf);
        open($fh, "+>", \$dbuf);
    @old_logfh = @{$ac->{logfh}};
    cmp_ok(scalar @{$ac->{logfh}}, "==", 2, "Successfully added 2nd loghandle");

    ok($ac->check_compile_perlapi(), "Could compile perl extensions") or diag($dbuf);
    scalar @old_logfh and $ac->delete_log_fh($fh);
    scalar @old_logfh and is_deeply(\@old_logfh, $ac->{logfh}, "add_log_fh/delete_log_fh");
    defined $fh       and close($fh);
    $fh = undef;

    local $ENV{ac_cv_insane_h} = "/usr/include/insane.h";
    my $insane_h = $ac->check_header("insane.h");
    is($insane_h, $ENV{ac_cv_insane_h}, "Cache override for header files work");
