Blob Blame History Raw
name = CPAN-Meta
author = David Golden <>
author = Ricardo Signes <>
author = Adam Kennedy <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = David Golden, Ricardo Signes, Adam Kennedy and Contributors
copyright_year = 2010

encoding = bytes
match = ^t/data-

[Encoding / Corpus]
encoding = Latin-1
filename = corpus/BadMETA.yml



exclude_filename = README.mkdn
exclude_filename = cpanfile
exclude_filename = Makefile.PL




; authordep Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN
:version = 0.0021
config_plugin = @DAGOLDEN
post_code_replacer = replace_with_nothing
replacer = replace_with_comment



fake_home = 1
xt_mode = 1


stopwords = LoadFile
stopwords = apache
stopwords = bsd
stopwords = deserialization
stopwords = deserialize
stopwords = deserializes
stopwords = deserializing
stopwords = die'ing
stopwords = dir
stopwords = distmeta
stopwords = dists
stopwords = gpl
stopwords = json
stopwords = lgpl
stopwords = mailto
stopwords = metacpan
stopwords = metafiles
stopwords = mit
stopwords = mozilla
stopwords = releaser
stopwords = serializer
stopwords = subkey
stopwords = subkeys





options = test_one_dot = 0


authority = cpan:DAGOLDEN
do_munging = 0


skip = ^t::lib

directory = t
directory = xt
directory = examples
directory = corpus
directory = history
package = DB

meta_noindex = 1

issues = 1
remote = origin
remote = github
user = Perl-Toolchain-Gang





default_jobs = 9
eumm_version = 6.17

check_all_plugins = 1
modules = Dist::Zilla
modules = Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN

copy = Makefile.PL



allow_dirty = Makefile.PL


branch = master
remote_branch = master



default_jobs = 9




[Git::Commit / Commit_Dirty_Files]
allow_dirty = Makefile.PL
commit_msg = Update Makefile.PL

tag_format = %v



[Git::Commit / Commit_Changes]
allow_dirty = Changes
allow_dirty = Makefile.PL
allow_dirty_match = ^lib
commit_msg = After release: bump $VERSION and timestamp Changes

push_to = origin

CPAN::Meta::YAML = 0.011
File::Spec = 0.80
JSON::PP = 2.27300
version = 0.88

[Prereqs / DevelopRecommends]
Perl::Critic::Policy::Lax::ProhibitStringyEval::ExceptForRequire = 0

; EU::MM bundled prereqs need this
:version = 0.014
check_dual_life_versions = 0

:version = 0.003
