Blob Blame History Raw

use strict;

    $|  = 1;
    $^W = 1;

use Test::More tests => 6;
use File::Spec       ();
use File::Spec::Unix ();
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES );

my $expected_fn =
  File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir, "t", "badjpeg", "expected.jpg");
my $expected_zip =
  File::Spec::Unix->catfile(File::Spec::Unix->curdir, "t", "badjpeg",

my $got_fn     = "got.jpg";
my $archive_fn = "";
my ($before, $after);

sub slurp_file {
    my $filename = shift;
    open my $fh, "<$filename"
      or die 'Can not open file';
    my $contents;
  SCOPE: {
        local $/;
        $contents = <$fh>;
    close $fh;
    return $contents;

sub binary_is {
    my ($got, $expected, $msg) = @_;
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
    my $verdict = ($got eq $expected);
    ok($verdict, $msg);
    if (!$verdict) {
        my $len;
        if (length($got) > length($expected)) {
            $len = length($expected);
            diag("got is longer than expected");
        } elsif (length($got) < length($expected)) {
            $len = length($got);
            diag("expected is longer than got");
        } else {
            $len = length($got);

        for my $byte_idx (0 .. ($len - 1)) {
            my $got_byte      = substr($got,      $byte_idx, 1);
            my $expected_byte = substr($expected, $byte_idx, 1);
            if ($got_byte ne $expected_byte) {
                        "Byte %i differ: got == 0x%.2x, expected == 0x%.2x",
                        $byte_idx, ord($got_byte), ord($expected_byte)));
                last BYTE_LOOP;

sub run_tests {
    my $id     = shift;
    my $msg_it = sub {
        my $msg_raw = shift;
        return "$id - $msg_raw";

    # Read the contents of the good file into the variable.
    $before = slurp_file($expected_fn);

    # Zip the file.
  SCOPE: {
        my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
        $zip->extractMember($expected_zip, $got_fn);
        $after = slurp_file($got_fn);

        unlink $got_fn;

        # TEST:$n=$n+1
        binary_is($after, $before,
            $msg_it->("Content of file after extraction"),

        my $status = $zip->writeToFileNamed($archive_fn);

        # TEST:$n=$n+1
        cmp_ok($status, '==', AZ_OK, $msg_it->('Zip was written fine'));

    # Read back the file from the archive.
  SCOPE: {
        my $zip2;
        $zip2 = Archive::Zip->new($archive_fn);

        $zip2->extractMember($expected_zip, $got_fn);

        $after = slurp_file($got_fn);

        unlink $got_fn;
        unlink $archive_fn;

        # TEST:$n=$n+1
        binary_is($after, $before,
            $msg_it->('Read back the file from the archive'),

# Run the tests once with $\ undef.

# Run them once while setting $\.
    local $\ = "\n";
    run_tests(q{$\ is \n});