Blob Blame History Raw
use strict;
use warnings;

use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES );
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;
use lib 't';
use common;

use Test::More tests => 41;

# These tests check for CVE-2018-10860 vulnerabilities.
# If an archive contains a symlink and then a file that traverses that symlink,
# extracting the archive tree could write into an abitrary file selected by
# the symlink value.
# Another issue is if an archive contains a file whose path component refers
# to a parent direcotory. Then extracting that file could write into a file
# out of current working directory subtree.
# These tests check extracting of these files is refuses and that they are
# indeed not created.

# Suppress croaking errors, the tests produce some.
Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler(sub {});
my ($existed, $ret, $zip, $allowed_file, $forbidden_file);

# Change working directory to a temporary directory because some tested
# functions operarates there and we need prepared symlinks there.
my @data_path = (File::Spec->splitdir(File::Spec->rel2abs('.')), 't', 'data');
ok(chdir TESTDIR, "Working directory changed");

# Case 1:
#   link-dir -> /tmp
#   link-dir/gotcha-linkdir
# writes into /tmp/gotcha-linkdir file.
    # Symlink tests make sense only if a file system supports them.
    my $link = 'trylink';
    $ret = eval { symlink('.', $link)};
    skip 'Symbolic links are not supported', 12 if $@;
    unlink $link;

    # Extracting an archive tree must fail
    $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
    isa_ok($zip, 'Archive::Zip');
    is($zip->read(File::Spec->catfile(@data_path, '')), AZ_OK,
        'Archive read');
    $existed = -e File::Spec->catfile('', 'tmp', 'gotcha-linkdir');
    $ret = eval { $zip->extractTree() };
    is($ret, AZ_ERROR, 'Tree extraction aborted');
    SKIP: {
        skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
        ok(! -e File::Spec->catfile('link-dir', 'gotcha-linkdir'),
            'A file was not created in a symlinked directory');
    ok(unlink(File::Spec->catfile('link-dir')), 'link-dir removed');

    # The same applies to extracting an archive member without an explicit
    # local file name. It must abort.
    $link = 'link-dir';
    ok(symlink('.', $link), 'A symlink to a directory created');
    $forbidden_file = File::Spec->catfile($link, 'gotcha-linkdir');
    $existed = -e $forbidden_file;
    $ret = eval { $zip->extractMember('link-dir/gotcha-linkdir') };
    is($ret, AZ_ERROR, 'Member extraction without a local name aborted');
    SKIP: {
        skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
        ok(! -e $forbidden_file,
            'A file was not created in a symlinked directory');

    # But allow extracting an archive member into a supplied file name
    $allowed_file = File::Spec->catfile($link, 'file');
    $ret = eval { $zip->extractMember('link-dir/gotcha-linkdir', $allowed_file) };
    is($ret, AZ_OK, 'Member extraction passed');
    ok(-e $allowed_file, 'File created');
    ok(unlink($allowed_file), 'File removed');
    ok(unlink($link), 'A symlink to a directory removed');

# Case 2:
#   unexisting/../../../../../tmp/gotcha-dotdot-unexistingpath
# writes into ../../../../tmp/gotcha-dotdot-unexistingpath, that is
# /tmp/gotcha-dotdot-unexistingpath file if CWD is not deeper than
# 4 directories.
$zip = Archive::Zip->new();
isa_ok($zip, 'Archive::Zip');
            '')), AZ_OK, 'Archive read');
$forbidden_file = File::Spec->catfile('..', '..', '..', '..', 'tmp',
$existed = -e $forbidden_file;
$ret = eval { $zip->extractTree() };
is($ret, AZ_ERROR, 'Tree extraction aborted');
    skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
    ok(! -e $forbidden_file, 'A file was not created in a parent directory');

# The same applies to extracting an archive member without an explicit local
# file name. It must abort.
$existed = -e $forbidden_file;
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMember(
    ) };
is($ret, AZ_ERROR, 'Member extraction without a local name aborted');
    skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
    ok(! -e $forbidden_file, 'A file was not created in a parent directory');

# But allow extracting an archive member into a supplied file name
ok(mkdir('directory'), 'Directory created');
$allowed_file = File::Spec->catfile('directory', '..', 'file');
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMember(
    ) };
is($ret, AZ_OK, 'Member extraction passed');
ok(-e $allowed_file, 'File created');
ok(unlink($allowed_file), 'File removed');

# Case 3:
#   link-file -> /tmp/gotcha-samename
#   link-file
# writes into /tmp/gotcha-samename. It must abort. (Or replace the symlink in
# more relaxed mode in the future.)
$zip = Archive::Zip->new();
isa_ok($zip, 'Archive::Zip');
is($zip->read(File::Spec->catfile(@data_path, '')), AZ_OK,
    'Archive read');
$existed = -e File::Spec->catfile('', 'tmp', 'gotcha-samename');
$ret = eval { $zip->extractTree() };
is($ret, AZ_ERROR, 'Tree extraction aborted');
    skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
    ok(! -e File::Spec->catfile('', 'tmp', 'gotcha-samename'),
        'A file was not created through a symlinked file');
ok(unlink(File::Spec->catfile('link-file')), 'link-file removed');

# The same applies to extracting an archive member using extractMember()
# without an explicit local file name. It must abort.
my $link = 'link-file';
my $target = 'target';
ok(symlink($target, $link), 'A symlink to a file created');
$forbidden_file = File::Spec->catfile($target);
$existed = -e $forbidden_file;
# Select a member by order due to same file names.
my $member = ${[$zip->members]}[1];
ok($member, 'A member to extract selected');
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMember($member) };
is($ret, AZ_ERROR,
    'Member extraction using extractMember() without a local name aborted');
    skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
    ok(! -e $forbidden_file,
        'A symlinked target file was not created');

# But allow extracting an archive member using extractMember() into a supplied
# file name.
$allowed_file = $target;
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMember($member, $allowed_file) };
is($ret, AZ_OK, 'Member extraction using extractMember() passed');
ok(-e $allowed_file, 'File created');
ok(unlink($allowed_file), 'File removed');

# The same applies to extracting an archive member using
# extractMemberWithoutPaths() without an explicit local file name.
# It must abort.
$existed = -e $forbidden_file;
# Select a member by order due to same file names.
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMemberWithoutPaths($member) };
is($ret, AZ_ERROR,
    'Member extraction using extractMemberWithoutPaths() without a local name aborted');
    skip 'A canary file existed before the test', 1 if $existed;
    ok(! -e $forbidden_file,
        'A symlinked target file was not created');

# But allow extracting an archive member using extractMemberWithoutPaths()
# into a supplied file name.
$allowed_file = $target;
$ret = eval { $zip->extractMemberWithoutPaths($member, $allowed_file) };
is($ret, AZ_OK, 'Member extraction using extractMemberWithoutPaths() passed');
ok(-e $allowed_file, 'File created');
ok(unlink($allowed_file), 'File removed');
ok(unlink($link), 'A symlink to a file removed');