Blob Blame History Raw
%% This is file `nomulticol.sty',
%% a tweak in package multicol.sty [2000/07/10 v1.5z  multicolumn formatting (FMi)]
%% Tweaked by Dirk Roorda 2003/01/09
%% purpose: to have the \begin{multicols} \end{multicols} functionality without
%% putting the material inside a group
%% reason: in PassiveTeX a fo:flow is embedded in a multicols environment.
%% But the fo:block span="all" must be able to interrupt this.
%% However, sayin \end{multicols} just before and \begin{multicols}{N} just after
%% does not work, because it makes the attributes, set between the start of the flow
%% and the beginning of the block, invisible.
%% That's why a grouping-transparent multicol setup is needed.
%% method:
%% providing macros \nobeginmulticols \noendmulticols that do essentially the same
%% but do not create a group.
%% I just removed the crucial \begingroup and \endgroup from \mult@@cols and \endmulticols.
%% Instead of relying on the TeX group restore mechanism, I have added macros
%% \save@mult@settings and \restore@mult@settings to mimick the grouping as far
%% as the settings for the multicol package are concerned.

%% This is file `multicol.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% multicol.dtx  (with options: `package,badness,check,marktrace,nobalance,colbreak')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
%% in this file.
%% This file was generated from file(s) of the Standard LaTeX `Tools Bundle'.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
%% `Tools Bundle'. You may however distribute the LaTeX `Tools Bundle'
%% without such generated files.
%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX `Tools Bundle' is
%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
%% Package `multicol' to use with LaTeX2e
%% Copyright 1989-2000 Frank Mittelbach
%%  In addition to the terms of LPPL any distributed version
%%  (unchanged or modified) of multicol has to keep the statement
%%  about the moral obligation for using multicol. In case of major
%%  changes where this would not be appropriate the author of the
%%  changed version should contact the copyright holder.
%%  Moral obligation for using multicol:
%%  ------------------------------------
%%  Users of multicol who wish to include or use multicol or a modified
%%  version in a proprietary and commercially market product are asked
%%  under certain conditions (see below) for the payment of a license
%%  fee.  The size of this fee is to be determined, in each instance,
%%  by the commercial user, depending on his/her judgment of the value of
%%  multicol for his/her product.
%%  The conditions for this are as follows:
%%   The producer of a proprietary and commercially market product
%%   that involves typesetting using multicol is asked to determine
%%   the value of a license fee for using multicol if
%%   - the product is a document and the producer has decided to
%%     include multicol to typeset (parts of) the document or has
%%     directed the author of the document to include multicol (for
%%     example, by providing a class file to be used by the author)
%%   - the product is a LaTeX class or package that includes multicol
%%   There is no moral obligation in case
%%   - the product is a document but producer has not directed
%%     the author to include multicol (in that case the moral obligation
%%     lies with the author of the document)
%%   - the product does not involve typesetting, e.g., consists, for
%%     example, of distributing multicol and its documentation.
%%   - the product is not proprietary, i.e., is made available as free
%%     software itself (which doesn't prohibit its commercial marketing)
%%   - multicol is used for non-commercial purposes
%% Determinating a license fee might result in a license fee of zero
%% (i.e., no payment) in case a producer has determined that the use
%% of multicol has no enhancing effect on the product. This is a
%% plausible scenario, i.e., in the above two cases the producer is
%% only asked to evaluate the value of multicol for the product
%% not for the payment of a license fee per se (which might or might
%% not follow from this evaluation).
%% The license fee, if any, can be payed either to the LaTeX3 fund
%% (see ltx3info.txt in the base LaTeX distribution) or to the author of
%% the program who can be contacted at
          [2003/01/09 v1.5z  multicolumn formatting (FMi)]
%% \CheckSum{1451}
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
   {\PackageWarning{nomulticol}{May not work
             with the twocolumn option}}

%% Start Additions by Dirk Roorda

   \typeout{LINEWIDTH=SAVED=\sav@linewidth; CURRENT=\the\linewidth}%
   \typeout{COLUMNWIDTH=SAVED=\sav@columnwidth; CURRENT=\the\columnwidth}%
   \typeout{FULL@WIDTH=SAVED=\sav@full@width; CURRENT=\the\full@width}%
   \typeout{HSIZE=SAVED=\sav@hsize; CURRENT=\the\hsize}%
   \typeout{VSIZE=SAVED=\sav@vsize; CURRENT=\the\vsize}%
   \typeout{BASELINESKIP=SAVED=\sav@baselineskip; CURRENT=\the\baselineskip}%
   \typeout{EMERGENCYSTRETCH=SAVED=\sav@emergencystretch; CURRENT=\the\emergencystretch}%
   \typeout{PRETOLERANCE=SAVED=\sav@pretolerance; CURRENT=\the\pretolerance}%
   \typeout{TOLERANCE=SAVED=\sav@tolerance; CURRENT=\the\tolerance}%
   \typeout{HBADNESS=SAVED=\sav@hbadness; CURRENT=\the\hbadness}%
   \typeout{VBADNESS=SAVED=\sav@vbadness; CURRENT=\the\vbadness}%
   \typeout{PARSHAPE=SAVED=\sav@parshape; CURRENT=\the\parshape}%
   \typeout{@TOTALLEFTMARGIN=SAVED=\sav@totalleftmargin; CURRENT=\the\@totalleftmargin}%
   \typeout{MULTICOL@LEFTMARGIN=SAVED=\sav@multicol@leftmargin; CURRENT=\the\multicol@leftmargin}%
   \typeout{@COLROOM=SAVED=\sav@colroom; CURRENT=\the\@colroom}%
   \typeout{DOUBLECOL@NUMBER=SAVED=\sav@doublecol@number; CURRENT=\the\doublecol@number}%
   \typeout{@TEMPDIMA=SAVED=\sav@tempdima; CURRENT=\the\@tempdima}%
   \typeout{FOOTINS=SAVED=\sav@count@footins; CURRENT=\the\count\footins}%
   \typeout{FOOTINS=SAVED=\sav@skip@footins; CURRENT=\the\skip\footins}%
   \typeout{COL@NUMBER=SAVED=\sav@col@number; CURRENT=\the\col@number}%
   \typeout{PAGE@FREE=SAVED=\sav@page@free; CURRENT=\the\page@free}%
   \typeout{@TEMPSKIPA=SAVED=\sav@tempskipa; CURRENT=\the\@tempskipa}%




\typeout{^^JSTART #1 COLUMNS}%
      {Using `\number\col@number'
       columns doesn't seem a good idea.^^J
       I therefore use two columns instead}%
     \global\col@number\tw@ \fi
      {Too many columns}%
      {Current implementation doesn't
       support more than 10 columns.%
       I therefore use 10 columns instead}%
     \global\col@number10 \fi


  \ifinner \global\@boxedmulticolstrue
    \ifnum \doublecol@number>\z@
      {Starting environment with
       \the\col@number\space columns%
           (boxed mode)\fi
%   \begingroup

      {Restore kept marks to\MessageBreak
       first: \meaning\kept@firstmark
       \MessageBreak bot\space\space:
                     \meaning\kept@botmark }%
       {Make kept marks empty}%
%  \@checkend{multicols}%
%  \endgroup
    \ifdim \pagegoal=\maxdimen
     {Ending environment
                \space(boxed mode)\fi
\typeout{^^JSTOP \the\col@number\space COLUMNS}%

%% End Additions by Dirk Roorda

%% The following code is unmodified, except that many local
%% statements have been globalized



   \global\advance\page@free -\pagetotal
       {Current page:\MessageBreak
        \the\pagegoal: used \the\pagetotal
        \space -> free=\the\page@free
        needed \the\@tempskipa
              \space(for #1)}%
   \ifdim\page@free<#1\newpage \fi


    \nointerlineskip {\global\topskip\z@\null}%
            {Error saving partial page}%
            {The part of the page before
             the multicols environment was
             nearly full with^^Jthe result
             that starting the environment
             will produce an overfull
             page.  Some^^Jtext may be lost!
             Please increase \premulticols
             either generally or for this%
             ^^Jenvironment by specifying a
             suitable value in the second
             optional argument to^^Jthe
             multicols environment.}
  \global\vbadness\@Mi \global\hbadness5000
  \global\hsize\linewidth \global\advance\hsize\columnsep

%\typeout{NO, JUSTPREPARED!}%
		\nointerlineskip {\global\topskip\z@\null}%
	%   \reinsert@footnotes
	\global\vbadness\@Mi \global\hbadness5000
	%  \global\advance\baselineskip\multicolbaselineskip
	\global\hsize\linewidth \global\advance\hsize\columnsep

    \global\multiply\skip \footins\col@number


\global\c@unbalance   = 0
\global\c@collectmore = 0
\global\col@number = 1
\global\multicoltolerance = 9999
\global\multicolpretolerance = -1
\global\premulticols = 50pt
\global\postmulticols= 20pt
\global\multicolsep = 12pt plus 4pt minus 3pt


          \setbox\count@\hbox to\hsize{}%
    {Column spec:\MessageBreak
       (\the\multicol@leftmargin\space -->
        \the\full@width\space = \the\hsize
        \space x \the\col@number)%
\ifvmode\else\errmessage{Multicol Error}\fi
    \hbox to\full@width{%
      \rlap{\phantom p}%


	\ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@M
     		\mult@info\@ne{Re-adding forced
               break(s) for splitting}%
        	\setbox\count@\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
       			\setbox\count@\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\count@\vfill}%
   		\global\setbox\mult@rightbox\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
      		\global\setbox\mult@rightbox\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\mult@rightbox\vfill}%
          				{I moved some lines to
           				the next page.\MessageBreak
           				Footnotes on page
           				\thepage\space might be wrong}%
       		\ifnum \c@tracingmulticols>\thr@@
        	{Use kept top mark:\MessageBreak
         	Use kept first mark:\MessageBreak
         	Use kept bot mark:\MessageBreak
         	Produce first mark:\MessageBreak
        	Produce bot mark:\MessageBreak
        	{(Re)Init top mark:\MessageBreak
              	after float space removed
              	= \the\@colroom \@gobble}%
    	\set@mult@vsize \global


 \ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@Mi
  \ifnum \outputpenalty<-\@MM
   \PackageError{multicol}{Document end
           inside multicols environment}\@ehd
     \ifnum\outputpenalty = -\@Mv
         \mult@info\@ne{Forced column
                        break seen}%
           {Floats and marginpars not
            allowed inside `multicols'
 \else \@doclearpage \fi

        \@tempb \endgroup




           forced break(s) in balancing}%

   \setbox\@tempboxa\vsplit\mult@box to\z@
   \ifdim \dimen@ >\@tempdima
      {Balance columns\on@line:
       (off balance=\number\c@unbalance)\fi
       {Start value
          \the\dimen@  \space ->
          \the\topskip \space (corrected)}%
   \global\vfuzz \col@number\baselineskip
         \vsplit\mult@grightbox to\dimen@
           \divide\@tempcnta \tw@
               badness: \the\badness\space}%
             \message{too bad
       \message{^^JFirst column
           = \the\dimen@\space
      \message{<> last column =
    \ifdim\ht\mult@grightbox >\dimen@
         \typeout{Rejected: last
                 column too large!}%
      \setbox\z@\vsplit\@tempboxa to\maxdimen
           \vbox to\dimen@
          \message{Final badness:
           \vbox to\dimen@
             \message{ setting natural
              (> \the\c@finalcolumnbadness)}%
          \typeout{Rejected: unprocessed
            forced break(s) in last column!}%
           \typeout{Retry: using natural
                    height of first column!}%
        \setbox\count@\vbox to\dimen@
            \vskip \z@




   \global\emergencystretch 4pt




      {Returned #1 mark:\MessageBreak


         {Set kept first mark:\MessageBreak
        {Set kept bot mark:\MessageBreak

   \if@boxedmulticols \else







       {Package multicol: #2}%

       {multicols* inside a box does
        not make sense.\MessageBreak
        Going to balance anyway}%


   {\noexpand\columnbreak outside multicols}%
   {This command can only be used within
    a multicols or multicols* environment.}%
    \penalty -\@Mv\relax
    \vadjust{\penalty -\@Mv\relax}%


%% End of file `multicol.sty'.