Blob Blame History Raw
#include "fpapi_test.h"

      program description
      implicit integer (p)

      integer es1, number
      integer*8 values(10)
      integer events(2), eventlist(2)
      integer eventtotal
      integer i
      character*PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN name
      integer status
      integer retval

      Integer last_char
      External last_char
      integer tests_quiet, get_quiet
      external get_quiet

      tests_quiet = get_quiet()
      es1 = PAPI_NULL

      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "Test case descriptions: Test of functions:"
      print *, "    PAPI_add_events, PAPI_remove_events,"
      print *, "    PAPI_list_events, PAPI_describe_event,"
      print *, "    PAPI_state"
      end if

      retval = PAPI_VER_CURRENT
      call PAPIf_library_init(retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_VER_CURRENT) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *'PAPI_library_init', retval)
      end if

      call PAPIf_create_eventset(es1, retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_create_eventset', 
      end if


      call PAPIf_query_event(PAPI_FP_INS, retval)
       if (retval .NE. PAPI_OK) then
        events(1) = PAPI_TOT_INS 
        events(1) = PAPI_FP_INS 
       end if
      events(2) = PAPI_TOT_CYC

      call PAPIf_add_events( es1, events, number, retval )
      if ( retval.LT.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *'PAPIf_add_event', retval)
      end if

      call PAPIf_list_events(es1, eventlist, eventtotal, retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *'PAPIf_list_events', retval)
      end if

      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
         print *, " "
         print *, "Event List:"
         print *, "---------------------------------------",
     *        "---------------------------"
         print *, "Event Name       Code"
      end if
      do i = 1, eventtotal
         call PAPIf_event_code_to_name (eventlist(i), name, retval)
         if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
            call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *'PAPIf_event_code_to_name', retval)
         end if
         if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
         write (*, 100) name, eventlist(i)
         end if
 100     format(A12,O12)
      end do
      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "---------------------------------------",
      end if
      call PAPIf_state(es1, status, retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_state', retval)
      end if

      if (status .NE. PAPI_STOPPED) then
         print *, "PAPI_state Error"
      end if
      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "PAPI_state: PAPI_STOPPED"
      end if

      call PAPIf_start(es1, retval)
      if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_start', retval)
      end if
      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "PAPI_start"
      end if

      call PAPIf_state(es1, status, retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_state', retval)
      end if

      if (status .NE. PAPI_RUNNING) then
         print *, "PAPI_state Error"
      end if
      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "PAPI_state: PAPI_RUNNING"
      end if

      call fdo_flops(NUM_FLOPS)

      call PAPIf_stop(es1, values, retval)
      if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_stop', retval)
      end if

      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "PAPI_stop"
      end if

      call PAPIf_state(es1, status, retval)
      if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,
     . 'PAPIf_state', retval)
      end if

      if (status .NE. PAPI_STOPPED) then
         print *, "PAPI_state Error"
      end if
      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
      print *, "PAPI_state: PAPI_STOPPED"
      end if

      call PAPIf_remove_events( es1, events, number, retval )
      if ( retval .NE. PAPI_OK ) then
        call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *'PAPIf_remove_events', retval)
      end if

      if (tests_quiet .EQ. 0) then
        call PAPIf_event_code_to_name (eventlist(1), name, retval)
        if ( retval.NE.PAPI_OK) then
          call ftest_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     *      'PAPIf_event_code_to_name', retval)
        end if
        print *, " "
        print *, "Results:"
        print *, "---------------------------------------",
     *    "---------------------------"
        print *, "Test type    :               1"
        print *, name, " : ", values(1)
        print *, "PAPI_TOT_CYC : ", values(2)
        print *, "---------------------------------------",
     *    "---------------------------"

        print *, " "
        print *, "Verification:"
        print *, "1. The events listed by PAPI_describe_event",
     *    "should be exactly the same events added by PAPI_add_events."
        print *, "2. The PAPI_state should be PAPI_RUNNING after ",
     *    "PAPI_start and before PAPI_stop."
        print *, "It should be PAPI_STOPPED at other time."
      end if

      call ftests_pass(__FILE__)