Blob Blame History Raw

Part of the PAPI software library. Copyright (c) 2005 - 2017,
Innovative Computing Laboratory, Dept of Electrical Engineering &
Computer Science University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

The open source software license conforms to the 2-clause BSD License


 * @file    linux-nvml.c
 * @author  Kiran Kumar Kasichayanula
 * @author  James Ralph
 * @ingroup papi_components
 * @brief This is an NVML component, it demos the component interface
 *  and implements a number of counters from the Nvidia Management
 *  Library. Please refer to NVML documentation for details about
 *  nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage, nvmlDeviceGetTemperature. Power is
 *  reported in mW and temperature in Celcius.  The counter
 *  descriptions should contain the units that the measurement
 *  returns.
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Headers required by PAPI */
#include "papi.h"
#include "papi_internal.h"
#include "papi_vector.h"
#include "papi_memory.h"

#include "linux-nvml.h"

#include "nvml.h"
#include "cuda.h"
#include "cuda_runtime_api.h"

void (*_dl_non_dynamic_init)(void) __attribute__((weak));

 *  This is done so that a version of PAPI built with the nvml component can    *
 *  be installed on a system which does not have the cuda libraries installed.  *
 *                                                                              *
 *  If this is done without these prototypes, then all papi services on the     *
 *  system without the cuda libraries installed will fail.  The PAPI libraries  *
 *  contain references to the cuda libraries which are not installed.  The      *
 *  load of PAPI commands fails because the cuda library references can not be  *
 *  resolved.                                                                   *
 *                                                                              *
 *  This also defines pointers to the cuda library functions that we call.      *
 *  These function pointers will be resolved with dlopen/dlsym calls at         *
 *  component initialization time.  The component then calls the cuda library   *
 *  functions through these function pointers.                                  *
#undef CUDAAPI
#define CUDAAPI __attribute__((weak))
CUresult CUDAAPI cuInit(unsigned int);

CUresult(*cuInitPtr)(unsigned int);

#define CUDARTAPI __attribute__((weak))
cudaError_t CUDARTAPI cudaGetDevice(int *);
cudaError_t CUDARTAPI cudaGetDeviceCount(int *);
cudaError_t CUDARTAPI cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *, int, int);

cudaError_t (*cudaGetDevicePtr)(int *);
cudaError_t (*cudaGetDeviceCountPtr)(int *);
cudaError_t (*cudaDeviceGetPCIBusIdPtr)(char *, int, int);

#undef DECLDIR
#define DECLDIR __attribute__((weak))
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlClockType_t, unsigned int *);
const char*  DECLDIR nvmlErrorString(nvmlReturn_t);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrors(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEccBitType_t, nvmlEccCounterType_t, nvmlEccErrorCounts_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlMemory_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceState(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPstates_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlTemperatureSensors_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrors(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEccBitType_t, nvmlEccCounterType_t, unsigned long long *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlUtilization_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(unsigned int, nvmlDevice_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetPciInfo(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPciInfo_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetName(nvmlDevice_t, char *, unsigned int);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersion(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlInforomObject_t, char *, unsigned int);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetEccMode(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEnableState_t *, nvmlEnableState_t *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlInit(void);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetCount(unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlShutdown(void);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int* limit);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimit(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int  limit);
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraints(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int* minLimit, unsigned int* maxLimit);

nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetClockInfoPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlClockType_t, unsigned int *);
char* (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(nvmlReturn_t);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrorsPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEccBitType_t, nvmlEccCounterType_t, nvmlEccErrorCounts_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeedPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfoPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlMemory_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceStatePtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPstates_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsagePtr)(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetTemperaturePtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlTemperatureSensors_t, unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrorsPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEccBitType_t, nvmlEccCounterType_t, unsigned long long *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRatesPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlUtilization_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndexPtr)(unsigned int, nvmlDevice_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPciInfoPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPciInfo_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetNamePtr)(nvmlDevice_t, char *, unsigned int);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersionPtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlInforomObject_t, char *, unsigned int);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetEccModePtr)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlEnableState_t *, nvmlEnableState_t *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlInitPtr)(void);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetCountPtr)(unsigned int *);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlShutdownPtr)(void);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int* limit);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int  limit);
nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraintsPtr)(nvmlDevice_t device, unsigned int* minLimit, unsigned int* maxLimit);

// file handles used to access cuda libraries with dlopen
static void* dl1 = NULL;
static void* dl2 = NULL;
static void* dl3 = NULL;

static int linkCudaLibraries();

/* Declare our vector in advance */
papi_vector_t _nvml_vector;

/* upto 25 events per card how many cards per system should we allow for?! */

/** Holds control flags.  Usually there's one of these per event-set.
 *    Usually this is out-of band configuration of the hardware
typedef struct nvml_control_state {
    int num_events;
    int which_counter[NVML_MAX_COUNTERS];
    long long counter[NVML_MAX_COUNTERS];   /**< Copy of counts, holds results when stopped */
} nvml_control_state_t;

/** Holds per-thread information */
typedef struct nvml_context {
    nvml_control_state_t state;
} nvml_context_t;

/** This table contains the native events */
static nvml_native_event_entry_t *nvml_native_table = NULL;

/** Number of devices detected at component_init time */
static int device_count = 0;

/** number of events in the table*/
static int num_events = 0;

static nvmlDevice_t* devices = NULL;
static int* features = NULL;
static unsigned int *power_management_initial_limit = NULL;
static unsigned int *power_management_limit_constraint_min = NULL;
static unsigned int *power_management_limit_constraint_max = NULL;

unsigned long long
getClockSpeed(nvmlDevice_t dev, nvmlClockType_t which_one)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetClockInfoPtr)(dev, which_one, &ret);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));

    return (unsigned long long)ret;

unsigned long long
getEccLocalErrors(nvmlDevice_t dev, nvmlEccBitType_t bits, int which_one)
    nvmlEccErrorCounts_t counts;

    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrorsPtr)(dev, bits, NVML_VOLATILE_ECC , &counts);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    switch (which_one) {
        return counts.registerFile;
    case LOCAL_ECC_L1:
        return counts.l1Cache;
    case LOCAL_ECC_L2:
        return counts.l2Cache;
    case LOCAL_ECC_MEM:
        return counts.deviceMemory;
    return (unsigned long long) - 1;

unsigned long long
getFanSpeed(nvmlDevice_t dev)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeedPtr)(dev, &ret);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    return (unsigned long long)ret;

unsigned long long
getMaxClockSpeed(nvmlDevice_t dev, nvmlClockType_t which_one)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetClockInfoPtr)(dev, which_one, &ret);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    return (unsigned long long) ret;

unsigned long long
getMemoryInfo(nvmlDevice_t dev, int which_one)
    nvmlMemory_t meminfo;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfoPtr)(dev, &meminfo);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));

    switch (which_one) {
        return meminfo.used;
    return (unsigned long long) - 1;

unsigned long long
getPState(nvmlDevice_t dev)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    nvmlPstates_t state = NVML_PSTATE_15;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceStatePtr)(dev, &state);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    switch (state) {
    case NVML_PSTATE_15:
    case NVML_PSTATE_14:
    case NVML_PSTATE_13:
    case NVML_PSTATE_12:
    case NVML_PSTATE_11:
    case NVML_PSTATE_10:
    case NVML_PSTATE_9:
    case NVML_PSTATE_8:
    case NVML_PSTATE_7:
    case NVML_PSTATE_6:
    case NVML_PSTATE_5:
    case NVML_PSTATE_4:
    case NVML_PSTATE_3:
    case NVML_PSTATE_2:
    case NVML_PSTATE_1:
    case NVML_PSTATE_0:
        /* This should never happen?
         * The API docs just state Unknown performance state... */
        return (unsigned long long) - 1;
    return (unsigned long long)ret;

unsigned long long
getPowerUsage(nvmlDevice_t dev)
    unsigned int power;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsagePtr)(dev, &power);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    return (unsigned long long) power;

unsigned long long
getTemperature(nvmlDevice_t dev)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetTemperaturePtr)(dev, NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &ret);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    return (unsigned long long)ret;

unsigned long long
getTotalEccErrors(nvmlDevice_t dev, nvmlEccBitType_t bits)
    unsigned long long counts = 0;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrorsPtr)(dev, bits, NVML_VOLATILE_ECC , &counts);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));
    return counts;

/*  0 => gpu util
    1 => memory util
unsigned long long
getUtilization(nvmlDevice_t dev, int which_one)
    nvmlUtilization_t util;
    nvmlReturn_t bad;
    bad = (*nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRatesPtr)(dev, &util);

    if (NVML_SUCCESS != bad) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(bad));

    switch (which_one) {
        return (unsigned long long) util.gpu;
        return (unsigned long long) util.memory;

    return (unsigned long long) - 1;

unsigned long long getPowerManagementLimit(nvmlDevice_t dev)
    unsigned int limit;
    nvmlReturn_t rv;
    rv = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(dev, &limit);
    if (NVML_SUCCESS != rv) {
        SUBDBG("something went wrong %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(rv));
        return (unsigned long long) 0;
    return (unsigned long long) limit;

static void
    /* nvmlDeviceSet* and nvmlDeviceClear* calls require root/admin access, so while
     * possible to implement a reset on the ECC counters, we pass */
       for ( i=0; i < device_count; i++ )
       nvmlDeviceClearEccErrorCounts( device[i], NVML_VOLATILE_ECC );
    int i;
    nvmlReturn_t ret;
    unsigned int templimit = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++) {
        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT)) {
            // if power management is available
            if (power_management_initial_limit[i] != 0) {
                ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(devices[i], &templimit);
                if ((ret == NVML_SUCCESS) && (templimit != power_management_initial_limit[i])) {
                    SUBDBG("Reset power_management_limit on device %d to initial value of %d \n", i, power_management_initial_limit[i]);
                    // if power is not at its initial value
                    // reset to initial value
                    ret = (*nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(devices[i], power_management_initial_limit[i]);
                    if (ret != NVML_SUCCESS)
                        SUBDBG("Unable to reset the NVML power management limit on device %i to %ull (return code %d) \n", i, power_management_initial_limit[i] , ret);

/** Code that reads event values.                         */
/*   You might replace this with code that accesses       */
/*   hardware or reads values from the operatings system. */
static int
nvml_hardware_read(long long *value, int which_one)
//, nvml_context_t *ctx)
    nvml_native_event_entry_t *entry;
    nvmlDevice_t handle;
    int cudaIdx = -1;

    entry = &nvml_native_table[which_one];
    *value = (long long) - 1;
    /* replace entry->resources with the current cuda_device->nvml device */

    if (cudaIdx < 0 || cudaIdx > device_count)
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    /* Make sure the device we are running on has the requested event */
    if (!HAS_FEATURE(features[cudaIdx] , entry->type))
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    handle = devices[cudaIdx];

    switch (entry->type) {
        *value =  getClockSpeed(handle, (nvmlClockType_t)entry->options.clock);
        *value = getEccLocalErrors(handle,
        *value = getFanSpeed(handle);
        *value = getMaxClockSpeed(handle,
        *value = getMemoryInfo(handle,
        *value = getPState(handle);
        *value = getPowerUsage(handle);
    case FEATURE_TEMP:
        *value = getTemperature(handle);
        *value = getTotalEccErrors(handle,
        *value = getUtilization(handle,
        *value = getPowerManagementLimit(handle);

        *value = power_management_limit_constraint_min[cudaIdx];

        *value = power_management_limit_constraint_max[cudaIdx];

        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Code that reads event values.                         */
/*   You might replace this with code that accesses       */
/*   hardware or reads values from the operatings system. */
static int nvml_hardware_write(long long *value, int which_one)
    nvml_native_event_entry_t *entry;
    nvmlDevice_t handle;
    int cudaIdx = -1;
    nvmlReturn_t nvret;

    entry = &nvml_native_table[which_one];
    /* replace entry->resources with the current cuda_device->nvml device */

    if (cudaIdx < 0 || cudaIdx > device_count)
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    /* Make sure the device we are running on has the requested event */
    if (!HAS_FEATURE(features[cudaIdx] , entry->type))
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    handle = devices[cudaIdx];

    switch (entry->type) {
        unsigned int setToPower = (unsigned int) * value;
        if (setToPower < power_management_limit_constraint_min[cudaIdx]) {
            SUBDBG("Error: Desired power %u mW < minimum %u mW on device %d\n", setToPower, power_management_limit_constraint_min[cudaIdx], cudaIdx);
            return PAPI_EINVAL;
        if (setToPower > power_management_limit_constraint_max[cudaIdx]) {
            SUBDBG("Error: Desired power %u mW > maximum %u mW on device %d\n", setToPower, power_management_limit_constraint_max[cudaIdx], cudaIdx);
            return PAPI_EINVAL;
        if ((nvret = (*nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(handle, setToPower)) != NVML_SUCCESS) {
            SUBDBG("Error: %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(nvret));
            return PAPI_EINVAL;

        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    return PAPI_OK;

/* Below are the functions required by the PAPI component interface */

/** This is called whenever a thread is initialized */
_papi_nvml_init_thread(hwd_context_t * ctx)
    (void) ctx;

    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p\n", ctx);

    return PAPI_OK;

static int
    nvmlReturn_t ret;
    nvmlEnableState_t mode = NVML_FEATURE_DISABLED;

    char name[64];
    char inforomECC[16];
    char inforomPower[16];
    char names[device_count][64];

    float ecc_version = 0.0;
    float power_version = 0.0;

    int i = 0;
    int isTesla = 0;
    int isFermi = 0;

    unsigned int temp = 0;

    memset(names, 0x0, device_count * 64);

    /* So for each card, check whats querable */
    for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++) {
        isTesla = 0;
        isFermi = 1;
        features[i] = 0;
        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndexPtr)(i, &devices[i]);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
            SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(%d, &devices[%d]) failed.\n", i, i);
            return PAPI_ESYS;

        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetNamePtr)(devices[i], name, sizeof(name) - 1);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
            SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetName failed \n");
            strncpy(name, "deviceNameUnknown", 17);

        name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';   // to safely use strstr operation below, the variable 'name' must be null terminated

        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersionPtr)(devices[i], NVML_INFOROM_ECC, inforomECC, 16);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
            SUBDBG("nvmlGetInforomVersion fails %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(ret));
            isFermi = 0;
        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersionPtr)(devices[i], NVML_INFOROM_POWER, inforomPower, 16);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
            /* This implies the card is older then Fermi */
            SUBDBG("nvmlGetInforomVersion fails %s\n", (*nvmlErrorStringPtr)(ret));
            SUBDBG("Based upon the return to nvmlGetInforomVersion, we conclude this card is older then Fermi.\n");
            isFermi = 0;

        ecc_version = strtof(inforomECC, NULL);
        power_version = strtof(inforomPower, NULL);

        isTesla = (NULL == strstr(name, "Tesla")) ? 0 : 1;

        /* For Tesla and Quadro products from Fermi and Kepler families. */
        if (isFermi) {
            features[i] |= FEATURE_CLOCK_INFO;
            num_events += 3;

        /*  For Tesla and Quadro products from Fermi and Kepler families.
            requires NVML_INFOROM_ECC 2.0 or higher for location-based counts
            requires NVML_INFOROM_ECC 1.0 or higher for all other ECC counts
            requires ECC mode to be enabled. */
        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetEccModePtr)(devices[i], &mode, NULL);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS == ret) {
            if (NVML_FEATURE_ENABLED == mode) {
                if (ecc_version >= 2.0) {
                    features[i] |= FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;
                    num_events += 8; /* {single bit, two bit errors} x { reg, l1, l2, memory } */
                if (ecc_version >= 1.0) {
                    features[i] |= FEATURE_ECC_TOTAL_ERRORS;
                    num_events += 2; /* single bit errors, double bit errors */
        } else {
            SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetEccMode does not appear to be supported. (nvml return code %d)\n", ret);

        /* For all discrete products with dedicated fans */
        features[i] |= FEATURE_FAN_SPEED;

        /* For Tesla and Quadro products from Fermi and Kepler families. */
        if (isFermi) {
            features[i] |= FEATURE_MAX_CLOCK;
            num_events += 3;

        /* For all products */
        features[i] |= FEATURE_MEMORY_INFO;
        num_events += 3; /* total, free, used */

        /* For Tesla and Quadro products from the Fermi and Kepler families. */
        if (isFermi) {
            features[i] |= FEATURE_PERF_STATES;

        /*  For "GF11x" Tesla and Quadro products from the Fermi family
                requires NVML_INFOROM_POWER 3.0 or higher
                For Tesla and Quadro products from the Kepler family
                does not require NVML_INFOROM_POWER */
        /* Just try reading power, if it works, enable it*/
        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsagePtr)(devices[i], &temp);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS == ret) {
            features[i] |= FEATURE_POWER;
        } else {
            SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage does not appear to be supported on this card. (nvml return code %d)\n", ret);

        /* For all discrete and S-class products. */
        features[i] |= FEATURE_TEMP;

        // For power_management_limit
            // Just try the call to see if it works
            unsigned int templimit = 0;
            ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitPtr)(devices[i], &templimit);
            if (ret == NVML_SUCCESS && templimit > 0) {
                power_management_initial_limit[i] = templimit;
                features[i] |= FEATURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT;
                num_events += 1;
            } else {
                power_management_initial_limit[i] = 0;
                SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit not appear to be supported on this card. (NVML code %d)\n", ret);

        // For power_management_limit_constraints, minimum and maximum
            unsigned int minLimit = 0, maxLimit = 0;
            ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraintsPtr)(devices[i], &minLimit, &maxLimit);
            if (ret == NVML_SUCCESS) {
                power_management_limit_constraint_min[i] = minLimit;
                num_events += 1;
                power_management_limit_constraint_max[i] = maxLimit;
                num_events += 1;
            } else {
                power_management_limit_constraint_min[i] = 0;
                power_management_limit_constraint_max[i] = INT_MAX;
            SUBDBG("Done nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraintsPtr\n");

        /* For Tesla and Quadro products from the Fermi and Kepler families */
        if (isFermi) {
            features[i] |= FEATURE_UTILIZATION;
            num_events += 2;

        int retval = snprintf(names[i], sizeof(name), "%s:device:%d", name, i);
        if (retval > (int)sizeof(name)) {
            SUBDBG("Device name is too long %s:device%d", name, i);
            return (PAPI_EINVAL);
        names[i][sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';
    return PAPI_OK;

static void
    char name[64];
    char sanitized_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
    char names[device_count][64];

    int i, nameLen = 0, j;

    nvml_native_event_entry_t* entry;
    nvmlReturn_t ret;

    nvml_native_table = (nvml_native_event_entry_t*) papi_malloc(
                            sizeof(nvml_native_event_entry_t) * num_events);
    memset(nvml_native_table, 0x0, sizeof(nvml_native_event_entry_t) * num_events);
    entry = &nvml_native_table[0];

    for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++) {
        memset(names[i], 0x0, 64);
        ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetNamePtr)(devices[i], name, sizeof(name) - 1);
        if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
            SUBDBG("nvmlDeviceGetName failed \n");
            strncpy(name, "deviceNameUnknown", 17);
        name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';   // to safely use strlen operation below, the variable 'name' must be null terminated

        nameLen = strlen(name);
        strncpy(sanitized_name, name, PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);

        int retval = snprintf(sanitized_name, sizeof(name), "%s:device_%d", name, i);
        if (retval > (int)sizeof(name)) {
            SUBDBG("Device name is too long %s:device%d", name, i);
        sanitized_name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';

        for (j = 0; j < nameLen; j++)
            if (' ' == sanitized_name[j])
                sanitized_name[j] = '_';

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_CLOCK_INFO)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:graphics_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Graphics clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS;
            entry->type = FEATURE_CLOCK_INFO;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:sm_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "SM clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_SM;
            entry->type = FEATURE_CLOCK_INFO;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:memory_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Memory clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_MEM;
            entry->type = FEATURE_CLOCK_INFO;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:l1_single_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "L1 cache single bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_SINGLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_L1,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:l2_single_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "L2 cache single bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_SINGLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_L2,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:memory_single_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Device memory single bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_SINGLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_MEM,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:regfile_single_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Register file single bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_SINGLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_REGFILE,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:1l_double_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "L1 cache double bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_L1,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:l2_double_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "L2 cache double bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_L2,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:memory_double_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Device memory double bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_MEM,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:regfile_double_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Register file double bit ECC", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC,
                 .which_one = LOCAL_ECC_REGFILE,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_LOCAL_ERRORS;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_FAN_SPEED)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:fan_speed", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "The fan speed expressed as a percent of the maximum, i.e. full speed is 100%", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->type = FEATURE_FAN_SPEED;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_MAX_CLOCK)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:graphics_max_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Maximal Graphics clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MAX_CLOCK;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:sm_max_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Maximal SM clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_SM;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MAX_CLOCK;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:memory_max_clock", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Maximal Memory clock domain (MHz).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.clock = NVML_CLOCK_MEM;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MAX_CLOCK;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_MEMORY_INFO)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:total_memory", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Total installed FB memory (in bytes).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.which_one = MEMINFO_TOTAL_MEMORY;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MEMORY_INFO;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:unallocated_memory", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Uncallocated FB memory (in bytes).", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.which_one = MEMINFO_UNALLOCED;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MEMORY_INFO;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:allocated_memory", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Allocated FB memory (in bytes). Note that the driver/GPU always sets aside a small amount of memory for bookkeeping.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.which_one = MEMINFO_ALLOCED;
            entry->type = FEATURE_MEMORY_INFO;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_PERF_STATES)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:pstate", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "The performance state of the device.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->type = FEATURE_PERF_STATES;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_POWER)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:power", sanitized_name);
            // set the power event units value to "mW" for miliwatts
            strncpy(entry->units, "mW", PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Power usage reading for the device, in miliwatts. This is the power draw (+/-5 watts) for the entire board: GPU, memory, etc.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->type = FEATURE_POWER;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_TEMP)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:temperature", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Current temperature readings for the device, in degrees C.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->type = FEATURE_TEMP;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_ECC_TOTAL_ERRORS)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:total_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Total single bit errors.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_SINGLE_BIT_ECC,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_TOTAL_ERRORS;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:total_ecc_errors", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Total double bit errors.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.ecc_opts = (struct local_ecc) {
                .bits = NVML_DOUBLE_BIT_ECC,
            entry->type = FEATURE_ECC_TOTAL_ERRORS;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_UTILIZATION)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:gpu_utilization", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Percent of time over the past second during which one or more kernels was executing on the GPU.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.which_one = GPU_UTILIZATION;
            entry->type = FEATURE_UTILIZATION;

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:memory_utilization", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Percent of time over the past second during which global (device) memory was being read or written.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->options.which_one = MEMORY_UTILIZATION;
            entry->type = FEATURE_UTILIZATION;

        if (HAS_FEATURE(features[i], FEATURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT)) {
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:power_management_limit", sanitized_name);
            // set the power event units value to "mW" for milliwatts
            strncpy(entry->units, "mW", PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN);
            strncpy(entry->description, "Power management limit in milliwatts associated with the device.  The power limit defines the upper boundary for the cards power draw. If the cards total power draw reaches this limit the power management algorithm kicks in. This should be writable (with appropriate privileges) on supported Kepler or later (unit milliWatts). ", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
            entry->type = FEATURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT;
            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:power_management_limit_constraint_min", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->units, "mW", PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN);
            strncpy(entry->description, "The minimum power management limit in milliwatts.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);

            sprintf(entry->name, "%s:power_management_limit_constraint_max", sanitized_name);
            strncpy(entry->units, "mW", PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN);
            strncpy(entry->description, "The maximum power management limit in milliwatts.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);

        strncpy(names[i], name, sizeof(names[0]) - 1);
        names[i][sizeof(names[0]) - 1] = '\0';

/** Initialize hardware counters, setup the function vector table
 * and get hardware information, this routine is called when the
 * PAPI process is initialized (IE PAPI_library_init)
_papi_nvml_init_component(int cidx)
    SUBDBG("Entry: cidx: %d\n", cidx);
    nvmlReturn_t ret;
    cudaError_t cuerr;
    int papi_errorcode;

    int cuda_count = 0;
    unsigned int nvml_count = 0;

    /* link in the cuda and nvml libraries and resolve the symbols we need to use */
    if (linkCudaLibraries() != PAPI_OK) {
        SUBDBG("Dynamic link of CUDA libraries failed, component will be disabled.\n");
        SUBDBG("See disable reason in papi_component_avail output for more details.\n");
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);

    ret = (*nvmlInitPtr)();
    if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
        strcpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "The NVIDIA managament library failed to initialize.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    cuerr = (*cuInitPtr)(0);
    if (cudaSuccess != cuerr) {
        strcpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "The CUDA library failed to initialize.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    /* Figure out the number of CUDA devices in the system */
    ret = (*nvmlDeviceGetCountPtr)(&nvml_count);
    if (NVML_SUCCESS != ret) {
        strcpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "Unable to get a count of devices from the NVIDIA managament library.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    cuerr = (*cudaGetDeviceCountPtr)(&cuda_count);
    if (cudaSuccess != cuerr) {
        strcpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "Unable to get a device count from CUDA.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    /* We can probably recover from this, when we're clever */
    if ((cuda_count > 0) && (nvml_count != (unsigned int)cuda_count)) {
        strcpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDA and the NVIDIA managament library have different device counts.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    device_count = cuda_count;
    SUBDBG("Need to setup NVML with %d devices\n", device_count);

    /* A per device representation of what events are present */
    features = (int*)papi_malloc(sizeof(int) * device_count);

    /* Handles to each device */
    devices = (nvmlDevice_t*)papi_malloc(sizeof(nvmlDevice_t) * device_count);

    /* For each device, store the intial power value to enable reset if power is altered */
    power_management_initial_limit = (unsigned int*)papi_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * device_count);
    power_management_limit_constraint_min = (unsigned int*)papi_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * device_count);
    power_management_limit_constraint_max = (unsigned int*)papi_malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * device_count);

    /* Figure out what events are supported on each card. */
    if ((papi_errorcode = detectDevices()) != PAPI_OK) {
        sprintf(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "An error occured in device feature detection, please check your NVIDIA Management Library and CUDA install.");
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    /* The assumption is that if everything went swimmingly in detectDevices,
        all nvml calls here should be fine. */

    /* Export the total number of events available */
    _nvml_vector.cmp_info.num_native_events = num_events;

    /* Export the component id */
    _nvml_vector.cmp_info.CmpIdx = cidx;

    /* Export the number of 'counters' */
    _nvml_vector.cmp_info.num_cntrs = num_events;
    _nvml_vector.cmp_info.num_mpx_cntrs = num_events;

    return PAPI_OK;

 * Link the necessary CUDA libraries to use the cuda component.  If any of them can not be found, then
 * the CUDA component will just be disabled.  This is done at runtime so that a version of PAPI built
 * with the CUDA component can be installed and used on systems which have the CUDA libraries installed
 * and on systems where these libraries are not installed.
static int
    /* Attempt to guess if we were statically linked to libc, if so bail */
    if (_dl_non_dynamic_init != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML component does not support statically linking of libc.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return PAPI_ENOSUPP;

    /* Need to link in the cuda libraries, if not found disable the component */
    dl1 = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
    if (!dl1) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDA library not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    cuInitPtr = dlsym(dl1, "cuInit");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDA function cuInit not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);

    dl2 = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NODELETE);
    if (!dl2) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDA runtime library not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    cudaGetDevicePtr = dlsym(dl2, "cudaGetDevice");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDART function cudaGetDevice not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    cudaGetDeviceCountPtr = dlsym(dl2, "cudaGetDeviceCount");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDART function cudaGetDeviceCount not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    cudaDeviceGetPCIBusIdPtr = dlsym(dl2, "cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "CUDART function cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);

    dl3 = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
    if (!dl3) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML runtime library not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetClockInfoPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlErrorStringPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlErrorString");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlErrorString not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrorsPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrors");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetDetailedEccErrors not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeedPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfoPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceStatePtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceState");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetPerformanceState not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsagePtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetTemperaturePtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetTemperature");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetTemperature not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrorsPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrors");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrors not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRatesPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndexPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetPciInfoPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetPciInfo");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetPciInfo not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetNamePtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetName");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetName not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersionPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersion");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetInforomVersion not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetEccModePtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetEccMode");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetEccMode not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlInitPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlInit");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlInit not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetCountPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetCount");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetCount not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlShutdownPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlShutdown");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlShutdown not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimitPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimit");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimit not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraintsPtr = dlsym(dl3, "nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraints");
    if (dlerror() != NULL) {
        strncpy(_nvml_vector.cmp_info.disabled_reason, "NVML function nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimitConstraints not found.", PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);
        return (PAPI_ENOSUPP);
    return (PAPI_OK);

/** Setup a counter control state.
 *   In general a control state holds the hardware info for an
 *   EventSet.

_papi_nvml_init_control_state(hwd_control_state_t * ctl)
    SUBDBG("nvml_init_control_state... %p\n", ctl);
    nvml_control_state_t *nvml_ctl = (nvml_control_state_t *) ctl;
    memset(nvml_ctl, 0, sizeof(nvml_control_state_t));

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by eventset operations like add or remove */
_papi_nvml_update_control_state(hwd_control_state_t *ctl,
                                NativeInfo_t *native,
                                int count,
                                hwd_context_t *ctx)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctl: %p, ctx: %p\n", ctl, ctx);
    int i, index;

    nvml_control_state_t *nvml_ctl = (nvml_control_state_t *) ctl;
    (void) ctx;

    /* if no events, return */
    if (count == 0) return PAPI_OK;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        index = native[i].ni_event;
        nvml_ctl->which_counter[i] = index;
        /* We have no constraints on event position, so any event */
        /* can be in any slot.                                    */
        native[i].ni_position = i;
    nvml_ctl->num_events = count;
    return PAPI_OK;
/** Triggered by PAPI_start() */
_papi_nvml_start(hwd_context_t *ctx, hwd_control_state_t *ctl)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, ctl: %p\n", ctx, ctl);

    (void) ctx;
    (void) ctl;

    /* anything that would need to be set at counter start time */

    /* reset */
    /* start the counting */

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by PAPI_stop() */
_papi_nvml_stop(hwd_context_t *ctx, hwd_control_state_t *ctl)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, ctl: %p\n", ctx, ctl);

    int i;
    (void) ctx;
    (void) ctl;
    int ret;

    nvml_control_state_t* nvml_ctl = (nvml_control_state_t*) ctl;

    for (i = 0; i < nvml_ctl->num_events; i++) {
        if (PAPI_OK !=
                (ret = nvml_hardware_read(&nvml_ctl->counter[i],
            return ret;


    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by PAPI_read() */
_papi_nvml_read(hwd_context_t *ctx, hwd_control_state_t *ctl,
                long long **events, int flags)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, flags: %d\n", ctx, flags);

    (void) ctx;
    (void) flags;
    int i;
    int ret;
    nvml_control_state_t* nvml_ctl = (nvml_control_state_t*) ctl;

    for (i = 0; i < nvml_ctl->num_events; i++) {
        if (PAPI_OK !=
                (ret = nvml_hardware_read(&nvml_ctl->counter[i],
            return ret;

    /* return pointer to the values we read */
    *events = nvml_ctl->counter;
    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by PAPI_write(), but only if the counters are running */
/*    otherwise, the updated state is written to ESI->hw_start      */
_papi_nvml_write(hwd_context_t *ctx, hwd_control_state_t *ctl, long long *events)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, ctl: %p\n", ctx, ctl);
    (void) ctx;
    nvml_control_state_t* nvml_ctl = (nvml_control_state_t*) ctl;
    int i;
    int ret;

    /* You can change ECC mode and compute exclusivity modes on the cards */
    /* But I don't see this as a function of a PAPI component at this time */
    /* All implementation issues aside. */

    // Currently POWER_MANAGEMENT can be written
    for (i = 0; i < nvml_ctl->num_events; i++) {
        if (PAPI_OK != (ret = nvml_hardware_write(&events[i], nvml_ctl->which_counter[i])))
            return ret;

    /* return pointer to the values we read */
    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by PAPI_reset() but only if the EventSet is currently running */
/*  If the eventset is not currently running, then the saved value in the   */
/*  EventSet is set to zero without calling this routine.                   */
_papi_nvml_reset(hwd_context_t * ctx, hwd_control_state_t * ctl)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, ctl: %p\n", ctx, ctl);

    (void) ctx;
    (void) ctl;

    /* Reset the hardware */

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Triggered by PAPI_shutdown() */
    if (nvml_native_table != NULL) papi_free(nvml_native_table);
    if (devices != NULL) papi_free(devices);
    if (features != NULL) papi_free(features);
    if (power_management_initial_limit) papi_free(power_management_initial_limit);
    if (power_management_limit_constraint_min) papi_free(power_management_limit_constraint_min);
    if (power_management_limit_constraint_max) papi_free(power_management_limit_constraint_max);

    device_count = 0;
    num_events = 0;

    // close the dynamic libraries needed by this component (opened in the init component call)
    if (dl3) dlclose(dl3); dl3=NULL;
    if (dl2) dlclose(dl2); dl2=NULL;
    if (dl1) dlclose(dl1); dl1=NULL;

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Called at thread shutdown */
_papi_nvml_shutdown_thread(hwd_context_t *ctx)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p\n", ctx);

    (void) ctx;

    /* Last chance to clean up thread */

    return PAPI_OK;

/** This function sets various options in the component
_papi_nvml_ctl(hwd_context_t * ctx, int code, _papi_int_option_t * option)
    SUBDBG("Enter: ctx: %p, code: %d\n", ctx, code);

    (void) ctx;
    (void) code;
    (void) option;

    /* FIXME.  This should maybe set up more state, such as which counters are active and */
    /*         counter mappings. */

    return PAPI_OK;

/** This function has to set the bits needed to count different domains
  By default return PAPI_EINVAL if none of those are specified
  and PAPI_OK with success
  PAPI_DOM_USER is only user context is counted
  PAPI_DOM_KERNEL is only the Kernel/OS context is counted
  PAPI_DOM_OTHER  is Exception/transient mode (like user TLB misses)
  PAPI_DOM_ALL   is all of the domains
_papi_nvml_set_domain(hwd_control_state_t * cntrl, int domain)
    SUBDBG("Enter: cntrl: %p, domain: %d\n", cntrl, domain);

    (void) cntrl;

    int found = 0;

    if (PAPI_DOM_USER & domain) {
        SUBDBG(" PAPI_DOM_USER \n");
        found = 1;
    if (PAPI_DOM_KERNEL & domain) {
        SUBDBG(" PAPI_DOM_KERNEL \n");
        found = 1;
    if (PAPI_DOM_OTHER & domain) {
        SUBDBG(" PAPI_DOM_OTHER \n");
        found = 1;
    if (PAPI_DOM_ALL & domain) {
        SUBDBG(" PAPI_DOM_ALL \n");
        found = 1;
    if (!found)
        return (PAPI_EINVAL);

    return PAPI_OK;

/* Naming functions, used to translate event numbers to names */

/** Enumerate Native Events
 *   @param EventCode is the event of interest
 *   @param modifier is one of PAPI_ENUM_FIRST, PAPI_ENUM_EVENTS
 *  If your component has attribute masks then these need to
 *   be handled here as well.
_papi_nvml_ntv_enum_events(unsigned int *EventCode, int modifier)
    int index;

    switch (modifier) {

    /* return EventCode of first event */
        /* return the first event that we support */

        *EventCode = 0;
        return PAPI_OK;

    /* return EventCode of next available event */
        index = *EventCode;

        /* Make sure we are in range */
        if (index < num_events - 1) {

            /* This assumes a non-sparse mapping of the events */
            *EventCode = *EventCode + 1;
            return PAPI_OK;
        } else {
            return PAPI_ENOEVNT;

        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    return PAPI_EINVAL;

/** Takes a native event code and passes back the name
 * @param EventCode is the native event code
 * @param name is a pointer for the name to be copied to
 * @param len is the size of the name string
_papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_name(unsigned int EventCode, char *name, int len)
    SUBDBG("Entry: EventCode: %#x, name: %s, len: %d\n", EventCode, name, len);
    int index;

    index = EventCode;

    /* Make sure we are in range */
    if (index >= num_events) return PAPI_ENOEVNT;

    strncpy(name, nvml_native_table[index].name, len);

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Takes a native event code and passes back the event description
 * @param EventCode is the native event code
 * @param descr is a pointer for the description to be copied to
 * @param len is the size of the descr string
_papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_descr(unsigned int EventCode, char *descr, int len)
    int index;
    index = EventCode;

    if (index >= num_events) return PAPI_ENOEVNT;

    strncpy(descr, nvml_native_table[index].description, len);

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Takes a native event code and passes back the event info
 * @param EventCode is the native event code
 * @param info is a pointer for the info to be copied to
_papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_info(unsigned int EventCode, PAPI_event_info_t *info)

    int index = EventCode;

    if ((index < 0) || (index >= num_events)) return PAPI_ENOEVNT;

    strncpy(info->symbol, nvml_native_table[index].name, sizeof(info->symbol) - 1);
    info->symbol[sizeof(info->symbol) - 1] = '\0';

    strncpy(info->units, nvml_native_table[index].units, sizeof(info->units) - 1);
    info->units[sizeof(info->units) - 1] = '\0';

    strncpy(info->long_descr, nvml_native_table[index].description, sizeof(info->long_descr) - 1);
    info->long_descr[sizeof(info->long_descr) - 1] = '\0';

//  info->data_type = nvml_native_table[index].return_type;

    return PAPI_OK;

/** Vector that points to entry points for our component */
papi_vector_t _nvml_vector = {
    .cmp_info = {
        /* default component information */
        /* (unspecified values are initialized to 0) */

        .name = "nvml",
        .short_name = "nvml",
        .version = "1.0",
        .description = "NVML provides the API for monitoring NVIDIA hardware (power usage, temperature, fan speed, etc)",
        .support_version = "n/a",
        .kernel_version = "n/a",

        .num_preset_events = 0,
        .num_native_events = 0, /* set by init_component */
        .default_domain = PAPI_DOM_USER,
        .available_domains = PAPI_DOM_USER,
        .default_granularity = PAPI_GRN_THR,
        .available_granularities = PAPI_GRN_THR,
        .hardware_intr_sig = PAPI_INT_SIGNAL,

        /* component specific cmp_info initializations */
        .hardware_intr = 0,
        .precise_intr = 0,
        .posix1b_timers = 0,
        .kernel_profile = 0,
        .kernel_multiplex = 0,
        .fast_counter_read = 0,
        .fast_real_timer = 0,
        .fast_virtual_timer = 0,
        .attach = 0,
        .attach_must_ptrace = 0,
        .cntr_umasks = 0,
        .cpu = 0,
        .inherit = 0,

    /* sizes of framework-opaque component-private structures */
    .size = {
        .context = sizeof(nvml_context_t),
        .control_state = sizeof(nvml_control_state_t),
        .reg_value = sizeof(nvml_register_t),
        // .reg_alloc = sizeof ( nvml_reg_alloc_t ),

    /* function pointers */

    /* Used for general PAPI interactions */
    .start =                _papi_nvml_start,
    .stop =                 _papi_nvml_stop,
    .read =                 _papi_nvml_read,
    .reset =                _papi_nvml_reset,
    .write =                _papi_nvml_write,
    .init_component =       _papi_nvml_init_component,
    .init_thread =          _papi_nvml_init_thread,
    .init_control_state =   _papi_nvml_init_control_state,
    .update_control_state = _papi_nvml_update_control_state,
    .ctl =                  _papi_nvml_ctl,
    .shutdown_thread =      _papi_nvml_shutdown_thread,
    .shutdown_component =   _papi_nvml_shutdown_component,
    .set_domain =           _papi_nvml_set_domain,
    .cleanup_eventset =     NULL,
    /* called in add_native_events() */
    .allocate_registers =   NULL,

    /* Used for overflow/profiling */
    .dispatch_timer =       NULL,
    .get_overflow_address = NULL,
    .stop_profiling =       NULL,
    .set_overflow =         NULL,
    .set_profile =          NULL,

    /* Name Mapping Functions */
    .ntv_enum_events =   _papi_nvml_ntv_enum_events,
    .ntv_name_to_code  = NULL,
    .ntv_code_to_name =  _papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_name,
    .ntv_code_to_descr = _papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_descr,
    .ntv_code_to_info = _papi_nvml_ntv_code_to_info,
