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<function name="pango_font_face_describe">
Returns the family, style, variant, weight and stretch of
a #PangoFontFace. The size field of the resulting font description
will be unset.

<parameter name="face">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFontFace
<return> a  #PangoFontDescription 
holding the description of the face.

<function name="pango_layout_get_tabs">
Get the current #PangoTabArray used by this layout. If no
#PangoTabArray has been set, then the default tabs are in use
and an invalid instance is returned. Default tabs are every 8 spaces.

<parameter name="layout">
<parameter_description> a #PangoLayout
<return> a copy of the tabs for this layout.

<function name="pango_context_get_metrics">
Get overall metric information for a font particular font
description.  Since the metrics may be substantially different for
different scripts, a language tag can be provided to indicate that
the metrics should be retrieved that correspond to the script(s)
used by that language.

The #PangoFontDescription is interpreted in the same way as
by pango_itemize(), and the family name may be a comma separated
list of figures. If characters from multiple of these families
would be used to render the string, then the returned fonts would
be a composite of the metrics for the fonts loaded for the
individual families.

<parameter name="context">
<parameter_description> a #PangoContext
<parameter name="desc">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFontDescription structure
<parameter name="language">
<parameter_description> language tag used to determine which script to get the metrics
<return> a #PangoMetrics object.

<function name="pango_font_get_glyph_extents">
Gets the logical and ink extents of a glyph within a font. The
coordinate system for each rectangle has its origin at the
base line and horizontal origin of the character with increasing
coordinates extending to the right and down. The macros PANGO_ASCENT(),
PANGO_DESCENT(), PANGO_LBEARING(), and PANGO_RBEARING can be used to convert
from the extents rectangle to more traditional font metrics. The units
of the rectangles are in 1/PANGO_SCALE of a device unit.

<parameter name="font">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFont
<parameter name="glyph">
<parameter_description> the glyph index
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph.

<function name="pango_glyph_string_extents_range">
Computes the extents of a sub-portion of a glyph string. The extents are
relative to the start of the glyph string range (the origin of their
coordinate system is at the start of the range, not at the start of the entire
glyph string).

<parameter name="glyphs">
<parameter_description>   a #PangoGlyphString
<parameter name="start">
<parameter_description>    start index
<parameter name="end">
<parameter_description>      end index (the range is the set of bytes with
              indices such that start &amp;lt;= index &amp;lt; end)
<parameter name="font">
<parameter_description>     a #PangoFont
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph string range as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph string range.

<function name="pango_layout_get_extents">
Compute the logical and ink extents of @layout. Logical extents
are usually what you want for positioning things. The extents
are given in layout coordinates; layout coordinates begin at the
top left corner of the layout.

<parameter name="layout">
<parameter_description>   a #PangoLayout
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the layout as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the layout.

<function name="pango_layout_get_pixel_extents">
Compute the logical and ink extents of @layout in device units.
See pango_layout_get_extents(); this function just calls
pango_layout_get_extents() and then converts the extents to
pixels using the #PANGO_SCALE factor.

<parameter name="layout">
<parameter_description>   a #PangoLayout
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the layout as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the

<function name="pango_layout_set_font_description">
Set the default font description for the layout. If no font
description is set on the layout, the font description from
the layout&apos;s context is used.

<parameter name="layout">
<parameter_description> a #PangoLayout
<parameter name="desc">
<parameter_description> the new pango font description.

<function name="pango_layout_line_get_extents">
Compute the logical and ink extents of a layout line. See the documentation
for pango_font_get_glyph_extents() for details about the interpretation
of the rectangles.

<parameter name="line">
<parameter_description>     a #PangoLayoutLine
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph string as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph string.

<function name="pango_layout_line_get_pixel_extents">
Compute the logical and ink extents of a layout line. See the documentation
for pango_font_get_glyph_extents() for details about the interpretation
of the rectangles. The returned rectangles are in device units, as
opposed to pango_layout_line_get_extents(), which returns the extents in
units of device unit / PANGO_SCALE.

<parameter name="layout_line">
<parameter_description> a #PangoLayoutLine
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description>    rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph string as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph string.

<function name="pango_font_get_metrics">
Gets overall metric information for a font. Since the metrics may be
substantially different for different scripts, a language tag can
be provided to indicate that the metrics should be retrieved that
correspond to the script(s) used by that language.

<parameter name="font">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFont
<parameter name="language">
<parameter_description> language tag used to determine which script to get the metrics
<return> a #PangoMetrics object.

<function name="pango_glyph_string_extents">
Compute the logical and ink extents of a glyph string. See the documentation
for pango_font_get_glyph_extents() for details about the interpretation
of the rectangles.

<parameter name="glyphs">
<parameter_description>   a #PangoGlyphString
<parameter name="font">
<parameter_description>     a #PangoFont
<parameter name="ink_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph string as drawn.
<parameter name="logical_rect">
<parameter_description> rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph string.

<function name="pango_font_description_to_string">
Creates a string representation of a font description. See
pango_font_description_from_string() for a description of the
format of the string representation. The family list in the
string description will only have a terminating comma if the
last word of the list is a valid style option.

<parameter name="desc">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFontDescription
<return> The string.

<function name="pango_font_description_to_filename">
Creates a filename representation of a font description. The
filename is identical to the result from calling
pango_font_description_to_string(), but with underscores instead of
characters that are untypical in filenames, and in lower case only.

<parameter name="desc">
<parameter_description> a #PangoFontDescription
<return> The filename.

<function name="pango_color_parse">
Fill in the fields of a color from a string specification. The
string can either one of a large set of standard names. (Taken
from the X11 &amp;lt;filename&amp;gt;rgb.txt&amp;lt;/filename&amp;gt; file), or it can be a hex value in the
form &apos;#rgb&apos; &apos;#rrggbb&apos; &apos;#rrrgggbbb&apos; or &apos;#rrrrggggbbbb&apos; where
&apos;r&apos;, &apos;g&apos; and &apos;b&apos; are hex digits of the red, green, and blue
components of the color, respectively. (White in the four
forms is &apos;#fff&apos; &apos;#ffffff&apos; &apos;#fffffffff&apos; and &apos;#ffffffffffff&apos;)
