Blob Blame History Raw

## this is a test script for regressing changes to the secret@here PAM
## agent

$^W = 1;
use strict;
use IPC::Open2;

$| = 1;

my $whoami = `/usr/bin/whoami`; chomp $whoami;
my $cookie = "12345";
my $user_domain = "$whoami\";

my $pid = open2(\*Reader, \*Writer, "../agents/secret\@here blah")
    or die "failed to load secret\@here agent";

unless (-f (getpwuid($<))[7]."/.secret\@here") {
    print STDERR "server: ". "no " .(getpwuid($<))[7]. "/.secret\@here file\n";
    die "no config file";

WriteBinaryPrompt(\*Writer, 0x02, "secret\@here/$user_domain|$cookie");

my ($control, $data) = ReadBinaryPrompt(\*Reader);

print STDERR "server: ". "reply: control=$control, data=$data\n";
if ($control != 1) {
    die "expected 1 (OK) for the first agent reply; got $control";
my ($seqid, $a_cookie) = split '\|', $data;

# server needs to convince agent that it knows the secret before
# agent will give a valid response
my $secret = IdentifyLocalSecret($user_domain);
my $digest = CreateDigest($a_cookie."|".$cookie."|".$secret);

print STDERR "server: ". "digest = $digest\n";
WriteBinaryPrompt(\*Writer, 0x01, "$seqid|$digest");

# The agent will authenticate us and then reply with its
# authenticating digest. we check that before we're done.

($control, $data) = ReadBinaryPrompt(\*Reader);
if ($control != 0x03) {
    die "server: agent did not reply with a 'done' prompt ($control)\n";

unless ($data eq CreateDigest($secret."|".$cookie."|".$a_cookie)) {
    die "server: agent is not authenticated\n";

print STDERR "server: agent appears to know secret\n";

my $session_authenticated_ticket
    = CreateDigest($cookie."|".$secret."|".$a_cookie);

print STDERR "server: should putenv("

exit 0;

sub CreateDigest ($) {
    my ($data) = @_;

    my $pid = open2(\*MD5out, \*MD5in, "/usr/bin/md5sum -")
	or die "you'll need /usr/bin/md5sum installed";

    my $oldfd = select MD5in; $|=1; select $oldfd;
    print MD5in "$data";
    close MD5in;
    my $reply = <MD5out>;
    ($reply) = split /\s/, $reply;
    print STDERR "server: ". "md5 said: <$reply>\n";
    close MD5out;

    return $reply;

sub ReadBinaryPrompt ($) {
    my ($fd) = @_;

    my $buffer = "     ";
    my $count = read($fd, $buffer, 5);
    if ($count == 0) {
	# no more packets to read
	return (0, "");

    if ($count != 5) {
	# broken packet header
	return (-1, "");

    my ($length, $control) = unpack("N C", $buffer);
    if ($length < 5) {
	# broken packet length
	return (-1, "");

    my $data = "";
    $length -= 5;
    while ($count = read($fd, $buffer, $length)) {
	$data .= $buffer;
	if ($count != $length) {
	    $length -= $count;

	print STDERR "server: ". "data is [$data]\n";

	return ($control, $data);

    # broken packet data
    return (-1, "");

sub WriteBinaryPrompt ($$$) {
    my ($fd, $control, $data) = @_;

    my $length = 5 + length($data);
    printf STDERR "server: ". "{%d|0x%.2x|%s}\n", $length, $control, $data;
    my $bp = pack("N C a*", $length, $control, $data);
    print $fd $bp;

    print STDERR "server: ". "control passed to agent\@here\n";

sub IdentifyLocalSecret ($) {
    my ($identifier) = @_;
    my $secret;

    my $whoami = `/usr/bin/whoami` ; chomp $whoami;
    if (open SECRETS, "< " .(getpwuid($<))[7]. "/.secret\@here") {
	my $line;
	while (defined ($line = <SECRETS>)) {
	    my ($id, $sec) = split /[\s]/, $line;
	    if ((defined $id) && ($id eq $identifier)) {
		$secret = $sec;
	close SECRETS;

    return $secret;