Blob Blame History Raw
set -euo pipefail

# Colorful output.
function greenprint {
  echo -e "\033[1;32m${1}\033[0m"

# Get OS details.
source /etc/os-release
ARCH=$(uname -m)

# Mock configuration file to use for building RPMs.
MOCK_CONFIG="${ID}-${VERSION_ID%.*}-$(uname -m)"

# The commit this script operates on.
COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

# Bucket in S3 where our artifacts are uploaded

# Public URL for the S3 bucket with our artifacts.

# Relative path of the repository โ€“ used for constructing both the local and
# remote paths below, so that they're consistent.

# Directory to hold the RPMs temporarily before we upload them.

# Full URL to the RPM repository after they are uploaded.

# Don't rerun the build if it already exists
if curl --silent --fail --head --output /dev/null "${REPO_URL}/repodata/repomd.xml"; then
  greenprint "๐ŸŽ Repository already exists. Exiting."
  exit 0

# mock and s3cmd are only available in EPEL for RHEL.
if [[ $ID == rhel ]]; then
    greenprint "๐Ÿ“ฆ Setting up EPEL repository"
    curl -Ls --retry 5 --output /tmp/epel.rpm \
    sudo rpm -Uvh /tmp/epel.rpm

# Register RHEL if we are provided with a registration script.
if [[ -n "${RHN_REGISTRATION_SCRIPT:-}" ]] && ! sudo subscription-manager status; then
    greenprint "๐Ÿช™ Registering RHEL instance"
    sudo chmod +x $RHN_REGISTRATION_SCRIPT

# Install requirements for building RPMs in mock.
greenprint "๐Ÿ“ฆ Installing mock requirements"
sudo dnf -y install createrepo_c make mock python3-pip rpm-build s3cmd

# Print some data.
greenprint "๐Ÿงฌ Using mock config: ${MOCK_CONFIG}"
greenprint "๐Ÿ“ฆ SHA: ${COMMIT}"
greenprint "๐Ÿ“ค RPMS will be uploaded to: ${REPO_URL}"

# Build source RPMs.
greenprint "๐Ÿ”ง Building source RPMs."
make srpm

# Compile RPMs in a mock chroot
greenprint "๐ŸŽ Building RPMs with mock"
sudo mock -r $MOCK_CONFIG --no-bootstrap-chroot \
    --resultdir $REPO_DIR \
sudo chown -R $USER ${REPO_DIR}

# Change the ownership of all of our repo files from root to our CI user.
sudo chown -R $USER ${REPO_DIR%%/*}

greenprint "๐Ÿงน Remove logs from mock build"
rm ${REPO_DIR}/*.log

# Create a repo of the built RPMs.
greenprint "โ›“๏ธ Creating dnf repository"
createrepo_c ${REPO_DIR}

# Upload repository to S3.
greenprint "โ˜ Uploading RPMs to S3"
pushd repo
    s3cmd --acl-public sync . s3://${REPO_BUCKET}/