Blob Blame History Raw
Initialize the sysroot and pull and deploy an OStree commit

Initializes a clean ostree based system root, pulls the given `commit` and
creates a deployment from it using `osname` as the new stateroot (see [1]).

Since OStree internally uses a hardlink farm to create the file system tree
for the deployment from the commit data, the mountpoints for the final image
need to be supplied via the `mounts` option, as hardlinks must not span
across file systems and therefore the boundaries need to be known when doing
the deployment.

Creating a deployment also entails generating the Boot Loader Specification
entries to boot the system, which contain this the kernel command line.
The `rootfs` option can be used to indicate the root file system, containing
the sysroot and the deployments. Additional kernel options can be passed via


import contextlib
import json
import os
import sys
import subprocess

import osbuild.sources
from osbuild.util import selinux

SCHEMA = """
"required": ["commit", "osname"],
"properties": {
  "commit": {
    "description": "checksum of the OSTree commit",
    "type": "string"
  "mounts": {
    "description": "Mount points of the final file system",
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
      "description": "Description of one mount point",
      "type": "object",
      "required": ["path"],
      "properties": {
        "path": {
          "description": "The path of the mount point",
          "type": "string"
        "mode": {
          "description": "The mode of the mount point",
          "type": "integer",
          "default": 493
  "osname": {
    "description": "Name of the stateroot to be used in the deployment",
    "type": "string"
  "kernel_opts": {
    "description": "Additional kernel command line options",
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
      "description": "A single kernel command line option",
      "type": "string"
  "ref": {
    "description": "OStree ref to create and use for deployment",
    "type": "string"
  "remotes": {
    "description": "Configure remotes for the system repository",
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
      "description": "Description of a remote",
      "type": "object",
      "required": ["name", "url"],
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "description": "Identifier for the remote",
          "type": "string"
        "url": {
          "description": "URL of the remote",
          "type": "string"
        "branches": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "description": "Configured branches for the remote",
            "type": "string"
        "gpgkeys": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "description": "GPG keys for the remote to verify commits",
            "type": "string"
  "rootfs": {
    "description": "Identifier to locate the root file system",
    "type": "object",
    "oneOf": [{
      "required": ["uuid"]
    }, {
      "required": ["label"]
    "properties": {
      "label": {
        "description": "Identify the root file system by label",
        "type": "string"
      "uuid": {
        "description": "Identify the root file system by UUID",
        "type": "string"
  "populate_var": {
    "description": "Populate $stateroot/var via systemd-tmpfiles",
    "type": "boolean",
    "default": false

def ostree(*args, _input=None, **kwargs):
    args = list(args) + [f'--{k}={v}' for k, v in kwargs.items()]
    print("ostree " + " ".join(args), file=sys.stderr)["ostree"] + args,

class MountGuard(contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mounts = []

    def mount(self, source, target, bind=True, ro=False, mode="0755"):
        options = []
        if bind:
            options += ["bind"]
        if ro:
            options += ["ro"]
        if mode:
            options += [mode]

        args = ["--make-private"]
        if options:
            args += ["-o", ",".join(options)]["mount"] + args + [source, target], check=True)
        self.mounts += [{"source": source, "target": target}]["mount"] + args + [source, target], check=True)

    def unmount(self):

        while self.mounts:
            mount = self.mounts.pop()  # FILO: get the last mount
            target = mount["target"]
  ["umount", "--lazy", target],

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

def make_fs_identifier(desc):
    for key in ["uuid", "label"]:
        val = desc.get(key)
        if val:
            return f"{key.upper()}={val}"
    raise ValueError("unknown rootfs type")

def populate_var(sysroot):
    # Like anaconda[1] and Fedora CoreOS dracut[2]
    # [1] pyanaconda/payload/
    # [2]

    for target in ('lib', 'log'):
        os.makedirs(f"{sysroot}/var/{target}", exist_ok=True)

    for target in ('home', 'roothome', 'lib/rpm', 'opt', 'srv',
                   'usrlocal', 'mnt', 'media', 'spool', 'spool/mail'):

        if os.path.exists(f"{sysroot}/var/{target}"):

        res =["systemd-tmpfiles", "--create", "--boot",
                              "--root=" + sysroot,
                              "--prefix=/var/" + target],

        # According to systemd-tmpfiles(8), the return values are:
        #  0 → success
        # 65 → so some lines had to be ignored, but no other errors
        # 73 → configuration ok, but could not be created
        #  1 → other error
        if res.returncode not in [0, 65]:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to provision /var/{target}")

# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def main(tree, sources, options):
    commit = options["commit"]
    osname = options["osname"]
    rootfs = options.get("rootfs")
    mounts = options.get("mounts", [])
    kopts = options.get("kernel_opts", [])
    ref = options.get("ref", commit)
    remotes = options.get("remotes", [])
    pop_var = options.get("populate_var", False)

    ostree("admin", "init-fs", "--modern", tree,

    print(f"Fetching ostree commit {commit}")
    osbuild.sources.get("org.osbuild.ostree", [commit])

    source_repo = f"{sources}/org.osbuild.ostree/repo"

    ostree("pull-local", source_repo, commit,

    if ref != commit:
        ostree("refs", "--create", ref, commit,

    ostree("admin", "os-init", osname, sysroot=tree)
    # this created a state root at `osname`
    stateroot = f"{tree}/ostree/deploy/{osname}"

    kargs = []

    if rootfs:
        rootfs_id = make_fs_identifier(rootfs)
        kargs += [f"--karg=root={rootfs_id}"]

    for opt in kopts:
        kargs += [f"--karg-append={opt}"]

    with MountGuard() as mounter:
        for mount in mounts:
            path = mount["path"].lstrip("/")
            path = os.path.join(tree, path)
            os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
            os.chmod(path, mount.get("mode", 0o755))
            mounter.mount(path, path)

        ostree("admin", "deploy", ref,

    # now that we have a deployment, we do have a sysroot
    sysroot = f"{stateroot}/deploy/{commit}.0"

    if pop_var:

    ostree("config", "set", "sysroot.readonly", "true",

    # deploying a tree creates new files that need to be properly
    # labeled for SELinux. In theory, ostree will take care of
    # this by loading the SELinux config from the deployment and
    # then applying the labels; but it does so conditionally on
    # is_selinux_enabled(2), which in our container is FALSE
    # Therefore we have to do the same dance as ostree does, at
    # least for now, and manually re-label the affected paths
    se_policy = None

    for p in ["etc/selinux", "usr/etc/selinux"]:
        se_home = os.path.join(sysroot, p)
        cfgfile = os.path.join(se_home, "config")
        if not os.path.isfile(cfgfile):

        with open(cfgfile, 'r') as f:
            cfg = selinux.parse_config(f)
        se_policy = selinux.config_get_policy(cfg)

    if se_policy:
        spec = f"{se_home}/{se_policy}/contexts/files/file_contexts"
        # kernel, initramfs & BLS config snippets were
        # written to {tree}/boot
        selinux.setfiles(spec, tree, "/boot")
        # various config files will be created as a result
        # of the 3-way configuration merge, see ostree(3)
        selinux.setfiles(spec, sysroot, "/etc")
        # if we populated /var, we need to fix its labels
        selinux.setfiles(spec, stateroot, "/var")

    for remote in remotes:
        name = remote["name"]
        url = remote["url"]
        branches = remote.get("branches", [])
        gpgkeys = remote.get("gpgkeys", [])

        extra_args = []
        if not gpgkeys:
            extra_args += ["--no-gpg-verify"]

        ostree("remote", "add",
               name, url,

        for key in gpgkeys:
            ostree("remote", "gpg-import", "--stdin", name,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    stage_args = json.load(sys.stdin)
    r = main(stage_args["tree"],