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Configure GRUB2 bootloader and set boot options

Configure the system to use GRUB2 as the bootloader, and set boot options.

Sets the GRUB2 boot/root filesystem to `rootfs`. If a separated boot
partition is used it can be specified via `bootfs`. The file-systems
can be identified either via uuid (`{"uuid": "<uuid>"}`) or label
(`{"label": "<label>"}`). The kernel boot argument will be composed
of the root file system id and additional options specified in
`{kernel_opts}`, if any.

Configures GRUB2 to boot via the Boot Loader Specification
(, which is the default
behavior in Fedora 30 and later.

This stage will overwrite `/etc/default/grub`, `/boot/grub2/grubenv`, and
`/boot/grub2/grub.cfg`. (Leading directories will be created if not present.)

If Legacy boot support is requested via `legacy` this stage will also
overwrite `/boot/grub2/grub.cfg` and will copy the GRUB2 files from the
buildhost into the target tree:
* `/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2`          -> `/boot/grub2/fonts/`
* `/usr/lib/grub/$platform/*.{mod,lst}` -> `/boot/grub2/$platform/`
  * NOTE: skips `fdt.lst`, which is an empty file
The $platform variable (default: i386-pc) refers to target platform
that grub2 is mean to ran on (see grub-install(1)'s `--target`)

NB: with legacy support enabled, this stage will fail if the buildhost
doesn't have `/usr/lib/grub/$platform/` and `/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2`.

If UEFI support is enabled via `uefi: {"vendor": "<vendor>"}` this stage will
also write the `grub.cfg` to `boot/efi/EFI/<vendor>/grub.cfg`. EFI binaries
and accompanying data can be installed from the built root via `uefi.install`.

Both UEFI and Legacy can be specified at the same time.

Support for ignition ( can be turned
on via the `ignition` option. If enabled, a 'ignition_firstboot' variable
will be created, which is meant to be included in the kernel command line.
The grub.cfg will then contain the necessary code to detect and source
the '/boot/ignition.firstboot' file and configure said 'ignition_firstboot'
variable appropriately. See the 'org.osbuild.ignition' stage for more
information on that file.

import os
import shutil
import string
import sys

import osbuild.api

SCHEMA = """
"additionalProperties": false,
"oneOf": [{
  "required": ["root_fs_uuid"]
}, {
  "required": ["rootfs"]
"definitions": {
  "filesystem": {
    "description": "Description of how to locate a file system",
    "type": "object",
    "oneOf": [{
      "required": ["uuid"]
    }, {
      "required": ["label"]
    "properties": {
      "label": {
        "description": "Identify the file system by label",
        "type": "string"
      "uuid": {
        "description": "Identify the file system by UUID",
        "type": "string",
        "oneOf": [
          { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{8}(-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}){3}-[0-9A-Za-z]{12}$",
            "examples": ["9c6ae55b-cf88-45b8-84e8-64990759f39d"] },
          { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}$",
            "examples": ["6699-AFB5"] }
"properties": {
  "rootfs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filesystem" },
  "bootfs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filesystem" },
  "root_fs_uuid": {
    "description": "UUID of the root filesystem image",
    "type": "string",
    "oneOf": [
      { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{8}(-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}){3}-[0-9A-Za-z]{12}$",
        "examples": ["9c6ae55b-cf88-45b8-84e8-64990759f39d"] },
      { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}$",
        "examples": ["6699-AFB5"] }
  "boot_fs_uuid": {
    "description": "UUID of the boot filesystem, if /boot is separated",
    "type": "string",
    "oneOf": [
      { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{8}(-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}){3}-[0-9A-Za-z]{12}$",
        "examples": ["9c6ae55b-cf88-45b8-84e8-64990759f39d"] },
      { "pattern": "^[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}$",
        "examples": ["6699-AFB5"] }
  "kernel_opts": {
    "description": "Additional kernel boot options",
    "type": "string",
    "default": ""
  "legacy": {
    "description": "Include legacy boot support",
    "oneOf": [
      {"type": "boolean", "default": false},
      {"type": "string"}
  "uefi": {
    "description": "Include UEFI boot support",
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["vendor"],
    "properties": {
      "vendor": {
        "type": "string",
         "description": "The vendor of the UEFI binaries (this is us)",
         "examples": ["fedora"],
         "pattern": "^(.+)$"
      "install": {
        "description": "Install EFI binaries and data from the build root",
        "type": "boolean",
        "default": false
  "write_defaults": {
    "description": "Whether to write /etc/defaults/grub",
    "type": "boolean",
    "default": true
  "ignition": {
    "description": "Include ignition support in the grub.cfg",
    "type": "boolean",
    "default": false

# The main grub2 configuration file template. Used for UEFI and legacy
# boot. The parameters are currently:
#   - $search: to specify the search criteria of how to locate grub's
#     "root device", i.e. the device where the "OS images" are stored.
#   - $ignition: configuration for ignition, if support for ignition
#     is enabled
set timeout=0
search --no-floppy --set=root $search
set boot=$${root}
function load_video {
  insmod all_video

# The grub2 redirect configuration template. This is used in case of
# hybrid (uefi + legacy) boot. In this case this configuration, which
# is located in the EFI directory, will redirect to the main grub.cfg
# The parameters are:
#   - $root: specifies the path to the grub2 directory relative to
#     to the file-system where the directory is located on
search --no-floppy --set prefix --file ${root}grub2/grub.cfg
set prefix=($$prefix)${root}grub2
configfile $$prefix/grub.cfg

# Template for ignition support in the grub.cfg
# it was taken verbatim from Fedora CoreOS assembler's grub.cfg
# See
# The parameters are:
#   - $root: specifies the path to the grub2 directory relative
#     to the file-system where the directory is located on

# Ignition support
set ignition_firstboot=""
if [ -f "${root}ignition.firstboot" ]; then
    # Default networking parameters to be used with ignition.
    set ignition_network_kcmdline=''

    # Source in the `ignition.firstboot` file which could override the
    # above $ignition_network_kcmdline with static networking config.
    # This override feature is primarily used by coreos-installer to
    # persist static networking config provided during install to the
    # first boot of the machine.
    source "${root}ignition.firstboot"

    set ignition_firstboot="ignition.firstboot $${ignition_network_kcmdline}"

def fs_spec_decode(spec):
    for key in ["uuid", "label"]:
        val = spec.get(key)
        if val:
            return key.upper(), val
    raise ValueError("unknown filesystem type")

def copy_modules(tree, platform):
    """Copy all modules from the build image to /boot"""
    target = f"{tree}/boot/grub2/{platform}"
    source = f"/usr/lib/grub/{platform}"
    os.makedirs(target, exist_ok=True)
    for dirent in os.scandir(source):
        (_, ext) = os.path.splitext(
        if ext not in ('.mod', '.lst'):
        if == "fdt.lst":
        shutil.copy2(f"/{source}/{}", target)

def copy_font(tree):
    """Copy a unicode font into /boot"""
    os.makedirs(f"{tree}/boot/grub2/fonts", exist_ok=True)
    shutil.copy2("/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2", f"{tree}/boot/grub2/fonts/")

def copy_efi_data(tree, vendor):
    """Copy the EFI binaries & data into /boot/efi"""
    for d in ['BOOT', vendor]:
        source = f"/boot/efi/EFI/{d}"
        target = f"{tree}/boot/efi/EFI/{d}/"
        shutil.copytree(source, target,

class GrubConfig:
    def __init__(self, rootfs, bootfs):
        self.rootfs = rootfs
        self.bootfs = bootfs
        self.path = "boot/grub2/grub.cfg"
        self.ignition = False

    def grubfs(self):
        """The filesystem containing the grub files,

        This is  either a separate partition (self.bootfs if set) or
        the root file system (self.rootfs)
        return self.bootfs or self.rootfs

    def separate_boot(self):
        return self.bootfs is not None

    def grub_home(self):
        return "/" if self.separate_boot else "/boot/"

    def write(self, tree):
        """Write the grub config to `tree` at `self.path`"""
        path = os.path.join(tree, self.path)

        fs_type, fs_id = fs_spec_decode(self.grubfs)
        type2opt = {
            "UUID": "--fs-uuid",
            "LABEL": "--label"

        ignition = ""
        if self.ignition:
            tplt = string.Template(IGNITION_TEMPLATE)
            subs = {"root": self.grub_home}
            ignition = tplt.safe_substitute(subs)

        # configuration options for the main template
        config = {
            "search": type2opt[fs_type] + " " + fs_id,
            "ignition": ignition

        tplt = string.Template(GRUB_CFG_TEMPLATE)
        data = tplt.safe_substitute(config)

        with open(path, "w") as cfg:

    def write_redirect(self, tree, path):
        """Write a grub config pointing to the other cfg"""
        print("hybrid boot support enabled. Writing alias grub config")

        # configuration options for the template
        config = {
            "root": self.grub_home

        tplt = string.Template(GRUB_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE)
        data = tplt.safe_substitute(config)

        with open(os.path.join(tree, path), "w") as cfg:

def main(tree, options):
    root_fs = options.get("rootfs")
    boot_fs = options.get("bootfs")
    kernel_opts = options.get("kernel_opts", "")
    legacy = options.get("legacy", None)
    uefi = options.get("uefi", None)
    write_defaults = options.get("write_defaults", True)
    ignition = options.get("ignition", False)

    # backwards compatibility
    if not root_fs:
        root_fs = {"uuid": options["root_fs_uuid"]}

    if not boot_fs and "boot_fs_uuid" in options:
        boot_fs = {"uuid": options["boot_fs_uuid"]}

    # legacy boolean means the
    if isinstance(legacy, bool) and legacy:
        legacy = "i386-pc"

    # Check if hybrid boot support is requested, i.e. the resulting image
    # should support booting via legacy and also UEFI. In that case the
    # canonical grub.cfg and the grubenv will be in /boot/grub2. The ESP
    # will only contain a small config file redirecting to the one in
    # /boot/grub2 and will not have a grubenv itself.
    hybrid = uefi and legacy

    # Prepare the actual grub configuration file, will be written further down
    config = GrubConfig(root_fs, boot_fs)
    config.ignition = ignition

    # Create the configuration file that determines how grub.cfg is generated.
    if write_defaults:
        os.makedirs(f"{tree}/etc/default", exist_ok=True)
        with open(f"{tree}/etc/default/grub", "w") as default:

    os.makedirs(f"{tree}/boot/grub2", exist_ok=True)
    grubenv = f"{tree}/boot/grub2/grubenv"

    if hybrid:
        # The rpm grub2-efi package will have installed a symlink from
        # /boot/grub2/grubenv to the ESP. In the case of hybrid boot we
        # want a single grubenv in /boot/grub2; therefore remove the link
        except FileNotFoundError:

    with open(grubenv, "w") as env:
        fs_type, fs_id = fs_spec_decode(root_fs)
        data = (
            "# GRUB Environment Block\n"
            f"kernelopts=root={fs_type}={fs_id} {kernel_opts}\n"

        # The 'grubenv' file is, according to the documentation,
        # a 'preallocated 1024-byte file'. The empty space is
        # needs to be filled with '#' as padding
        data += '#' * (1024 - len(data))
        assert len(data) == 1024


    if uefi is not None:
        # UEFI support:
        # The following config files are needed for UEFI support:
        # /boot/efi/EFI/<vendor>/
        # - grubenv: in the case of non-hybrid boot it should have
        #     been written to via the link from /boot/grub2/grubenv
        #     created by grub2-efi-{x64, ia32}.rpm
        # - grub.cfg: needs to be generated, either the canonical one
        #     or a shim one that redirects to the canonical one in
        #     /boot/grub2 in case of hybrid boot (see above)
        vendor = uefi["vendor"]

        # EFI binaries and accompanying data can be installed from
        # the build root instead of using an rpm package
        if uefi.get('install', False):
            copy_efi_data(tree, vendor)

        grubcfg = f"boot/efi/EFI/{vendor}/grub.cfg"
        if hybrid:
            config.write_redirect(tree, grubcfg)
            config.path = grubcfg

    # Now actually write the main grub.cfg file

    if legacy:
        copy_modules(tree, legacy)

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = osbuild.api.arguments()
    r = main(args["tree"], args["options"])