Blob Blame History Raw
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package guest

import (


type FileManager struct {

	vm types.ManagedObjectReference

	c *vim25.Client

	mu    *sync.Mutex
	hosts map[string]string

func (m FileManager) Reference() types.ManagedObjectReference {
	return m.ManagedObjectReference

func (m FileManager) ChangeFileAttributes(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, guestFilePath string, fileAttributes types.BaseGuestFileAttributes) error {
	req := types.ChangeFileAttributesInGuest{
		This:           m.Reference(),
		Vm:             m.vm,
		Auth:           auth,
		GuestFilePath:  guestFilePath,
		FileAttributes: fileAttributes,

	_, err := methods.ChangeFileAttributesInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err

func (m FileManager) CreateTemporaryDirectory(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, prefix, suffix string, path string) (string, error) {
	req := types.CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest{
		This:          m.Reference(),
		Vm:            m.vm,
		Auth:          auth,
		Prefix:        prefix,
		Suffix:        suffix,
		DirectoryPath: path,

	res, err := methods.CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return res.Returnval, nil

func (m FileManager) CreateTemporaryFile(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, prefix, suffix string, path string) (string, error) {
	req := types.CreateTemporaryFileInGuest{
		This:          m.Reference(),
		Vm:            m.vm,
		Auth:          auth,
		Prefix:        prefix,
		Suffix:        suffix,
		DirectoryPath: path,

	res, err := methods.CreateTemporaryFileInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return res.Returnval, nil

func (m FileManager) DeleteDirectory(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, directoryPath string, recursive bool) error {
	req := types.DeleteDirectoryInGuest{
		This:          m.Reference(),
		Vm:            m.vm,
		Auth:          auth,
		DirectoryPath: directoryPath,
		Recursive:     recursive,

	_, err := methods.DeleteDirectoryInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err

func (m FileManager) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, filePath string) error {
	req := types.DeleteFileInGuest{
		This:     m.Reference(),
		Vm:       m.vm,
		Auth:     auth,
		FilePath: filePath,

	_, err := methods.DeleteFileInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err

// TransferURL rewrites the url with a valid hostname and adds the host's thumbprint.
// The InitiateFileTransfer{From,To}Guest methods return a URL with the host set to "*" when connected directly to ESX,
// but return the address of VM's runtime host when connected to vCenter.
func (m FileManager) TransferURL(ctx context.Context, u string) (*url.URL, error) {
	turl, err := url.Parse(u)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if turl.Hostname() == "*" {
		turl.Host = m.c.URL().Host // Also use Client's port, to support port forwarding

	if !m.c.IsVC() {
		return turl, nil // we already connected to the ESX host and have its thumbprint

	name := turl.Hostname()
	port := turl.Port()
	mname, ok := m.hosts[name]

	if ok {
		turl.Host = net.JoinHostPort(mname, port)
		return turl, nil

	c := property.DefaultCollector(m.c)

	var vm mo.VirtualMachine
	err = c.RetrieveOne(ctx, m.vm, []string{"name", ""}, &vm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if vm.Runtime.Host == nil {
		return turl, nil // won't matter if the VM was powered off since the call to InitiateFileTransfer will fail

	props := []string{

	var host mo.HostSystem
	err = c.RetrieveOne(ctx, *vm.Runtime.Host, props, &host)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if host.Config == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("guest TransferURL failed for vm %q (%s): host %q (%s) config==nil, connectionState==%s",
			vm.Name, vm.Self,
			host.Name, host.Self, host.Runtime.ConnectionState)

	// prefer an ESX management IP, as the hostname used when adding to VC may not be valid for this client
	// See also object.HostSystem.ManagementIPs which we can't use here due to import cycle
	for _, nc := range host.Config.VirtualNicManagerInfo.NetConfig {
		if nc.NicType != string(types.HostVirtualNicManagerNicTypeManagement) {
		for ix := range nc.CandidateVnic {
			for _, selectedVnicKey := range nc.SelectedVnic {
				if nc.CandidateVnic[ix].Key != selectedVnicKey {
				ip := net.ParseIP(nc.CandidateVnic[ix].Spec.Ip.IpAddress)
				if ip != nil {
					mname = ip.String()
					m.hosts[name] = mname

					name = mname

	turl.Host = net.JoinHostPort(name, port)

	m.c.SetThumbprint(turl.Host, host.Summary.Config.SslThumbprint)

	return turl, nil

func (m FileManager) InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, guestFilePath string) (*types.FileTransferInformation, error) {
	req := types.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest{
		This:          m.Reference(),
		Vm:            m.vm,
		Auth:          auth,
		GuestFilePath: guestFilePath,

	res, err := methods.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &res.Returnval, nil

func (m FileManager) InitiateFileTransferToGuest(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, guestFilePath string, fileAttributes types.BaseGuestFileAttributes, fileSize int64, overwrite bool) (string, error) {
	req := types.InitiateFileTransferToGuest{
		This:           m.Reference(),
		Vm:             m.vm,
		Auth:           auth,
		GuestFilePath:  guestFilePath,
		FileAttributes: fileAttributes,
		FileSize:       fileSize,
		Overwrite:      overwrite,

	res, err := methods.InitiateFileTransferToGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return res.Returnval, nil

func (m FileManager) ListFiles(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, filePath string, index int32, maxResults int32, matchPattern string) (*types.GuestListFileInfo, error) {
	req := types.ListFilesInGuest{
		This:         m.Reference(),
		Vm:           m.vm,
		Auth:         auth,
		FilePath:     filePath,
		Index:        index,
		MaxResults:   maxResults,
		MatchPattern: matchPattern,

	res, err := methods.ListFilesInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &res.Returnval, nil

func (m FileManager) MakeDirectory(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, directoryPath string, createParentDirectories bool) error {
	req := types.MakeDirectoryInGuest{
		This:                    m.Reference(),
		Vm:                      m.vm,
		Auth:                    auth,
		DirectoryPath:           directoryPath,
		CreateParentDirectories: createParentDirectories,

	_, err := methods.MakeDirectoryInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err

func (m FileManager) MoveDirectory(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, srcDirectoryPath string, dstDirectoryPath string) error {
	req := types.MoveDirectoryInGuest{
		This:             m.Reference(),
		Vm:               m.vm,
		Auth:             auth,
		SrcDirectoryPath: srcDirectoryPath,
		DstDirectoryPath: dstDirectoryPath,

	_, err := methods.MoveDirectoryInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err

func (m FileManager) MoveFile(ctx context.Context, auth types.BaseGuestAuthentication, srcFilePath string, dstFilePath string, overwrite bool) error {
	req := types.MoveFileInGuest{
		This:        m.Reference(),
		Vm:          m.vm,
		Auth:        auth,
		SrcFilePath: srcFilePath,
		DstFilePath: dstFilePath,
		Overwrite:   overwrite,

	_, err := methods.MoveFileInGuest(ctx, m.c, &req)
	return err