Blob Blame History Raw
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package vmdk

import (


var (
	ErrInvalidFormat = errors.New("vmdk: invalid format (must be streamOptimized)")

// info is used to inspect a vmdk and generate an ovf template
type info struct {
	Header struct {
		MagicNumber uint32
		Version     uint32
		Flags       uint32
		Capacity    uint64

	Capacity   uint64
	Size       int64
	Name       string
	ImportName string

// stat looks at the vmdk header to make sure the format is streamOptimized and
// extracts the disk capacity required to properly generate the ovf descriptor.
func stat(name string) (*info, error) {
	f, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(name))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var di info

	var buf bytes.Buffer

	_, err = io.CopyN(&buf, f, int64(binary.Size(di.Header)))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	fi, err := f.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = f.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = binary.Read(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &di.Header)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if di.Header.MagicNumber != 0x564d444b { // SPARSE_MAGICNUMBER
		return nil, ErrInvalidFormat

	if di.Header.Flags&(1<<16) == 0 { // SPARSEFLAG_COMPRESSED
		// Needs to be converted, for example:
		//   vmware-vdiskmanager -r src.vmdk -t 5 dst.vmdk
		//   qemu-img convert -O vmdk -o subformat=streamOptimized src.vmdk dst.vmdk
		return nil, ErrInvalidFormat

	di.Capacity = di.Header.Capacity * 512 // VMDK_SECTOR_SIZE
	di.Size = fi.Size()
	di.Name = filepath.Base(name)
	di.ImportName = strings.TrimSuffix(di.Name, ".vmdk")

	return &di, nil

// ovfenv is the minimal descriptor template required to import a vmdk
var ovfenv = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns=""
    <File ovf:href="{{ .Name }}" ovf:id="file1" ovf:size="{{ .Size }}"/>
    <Info>Virtual disk information</Info>
    <Disk ovf:capacity="{{ .Capacity }}" ovf:capacityAllocationUnits="byte" ovf:diskId="vmdisk1" ovf:fileRef="file1" ovf:format="" ovf:populatedSize="0"/>
  <VirtualSystem ovf:id="{{ .ImportName }}">
    <Info>A virtual machine</Info>
    <Name>{{ .ImportName }}</Name>
    <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="100" vmw:osType="other26xLinux64Guest">
      <Info>The kind of installed guest operating system</Info>
      <Info>Virtual hardware requirements</Info>
        <vssd:ElementName>Virtual Hardware Family</vssd:ElementName>
        <vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>{{ .ImportName }}</vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>
        <rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
        <rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
        <rasd:ElementName>1 virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
        <rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
        <rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
        <rasd:ElementName>1024MB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
        <rasd:ElementName>SCSI Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>
        <rasd:ElementName>Hard Disk 1</rasd:ElementName>
        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="backing.writeThrough" vmw:value="false"/>

// ovf returns an expanded descriptor template
func (di *info) ovf() (string, error) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer

	tmpl, err := template.New("ovf").Parse(ovfenv)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	err = tmpl.Execute(&buf, di)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return buf.String(), nil

// ImportParams contains the set of optional params to the Import function.
// Note that "optional" may depend on environment, such as ESX or vCenter.
type ImportParams struct {
	Path       string
	Logger     progress.Sinker
	Type       types.VirtualDiskType
	Force      bool
	Datacenter *object.Datacenter
	Pool       *object.ResourcePool
	Folder     *object.Folder
	Host       *object.HostSystem

// Import uploads a local vmdk file specified by name to the given datastore.
func Import(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client, name string, datastore *object.Datastore, p ImportParams) error {
	m := ovf.NewManager(c)
	fm := datastore.NewFileManager(p.Datacenter, p.Force)

	disk, err := stat(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var rename string

	p.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(p.Path, "/")
	if p.Path != "" {
		disk.ImportName = p.Path
		rename = path.Join(disk.ImportName, disk.Name)

	// "target" is the path that will be created by ImportVApp()
	// ImportVApp uses the same name for the VM and the disk.
	target := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.vmdk", disk.ImportName, disk.ImportName)

	if _, err = datastore.Stat(ctx, target); err == nil {
		if p.Force {
			// If we don't delete, the nfc upload adds a file name suffix
			if err = fm.Delete(ctx, target); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", os.ErrExist, datastore.Path(target))

	// If we need to rename at the end, check if the file exists early unless Force.
	if !p.Force && rename != "" {
		if _, err = datastore.Stat(ctx, rename); err == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", os.ErrExist, datastore.Path(rename))

	// Expand the ovf template
	descriptor, err := disk.ovf()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	pool := p.Pool     // TODO: use datastore to derive a default
	folder := p.Folder // TODO: use datacenter to derive a default

	kind := p.Type
	if kind == "" {
		kind = types.VirtualDiskTypeThin

	params := types.OvfCreateImportSpecParams{
		DiskProvisioning: string(kind),
		EntityName:       disk.ImportName,

	spec, err := m.CreateImportSpec(ctx, descriptor, pool, datastore, params)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if spec.Error != nil {
		return errors.New(spec.Error[0].LocalizedMessage)

	lease, err := pool.ImportVApp(ctx, spec.ImportSpec, folder, p.Host)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	info, err := lease.Wait(ctx, spec.FileItem)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	f, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(name))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	opts := soap.Upload{
		ContentLength: disk.Size,
		Progress:      p.Logger,

	u := lease.StartUpdater(ctx, info)
	defer u.Done()

	item := info.Items[0] // we only have 1 disk to upload

	err = lease.Upload(ctx, item, f, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = f.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = lease.Complete(ctx); err != nil {
		return err

	// ImportVApp created a VM, here we detach the vmdk, then delete the VM.
	vm := object.NewVirtualMachine(c, info.Entity)

	device, err := vm.Device(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	device = device.SelectByType((*types.VirtualDisk)(nil))

	err = vm.RemoveDevice(ctx, true, device...)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	task, err := vm.Destroy(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = task.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return err

	if rename == "" {
		return nil

	return fm.Move(ctx, target, rename)