Blob Blame History Raw
package distro

import (


// A Distro represents composer's notion of what a given distribution is.
type Distro interface {
	// Returns the name of the distro.
	Name() string

	// Returns the module platform id of the distro. This is used by DNF
	// for modularity support.
	ModulePlatformID() string

	// Returns a sorted list of the names of the architectures this distro
	// supports.
	ListArches() []string

	// Returns an object representing the given architecture as support
	// by this distro.
	GetArch(arch string) (Arch, error)

// An Arch represents a given distribution's support for a given architecture.
type Arch interface {
	// Returns the name of the architecture.
	Name() string

	// Returns a sorted list of the names of the image types this architecture
	// supports.
	ListImageTypes() []string

	// Returns an object representing a given image format for this architecture,
	// on this distro.
	GetImageType(imageType string) (ImageType, error)

	// Returns the parent distro
	Distro() Distro

// An ImageType represents a given distribution's support for a given Image Type
// for a given architecture.
type ImageType interface {
	// Returns the name of the image type.
	Name() string

	// Returns the parent architecture
	Arch() Arch

	// Returns the canonical filename for the image type.
	Filename() string

	// Retrns the MIME-type for the image type.
	MIMEType() string

	// Returns the default OSTree ref for the image type.
	OSTreeRef() string

	// Returns the proper image size for a given output format. If the input size
	// is 0 the default value for the format will be returned.
	Size(size uint64) uint64

	// Returns the sets of packages to include and exclude when building the image.
	// Indexed by a string label. How each set is labeled and used depends on the
	// image type.
	PackageSets(bp blueprint.Blueprint) map[string]rpmmd.PackageSet

	// Returns the names of the stages that will produce the build output.
	Exports() []string

	// Returns an osbuild manifest, containing the sources and pipeline necessary
	// to build an image, given output format with all packages and customizations
	// specified in the given blueprint. The packageSpecSets must be labelled in
	// the same way as the originating PackageSets.
	Manifest(b *blueprint.Customizations, options ImageOptions, repos []rpmmd.RepoConfig, packageSpecSets map[string][]rpmmd.PackageSpec, seed int64) (Manifest, error)

// The ImageOptions specify options for a specific image build
type ImageOptions struct {
	OSTree       OSTreeImageOptions
	Size         uint64
	Subscription *SubscriptionImageOptions

// The OSTreeImageOptions specify ostree-specific image options
type OSTreeImageOptions struct {
	Ref    string
	Parent string
	URL    string

// The SubscriptionImageOptions specify subscription-specific image options
// ServerUrl denotes the host to register the system with
// BaseUrl specifies the repository URL for DNF
type SubscriptionImageOptions struct {
	Organization  int
	ActivationKey string
	ServerUrl     string
	BaseUrl       string
	Insights      bool

// A Manifest is an opaque JSON object, which is a valid input to osbuild
type Manifest []byte

func (m Manifest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return json.RawMessage(m).MarshalJSON()

func (m *Manifest) UnmarshalJSON(payload []byte) error {
	var raw json.RawMessage
	err := (&raw).UnmarshalJSON(payload)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*m = Manifest(raw)
	return nil

type Registry struct {
	distros map[string]Distro

func NewRegistry(distros ...Distro) (*Registry, error) {
	reg := &Registry{
		distros: make(map[string]Distro),
	for _, distro := range distros {
		name := distro.Name()
		if _, exists := reg.distros[name]; exists {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewRegistry: passed two distros with the same name: %s", distro.Name())
		reg.distros[name] = distro
	return reg, nil

func (r *Registry) GetDistro(name string) Distro {
	distro, ok := r.distros[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil

	return distro

// List returns the names of all distros in a Registry, sorted alphabetically.
func (r *Registry) List() []string {
	list := []string{}
	for _, distro := range r.distros {
		list = append(list, distro.Name())
	return list

func (r *Registry) FromHost() (Distro, bool, bool, error) {
	name, beta, isStream, err := GetHostDistroName()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, false, err

	d := r.GetDistro(name)
	if d == nil {
		return nil, false, false, errors.New("unknown distro: " + name)

	return d, beta, isStream, nil

func GetHostDistroName() (string, bool, bool, error) {
	f, err := os.Open("/etc/os-release")
	if err != nil {
		return "", false, false, err
	defer f.Close()
	osrelease, err := readOSRelease(f)
	if err != nil {
		return "", false, false, err

	isStream := osrelease["NAME"] == "CentOS Stream"

	// NOTE: We only consider major releases up until rhel 8.4
	version := strings.Split(osrelease["VERSION_ID"], ".")
	name := osrelease["ID"] + "-" + version[0]
	if osrelease["ID"] == "rhel" && version[0] == "8" && version[1] >= "4" {
		name = name + version[1]

	// TODO: We should probably index these things by the full CPE
	beta := strings.Contains(osrelease["CPE_NAME"], "beta")
	return name, beta, isStream, nil

// GetRedHatRelease returns the content of /etc/redhat-release
// without the trailing new-line.
func GetRedHatRelease() (string, error) {
	raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/redhat-release")
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot read /etc/redhat-release: %v", err)

	//Remove the trailing new-line.
	redHatRelease := strings.TrimSpace(string(raw))

	return redHatRelease, nil

func readOSRelease(r io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {
	osrelease := make(map[string]string)
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
		if len(line) == 0 {

		parts := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return nil, errors.New("readOSRelease: invalid input")

		key := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
		value := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
		if value[0] == '"' {
			if len(value) < 2 || value[len(value)-1] != '"' {
				return nil, errors.New("readOSRelease: invalid input")
			value = value[1 : len(value)-1]

		osrelease[key] = value

	return osrelease, nil